VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - King's New Life [v0.6b.1] [KingoftheJungle]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Not a Terrible VN but def not the best.
    The plot is good but the writing at times seems like the fever dream of a child.
    If the writing was cleaned up a bunch it could be a great VN.
    The art is ok but the faces and animations are the biggest issues, the faces just always seem dead inside as they are always stiff and never show emotion. The animations are nice to have but they are very stiff as well.
    Feel like a prologue should be added to give a better idea of the MCs back story and the whole cant kill anyone plot should either be dropped or better explained early on because up until Johnny you wonder how can I be the worlds best Merc when I couldnt kill anyone... If anything it should be the MC can't kill outside of work or right at the start you you have a 10-20min prologue that explains the history with this father and his Merc history.
    I will follow this as I really did enjoy it for what it was but it deff needs some work.
  2. 2.00 star(s)



    clusterfuck is my one word description for this.

    there is a plot and it's not bad, just full of holes

    the art is not everyone's cup of tea but it does the job. at least it is not the seen-it-once-seen-it-all HS rubbish. artist has a real lack of perception awareness at times and has no clue that there is such a thing as a textbox in a VN at the bottom so shows you a naked pair of boobs at the bottom of the screen with nothing in the top half...
    animations are ok too, better than many i have seen here.

    the writing....oh where to start? taught is a blind word amongst others and not only does it need a spell checker very badly but also the writer jumps from one thing to another because they just lost interest, so the story jumps about leaving gaping such example was a tense moment when everyone went on red alert and then next click we are in class like nothing happened. couple that with the huge amount of times that the wrong person is speaking (one hilarious scene when mia is talking with aria and mia's mouth closes when she speaks and opens when aria does) or no one's name is highlighted, or the many MANY missing words, or the plethora of times the positive is used instead of the negative like can't instead of can, or just the general lack of fluidity to the story, the writing is the biggest issue.
    mind numbingly so. most of these errors would be solved by a simple spell check and the rest would be solved by typing the word into google and getting the dictionary meaning. clearly cannot be bothered.

    the MC has a harem but barely touches half of them and some already seem like forgotten entities while the writer introduces more and more. very much becoming one and done with each character.

    it needs work, like alot to become coherent, but as the errors highlighted are still from the very beginning, even though this has been developing for some time now, i am not holding my breath that it ever will be.
    quite forgettable
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    King's New Life [v0.6a]

    Game is actually pretty good.

    It definitely needs a good proofreader and the renders aren't that high-res, but apart from that?

    Chad MC that deeply cares for his girls.
    Story is interesting too.
    Incest and pregnancy.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    To be honest, this VN is not that bad..or at least not as bad as the reviews made it out to be. Yes, the renders are not that great but certainly not the worst on this site. The grammar/spelling can use some work but the dialogue still remains coherent enough for the reader to understand what is going on.

    From reading the other reviews, it seems the biggest issue people had was with the way the MC is written. He is a gorgeous gigachad, sigma brained white knight who will turn into a black knight just to steal your bitch and have her start working at a soup kitchen so she can improve herself and her community. He is W mans who acknowledges only 25 of the alphabets because he don't take any Ls. Basically, if you take the plot seriously after that hilarious intro, it is your fault for not recognizing satire and that's kinda cringe bro.

    Lastly and seriously, I want to acknowledge the effort the Dev has put into this. This is not a low effort project, you can tell Dev is really trying their best and you can see the improvements as the story progresses. I hope Dev does not get discouraged by the negativity and continues to write the story that they want to write. I'm here for it.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The only thing this VN has going for it is that the ladies are pretty.
    I can not for the life of me understand why the dev is hooked on using the word SCENE incorrectly in like 95% of the dialogue. Then during the end of VN they know when to use the word "showing" correctly.

