Mar 26, 2022
The whole update felt like the dev was trying to minimize the affinity between MC and the rest of royal family as much as possible. That stupid sentence about how if it wasn't for the King he would have been left in an orphanage was like cherry on top xD Where did this even come from? His "father" and Arnord were with his mother when he was born.


Feb 23, 2022
Not really sure how you people got the idea of MC being adopted. Just because mc calls his father, "King", he suddenly becomes "adopted". Ever heard of being "Formal"? I was literally watching House of dragons the other day and saw Rhaenyra targaryen's children calling her queen, so did her children become adopted?
Just because the royals call their parents king/queen doesn't mean they are adopted, they are just being formal. And considering the king's personality in this game, it is clear that he is all about "duty". He cares more about his kingdom than his family. Henry himself refers to king as "King" sometimes, so does that make him adopted too? In the lunch scene, MC clearly says to the king that he wishes that sometimes the king should have behaved like his father than a king. And even in multiple events, mc and other characters have referred the king as mc's father.
As far as MC being a bastard is concerned, that is still the case. There's no way he is adopted, the game is very clear on that.
And what do you mean by "brutal removal of a main theme" lol? Atleast for me, the game never really depended just on incest, unlike an average game here, this one actually has an interesting story. And even the game itself never really focused much on that theme, aside from few minor scenes with Catherine.
I'll just list a few lines in this update to prove my point:

(Before that, like I've mentioned in my original post, the most significant change is that there isn't any mention of family names like father, aunt, and sister. This alone is already a huge red flag since the previous content has a lot of them)

1. When MC talks about Catherine and Jane: "If I play my cards right, perhaps I could even marry one of them someday. Or if I am lucky maybe even both of them!" This is indeed a weak argument, but still, there isn't any concern of incest in MC's mind in this line.
2. When MC talks about his father/The King: "The King might have been a dick to me, but if it wasn't for him, I would have been raised in some poor orphanage or worst-case scenario, dead." Mind you, in the previous content, The King clearly loved MC's mother the most, and if he was indeed the King's bastard son, why would this thought come into his mind?
3. When MC visited the unconscious King: "In fact, my return was prompted by concerns over the kingdom under Henry's rule. Don't worry, I am not here to usurp your son's throne. I am just here to guide him." This is for me the most alarming line that indicates the shift in tone. If MC were indeed the King's bastard son, why would he call his half-brother "your son" instead of simply Henry, especially when there's an obvious animosity between these two?
4. When Sir Arnold discusses Henry's obsession with land expansion, he says "Henry wants to become like William. He says the eastern expansion will be a gift to William, when he wakes. Henry believes William would be proud of him." Notice he no longer refers to the King as "your father" like he did in previous content. In case you forget, there is a scene in previous content where Sir Arnold warns the King not to have such a dangerous thought when the latter suspects MC not being his biological son, and defends the loyalty of MC's mother towards The King. As someone who strongly believes MC's kinship with the King, why wouldn't he call the King MC's father in this update?

I might be wrong and overthink this and the game might just stay incest, but still these lines create a lot of confusion that needs to be addressed. Also your claim about the game never really depends on incest is just wrong. The premise of the whole game is about how MC as a bastard son manages to get all the women (relatives or not) on his side and become the true king. Incest is the core element in this game, because without this the game is just the usual story of the common person ascending into the role of the destined hero/leader/king. Without incest, a lot of previous content wouldn't make sense, such as MC being an absolute playboy without a worry in the world. So when the new content displays a drop of familial affinity between MC and other parties concerned, people are bound to suspect the shift in tone.
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