RPGM - Kingdom of Subversion [v0.27.1] [Naughty Underworld]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed the demo. Art is good gameplay was easy enough to learn, just going to hope for some meaningful content updates that dont take an absurd amount of time. Nergal has done well in the past so im not too worried but you know how these things go with Patreon sometimes. Anyways as a beta its great give a try.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This review is updated from the 0.2 version.

    First off, love the art style of the characters in hentai scenes and in their 2-D art representation. They are a beauty to behold, especially their large breast. For example, love the design of Morati. She has such large breasts and huge ass that are a beauty to look at. You even go above and beyond and actually give her an interesting backstory.

    The geography of the world is okay. Definitely unique that will help it stick out from most other games on this website. Do have a few clipping errors where some rooms you enter, you enter outside the normal map. This happened once in one of the caves during the mission with Morati. And another in the kingdom (forgot the exact room).

    While during the first update, I hated the combat as it was hard to figure out. Yet in this next update, I have nothing but praise. The combat feels engaging and fair. If an attack hits you, it is your fault as the attack was clearly telegraphed. Your own attacks feel impact-full as you have to click/type the correct attack or risk losing time. Potions are great to heal up in a difficult part but are not given so often to where their is an endless supply. My only criticism with the combat now is it is just a bit to easy. I feel like the enemies attack is too slow and easy to click/type. Now, this is good for the tutorial and first few levels, but do hope later in the game, more challenging enemies are added.

    Enjoyed the story, partially how the Queen who gave you your power. She is the one you are even remotely a threat. And when she sent you on a mission with Morati, not only was she testing you in combat, she was also testing how your powers are manifesting. And not top of that, it was a way to punish a weak willed subordinate. She is greatly characterized as an intelligent for testing you, powerful as she can communicate with your mind, and creative for using lust to defeat her enemies instead of just brute force. Let's hope that lust ends up backfiring a little.

    My character still looks a little creepy smiling the whole time but this is still minor.

    One addition I would request is magical sealed doors to represent areas where the character cannot enter. Whether they are just not added yet or a character places a magical barrier to prevent you from sneaking around. This would feel a lot more immersive way instead of just trying to walk through a door and nothing happening.

    Also noticed how your character would sometimes walk backwards after combat. Not a big bug as you simply need to change direction but still a little distracting. I just had some trouble with the more technical aspects of the game. While I stand by with what I said in my review of the combat being much better. With both keyboard and mouse attacks that require a little skill. This felt a little to easy. I never once had to use a health potion. Also would notice some maps of the cave in the first level, you can see the limits of the map.

    Version 0.6 update

    Thanks for the update.

    Was a bit split on the different style of the map with the User Interface and map design all looking like a standard RGP. One on hand, this did make the game feel like it lost a unique design. On the other, this does allow the game to be much easier to play and explore. Your character also no longer has that creppy smile.

    Also REALLY enjoyed the combat. With melee, ranged, and magic all requiring different button presses to maximize damage. So the change from the previous system is still kept. Though just like the previous system, the fighting did get a little easy. I never really felt challenged. Also, would be nice if magic drained some of your magic so you have to prioritize how often you use your magic supply to your other attacks.

    Loved the sexy design of the characters. The holy knight dragon was really good. A bit naïve on this little one who just so happens to start sucking her breasts. Yet a motherly personality that looks past all these advances because she really does miss having children to take care of. She even saves your life from freezing in the mountains. She was actually the one I felt that was corrupted the least as I do not feel like her motherly personality changed at all and will still do the right thing. She just now has an active sex drived.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this demo, outside of the resolution bugs (which have been fixed in a patch that has not yet been uploaded as of the time of this review).

    The story as presented is very promising, the art is excellent, and the options of how you would corrupt people has lots of potential.

    Will be looking forward to more content.
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