    CONS(because there isn't really any PROS for this VN)
    Grainy renders

    Look, I understand that English isn't the first language for most people, but the translation in this VN is awful.
    "Let's scene him what we can do" is one of the countless times that the word SCENE is used in the writing instead of show.
    The plot is just horrible. Mind numbingly horrible. It reads as if it was just tossed into a translator app and the dev just ran with whatever came out.
    I came across this VN when it was first released. Then I forgot about it.

    Find a proof reader and go back and fix all of the writing problems in the story. Then figure out a way to fix all of the grainy sex scenes. If those things can't be fixed, scrap the whole project and start over.
    I don't think I can recommend this VN.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Rememberd to have played the game some time ago and picked it toaday to try again after a few updates...
    and damn now i knew again why i could not finish it just plain terrible.
    stupid story forced scenes everywhere even with walkthrough on and always choosing the bad choices so much scenes are just forced so i just skipped through the rest of the game but from what i saw it didnt get any better in later parts just plain garbage.
    the render quality while not good i could live with as long as the story is good but that was just not the case so even one star is too much.
    and even when a few chars are atractive most of them are not so when you have no choice to reject the ugly ones even the good ones cant save it. a clear case for the recycle bin.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    One of those enjoyably ludicrous uber-chad games featuring a young male who simultaneously has SAS skills, pots of money, irresistible sex appeal to every female within 50km, and some kind of team of mercenaries at his disposal, while still apparently being required to attend 'college' each day. This is also one of those games where a nondescript blonde college girl goes home to a mom and aunt who are demonstrably younger than her, and who dress like hookers, because, well, why not? Same girl has the immortal line, 'I miss granny. I can't wait for her to eat me out'. The only drawback compared to all the other uber-chad games out there is that it seems to run very slow (the game itself, I mean, not the plot).
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.5
    Average renders , decent looking female charecters and a story that doesn't make much of sense . And though the game is tagged with harem romance , there is no love romance brewing between Main charecter and female charecters . It almost feels like a random fuckfest with MC jumping from one female LI to another after having sex with them . Overall the game ls average to poor for now and for me it lacks from any real romance in it .
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Don't want to be harsh but this game is really bad.
    Animations are done very badly.
    The renders are of poor quality.
    The story is full of gaps.
    Only the variety of girls and the way they look are good in this game.
    The dev lied about certain content never being included in his game:cry:
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    juan palote

    In general, the game is great and has one big plus that many other games dont have, a Dev that listens to the community

    Right now, as in 0.5, there are a couple of issues that the Dev already said its fixing, mainly a high memory usage and one controversial scene, which i am sure are problems that will be fixed by this great Dev

    - A Harem game with an actual story
    - Good renders
    - The game has animations
    - Variety of characters (younger ones, MILFS, Asians, white, black, etc)

    - The game could use some proofreading, but honestly that is something most games in this site have and we all know it

    I hope the Dev doesnt drop this great game based on a recent controversial of a single scene that he already said will change
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I've enjoyed it so far, quite a bit, the MC is not your average creepo that can't wait to creep on his sister/mom/cousin/aunt while they are in the bathroom or changing, he's quite a dependable fella, a badass MC, who handles his shit.
    The story can be a bit complex, and lots of information is passed down fast, just take your time and read carefuly, there are a few hidden details in plain sight.
    I do enjoy the story quite a bit, it's not your average zero to hero or some other bullshit, it's straight up hero to superhero..
    The Lis all have their qualities, and I have not found one that isn't pleasing to the eyes, as for their personalities , I do enjoy them quite a lot.
    The pacing of the VN is quite fast, things will happen fast, there's not a lot of room for breathing :)))
    The story telling is pretty good, there are some times where the dialogue feels.. rough or a bit robotic but overall it's pretty good, can't really complain about that, just a few scenes that need a bit of tweaking and it's all good.
    The lewds are good, they were not the greatest in the beginning but with each update, the lewd scenes improve, so that's a really good thing.
    Other than that, don't really have too much to say, I won't mention or discuss a certain issue, since it won't be an issue starting next update so there's that.
    Good luck with your project dev.
    I'm keeping this one in my "play games".
    TLDR : it's a good game, I do recommend it.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    EDIT: So everyone knows, I'm 100% sure"Scene" is in place of every time the word "Show" should be there because at some point, every image was shown using the 'show' command in Renpy instead of 'scene' so they used find and replace all. Little "behind the scenes" tidbit.

