RPGM - Abandoned - Kingdom of Lumeria [v1.2] [Leonelli]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Karl Speidel

    This is a review of ver 1.2 aka its test version,not even alpha since there is so lttle content at the moment,will be changed as content and time goes on.

    Combat: Its ok for a beginner but it doesnt have anything interesting,it needs something to make it interesting like quick time events or grapple mechanic (ToT for example)

    Very repetitive,divina is broken,can one shot you with 1 attack,lust attack can also,she doesnt do anything other than attack and try to oneshot,no potions,no tricks,no nothing.

    Skills for the player should be plenty like in ToT and obtainable though not just lvl up but dialogue,exploration,progression into the plot,maybe skills tied to items,maybe becoming submissive to them should reward you with skills,being dominant should do the same.

    A lust bar would be useful.

    Music: practically non existant at the moment,copy and paste

    Art: I've seen worst and in time i hope it gets better,for now its just good enough not to hurt the eye but not good enough to please.

    Exploration: Here you should pay attention,the map is too small for the first area,you arrive at port and next door is the witch? Seriously? It should be far and hard to reach as logic and lore of witches dictates,exploration also can't hurt.

    Its test version so its just 2 locations,hope you expand it,i personally like games that makes you like and rewards you for exploring,diving into lore and taking the time to understand your surroundings (Sierra Lee games for example)

    Also there should be non-dominas enemies to fight to gain exp,gold and items in addition to finding them by exploring,there shouldn't be so many forced loses just to gain items making you stuck and frustrated.

    Scenes: Ok for now but need improvment and diversification,ToT is again a good example.

    All in all i hope you finish it one day and it ends up a unique and fun game separate from ToT and similar games.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Staring Cat

    Small dev, high potential.
    Keep progressing ans give regular work and you will climb really high.
    While 3d models in RPGM are not my cup of tea, the models are so interesting that I don’t mind.
    Animation would make the game 100times better aswell.
    Here’s a deserved 5 stars to start the journey