So this game has a lot of bad going for it, but also some good.
The story is, I suppose, serviceable if somewhat ridiculous. As someone who enjoys a good breeder fetish story, I was hoping this would be an aspect of the game, but really it's sort of just mentioned that you need to impregnate three queens, and then that's about it honestly. Likewise the aspect of 'femdom' isn't really played out like most people who would enjoy that kink would hope for. It's more of a gender reversal than anything else from my experience. Feels like they kind of missed with the plot. Actually that's sort of how the whole game feels, just missed.
The drawings aren't bad, but they certainly aren't good, and are very sparingly used. The sex scenes look like they were done by a high school student who's still trying to find their own style and is blending a mish mash of other styles into something they haven't developed fully yet.
The game itself plays passably, offering you one or two choices at various points that lead down an uninspiring decision tree towards an ending, but not really giving any context to those choices, as your character is a somewhat uninteresting and uninspired main protagonist. Literally your character is chosen because a bunch of women said they'd fuck him. The end.
But annoyingly there's no config settings till you start the game, so get ready for high volume for at least one screen till you can access the config menu. Oh wait, you've muted the sound? Lets just go ahead and keep resetting that to max volume EVERY time you make a decision or the scene changes.
Kudos to the uploader for re-uploading this several times till he got a working version uploaded. But as for the game itself, it's solidly meh at best, with bugs that make it one to skip in my opinion.