    I'm just gonna start with the notes I took as I was reading this, honestly reading this gave me an actual headache so I just want to air my grievances. I'm sorry but this is just not a good reading experience and I think this is one to wear out your CTRL button.

    The opening character naming and "skip intro?" section both have glaring typos, great start
    "Queen thought me stuff like Latin, art, business and so on. I practically became the smartest kid in the world. I knew a lot of stuff even professors at college didn't know." Is a line VERBATIM (spelling error and all) from this joke of a story. If this doesn't scream middle school boy's fantasy, I don't know what does.
    Right after this, MC says "I don't want to bother you too much, also it would probably spoil some stuff." But this is an intro lore dump MEANT TO TALK ABOUT THINGS UP TO THIS POINT.
    MC brutally kills father and after he learns it's being settled out of court, knowing it will be in his favor, he acts tough saying "whatever the verdict I'll accept it." how brave...
    I'm gonna try to not bring up every line that gives me a headache, because every line of dialog actually does give me a headache.
    Every negative mention towards a woman MC white knight gets so mad because only he can say anything about women ever.

    MC's parents divorced when he was young, then he was abused by his father throughout the rest of his life. He was put in the hospital once at an undetermined age and was taught to be stronger, more intimidating, and more attractive than god by some mysterious woman that calls herself Queen. He did "spec ops things" nothing is ever elaborated on but his one rule was "never kill" and the game opens just after MC kills his father in the most "I'm in middle school and I'm edgy" way. But the joke is everyone is already in love with MC, so they respect him for breaking the only rule he was ever given. Outside of his dad being abusive or whatever. Right after the "trial" MC gets rewarded with sex and the girl confesses how in love with him she is, because they'd gotten close on missions. Instead of showing any character or emotional development, it's all explained away in one or two lines so don't pretend you'll ever be attached to anyone for anything other than their looks. Moving on, MC gets picked up by General Kahn to ask "how did you slit your father's throat so well?" And it's at this point that the English takes a complete nosedive and all I can tell is that Kahn looked into MC's past with "powerful people," and found nothing, so he wanted to work with MC. To do... things? No proper nouns were used outside of him wanting to kill Queen, and for no reason at all MC had his ADHD moment and wanted to get in his safe. Why? I don't know, but there was a safe in the scene and it needed to be pointed out for whatever reason.

    Eventually MC leaves that meeting to talk to Queen and is followed. Then, instead of making a subtle reference to the movie Taken, the writer decides to put "(Taken is a great movie hahahahah)" right after the terrible reference to the movie. Which he used to threaten the guy following him. And after meeting Queen all the death threats and serious stuff immediately take a backseat to Queen wanting to know when she can have sex with MC. It's also here where the writer puts in an emoticon face (o_O) which if you can't tell already I don't like the writing and this was yet another glaring issue. When they finally return to the Kahn issue, she says "Well, I'd let you do all that to me anyway, but because he said it I'm mad." Every character has to constantly interject with "You can do no wrong MC and I am your living sex receptacle, also I love you and will mortgage my house for you." And after all that MC goes to college too, but it started with "I practically became the smartest kid in the world" why go to college? And this all continues with lore dumps, new love interests that fall in love with one look, and the writer trying to make up some nonsensical problem for a Gary-Stu MC that is more immaculate than god.

