EDIT: So everyone knows, I'm 100% sure"Scene" is in place of every time the word "Show" should be there because at some point, every image was shown using the 'show' command in Renpy instead of 'scene' so they used find and replace all. Little "behind the scenes" tidbit.
I'm just gonna start with the notes I took as I was reading this, honestly reading this gave me an actual headache so I just want to air my grievances. I'm sorry but this is just not a good reading experience and I think this is one to wear out your CTRL button.
The opening character naming and "skip intro?" section both have glaring typos, great start
"Queen thought me stuff like Latin, art, business and so on. I practically became the smartest kid in the world. I knew a lot of stuff even professors at college didn't know." Is a line VERBATIM (spelling error and all) from this joke of a story. If this doesn't scream middle school boy's fantasy, I don't know what does.
Right after this, MC says "I don't want to bother you too much, also it would probably spoil some stuff." But this is an intro lore dump MEANT TO TALK ABOUT THINGS UP TO THIS POINT.
MC brutally kills father and after he learns it's being settled out of court, knowing it will be in his favor, he acts tough saying "whatever the verdict I'll accept it." how brave...
I'm gonna try to not bring up every line that gives me a headache, because every line of dialog actually does give me a headache.
Every negative mention towards a woman MC white knight gets so mad because only he can say anything about women ever.
MC's parents divorced when he was young, then he was abused by his father throughout the rest of his life. He was put in the hospital once at an undetermined age and was taught to be stronger, more intimidating, and more attractive than god by some mysterious woman that calls herself Queen. He did "spec ops things" nothing is ever elaborated on but his one rule was "never kill" and the game opens just after MC kills his father in the most "I'm in middle school and I'm edgy" way. But the joke is everyone is already in love with MC, so they respect him for breaking the only rule he was ever given. Outside of his dad being abusive or whatever. Right after the "trial" MC gets rewarded with sex and the girl confesses how in love with him she is, because they'd gotten close on missions. Instead of showing any character or emotional development, it's all explained away in one or two lines so don't pretend you'll ever be attached to anyone for anything other than their looks. Moving on, MC gets picked up by General Kahn to ask "how did you slit your father's throat so well?" And it's at this point that the English takes a complete nosedive and all I can tell is that Kahn looked into MC's past with "powerful people," and found nothing, so he wanted to work with MC. To do... things? No proper nouns were used outside of him wanting to kill Queen, and for no reason at all MC had his ADHD moment and wanted to get in his safe. Why? I don't know, but there was a safe in the scene and it needed to be pointed out for whatever reason.
Eventually MC leaves that meeting to talk to Queen and is followed. Then, instead of making a subtle reference to the movie Taken, the writer decides to put "(Taken is a great movie hahahahah)" right after the terrible reference to the movie. Which he used to threaten the guy following him. And after meeting Queen all the death threats and serious stuff immediately take a backseat to Queen wanting to know when she can have sex with MC. It's also here where the writer puts in an emoticon face (

) which if you can't tell already I don't like the writing and this was yet another glaring issue. When they finally return to the Kahn issue, she says "Well, I'd let you do all that to me anyway, but because he said it I'm mad." Every character has to constantly interject with "You can do no wrong MC and I am your living sex receptacle, also I love you and will mortgage my house for you." And after all that MC goes to college too, but it started with "I practically became the smartest kid in the world" why go to college? And this all continues with lore dumps, new love interests that fall in love with one look, and the writer trying to make up some nonsensical problem for a Gary-Stu MC that is more immaculate than god.
This is one of the first times I actually couldn't get through all current content of a "game" before reviewing it. Grainy renders, default UI, terrible writing on top of bad english, characters are either in love with mc, a background character or another male which means they're evil. If I could continue reading this, this would just sound like me slamming it, so I'm stopping here.