RPGM - Completed - King Solomon's Ring [Final] [TwilightStorm]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    At it's best this game reminds me of a Heavy Metal movie, at it's worse it's more cringe than The Room. Regardless I found it entertaining, fun and engaging throughout. It's a solid 4.5 in my book. Even the faults have a charm of their own in a so bad that it becomes good kinda way.

    Basically MC goes on a crazy insane over the top heavy metal adventure featuring demons god angels death skeletons orks elves zombies werewolves succubi hell trolls portals boars caves many biblical locations etc etc etc. Every female immediately wants to fuck MC this is not a romance game it's definitely a porn game and very fapable once you get over the cringe dialogue and background sounds. The game will try to kill you with the wrong choices but it often autosaves before and you can skip through with escape. The story is fairly linear which didn't bother me because it was so entertaining.

    The animations are a little stiff, the graphics are not great, the combat can overstay it's welcome, the story and dialogue can be cringe like I said, but the game has so much charm and I can easily overlook these faults as I pushed through just to see the next turn in the story. There are also a ton of metal songs from the 80's that often play over scenes, I had a good laugh when I was fighting zombies while zombies by the cranberries was playing the background.

    I can tell the dev put a lot of love and effort into making this the best game they can make. However the ending is pretty disappointing as it feels like it was left in the middle of a scene. (imo it should have ended after MC was tripping on devil's weed). Regardless of the ending this game does feel complete in the sense that there is a good amount of content which took me a few sessions to complete. Also the extra sex after the end made up for it.

    I wrote this review primarily because I hope to encourage them to continue the story and I also hope others will try this diamond in the rough.

    Here are my 2 cent suggestions for the future:
    -Sex scenes are great but they can become a little too "formulaic" - oral -vaginal -anal almost every time. There are some better ones like ffm fmm threesomes a demonic orgy wedding as well as some interesting positions, I hope to see more debauchery like that in the future. The stiff awkward animations could be improved a little too.

    -The women you meet are varied, but the body types are pretty similar. There are a few human characters in the village which seem pretty "interchangeable". More variety not just for the sex scenes but also body types, faces, hair length and personalities would be great.

    -The over the top crazy story, cringe, the way they awkwardly walk into every room with a heavy metal music it awesome, we need more of that as it fits very well.

    -I loved the music choices but the way you repeat the same isolated 20 to 40 seconds of a track can get tiresome, especially for a long scene or combat sequence.

    -Combat was very fun because it was varied, different enemies and allied powers and scenarios means it didn't feel grindy, but in some cases it could get a little frustrating as the difficulty spikes. That said I didn't have to repeat a battle more then 2-3 times. Maybe it would be better if we could see enemy health.