    This is one of the first times I actually couldn't get through all current content of a "game" before reviewing it. Grainy renders, default UI, terrible writing on top of bad english, characters are either in love with mc, a background character or another male which means they're evil. If I could continue reading this, this would just sound like me slamming it, so I'm stopping here.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Lets go over the quality of different parts of this game:

    Script bad,
    English translations bad,
    Story bad,
    Renders bad,
    Women bad,
    Outfits bad,
    Choices bad,
    Optimization bad

    For the first time in a renpy game, the application slowed down and had a multi-second lag in clicks
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Visuals: Below average for 2022 standards...but its not bad.
    Girls: Majority of them are passable at best, just 2 of them that i would say that are actually attractive and pretty, but its a matter of taste and you can have an idea looking at the preview pictures.
    Story: Not that interest story imo, but its passable.
    The worst aspect of this game its the fact that the player cant even choose which LI he wants, in other words, this game contains a lot of unavoidable sex....its a deal breaker. You dont like a girl? Well... MC will bang her either way. I love harem games, but i want a harem with women of my choosing, not dev's choosing.
    Not a lot of choices either and the story is linear....this game could have a kinect novel tag.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4406778

    I liked the story and how everything is being set up, it's pretty much at the starting stages still but has a large amount of content

    Things I liked
    The mc knows he's good at what he does and barley second guesses himself
    The Li are all good looking
    All the characters have varied personality's
    You don't miss scenes and it's a little kinetic which is something I like, I hate harem VN's that make you miss a huge amount of content just to attain said harem
    It has a lot of future potential with a heap of different storyline plots to look into

    Things that I think need to be addressed by the Dev
    Pacing, so everything kind of happens instantly, women fall head over heels in love when first meeting the mc, I think the build up needs a longer period, although I understand why everything is moving so fast and it's because of the amount of characters being introduced to us, still pacing and build up need to happen over more time, one reason they feel the way they do may be because of the serum he was injected with but that's just a guess on my part

    The hoodies-ok, so, there's not much to say here, those hoodies, my god! Why! Lol, honestly wasn't to bad but damn they were big

    I think the Dev will get better over time as he matures with the writing, you can tell he's experimenting with animations in scenes and it's getting better and better and over time I can see this becoming one of the better harem VN's

    Last thing, definitely need to give players choice on what Li they want to persue as others have stated, if it's a main Li like Cassie or Anna then leave them as is but if they are a side character then maybe give the player choice, I go for all of them but I get what others have said

    Good luck Dev
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I like that game i just wish you had more say in it who you want to sleep with but story keeps me going i would gladly give 5 * if you could choose your side girls i understand it needs a core of girls but as i said you should be allowed to accept or decline side girls who not really have a influence on the story (i´m not sure) like the girl in the college library it feels like you play as a piece of meat but thats my personal option
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved the game very much, it managed to tear me away from real life with everything, its story arouses curiosity, the characters are thoughtful, so it's not copy paste, in short, the game is at the 1st place in my favorites. Thank you @KingoftheJungle009
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I think it's a great one. Love the fact that MC is super ripped, super rich, super smart and so on. Gives a funny element to it as well. Sometimes the characters get a bit confusing (so many bro) so the character gallery is a good idea. I'm liking the pace of development of this game so far. Not too fast but no slow burn either. The models are created nicely too. Good luck to you dev!
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    27/06/2022 (v0.4a)

    So I had to give this game a failing grade.
    Why, because it has not a kinetic tag but deserves one.

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    So in conclusion I feel the only choice you get is if you want to see a few more lude scenes. In my opinion, that's a kinetic novel and I don't play them.

    The story is not bad I give it 4 stars, but the fact I can't make choices and you don't say kinetic brings the score down.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a "fast paced" and some times ridiculous game. It is one of those that just go forward. I dont know where are the strong points, maybe one or 2 girls I found good looking, but the lewd scenes I found are way too default.
    I wouldn't recommend it over polished and grounded realistic-ish games cause not only the game is fast paced but the feeling the game development gives is also "fast paced" meaning quantity over quality. It has the things, but everything looks basic. Posing is basic, sex scenes are basic straight to the point.
    It needs more time in the oven, or more developers working on it.