Others - Completed - Klaroro-Abyss of the Soul [v1.0] [Ccryu]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I feel this game is close to greatness. I has great art, and (mostly) great gameplay! So what's the hang up? The problem is fappability(lol)

    The scenes are great, but they are in the middle of hectic boss fights and require full focus on the minigame, rather than the actual scene(not to mention one hand moving the arrow keys, and the other ready to dodge or jump as soon as the scene is over. The other issue is scene lengths, most games add voice acting or at least text to make the scenes longer, but this has none of that. What you're left with is a game that is fun and has good animations, without the core fundementals of what makes a good NSFW game.

    It's still worth a play due to how great the combat is and the good scene quality once you unlock the gallery and can actually get off, but holy shit does this game scream of missed potential.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Challenging but not frustrating. Animated with care, easily visible and surprisingly smooth. Highly recommended. The characters don't seem to have a background and it doesn't have exploration (which I expected from the tutorial), but the rewarding system is so fresh that it got me the very first minute. Can't wait for the next game from this developer!
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Kinda just beat it in less than 20 minutes. Not very hard. I liked the H-animations. Even the enema formula, scat one, but I really don't like mashing left-right during scenes. Below average/average boss fights.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Well, that was a pretty short boss rush, kind of barebones if you ask me.
    If you play 1.0 ver. coming from the 0.5 or 0.6, you are going to be heavily disappointed, because the only additional content is the final boss and the ending.

    Outside of the duration subject, the combat is fun and the animations are fantastic, it has the right amount of difficulty and the concept of hypnotizing to fuck the bosses in the middle of the fight appeal to me enough, I appreciate the generous amount of anal intercourse in addition to the boring and trite vaginal sex.
    I feel like the game could be better if the dev had been a little more ambitious so it wouldn't be so short. For example, putting additional 3-shot scenes for each character for defeating them with no-damage. And that they stay in the base with Klaroro (because you have enslaved them previously). But it is what it is and that's fine.

    For me, it's a 7/10.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Short platformer-style boss rush game. I was impressed by the quality of the pixel art animations and the music. Only complaint is that the game teases more platforming in the tutorial and then proceeds to just be a series of boss fights. Can't complain since the boss fights were fun and it's nice to play a complete game for a change, even if it's a short one.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    A short, bare-bones experience that isn't the greatest in quality.

    Klaroro is a boss-rush style game that contains seven fights, lasting not even an hour for most players. The controls feels very stiff and rough around the edges, but having the ability to rebind keys is a plus. Core gameplay revolves around dodging attacks and shooting the boss with a...hypnotizing phone (?) to stun them before doing lewd things to drain their health. A shitter hentai version of Cuphead, if you will.

    I'm sorry, but I need to say that MC shooting little hypnosis swirls out of a cell phone to make his opponents do the devil's tango with him is absolutely pathetic. Devs could have implemented hundreds of cooler things to be shooting at these chicks (love bullets, demonic spells, Johnny Bravo level flexing, etc.) yet they still went with the lamest option. Standard hentai protagonist #46,853 here will have zero bitches once his phone battery dies.

    Boss patterns are fine, although most devolve into dashing at the player or shooting DBZ-style lasers in a telegraphed pattern. Dealing damage is what really grinds my gears: After stunning your opponent, you need to mash the left and right keys back and forth to drain their health bars. Who in the everliving fuck thought it would be a good idea to do this? Nothing like a game forcing me to destroy my laptop and develop carpal tunnel so I can beat the fucking boss in a decent amount of time. And if you happen to die midway though the fight, sucks to be you because ya get to do it all over again. It blows my mind how game developers still put button mashing in their games even when players say how much they hate it time and time again. What the fuck were they thinking?

    H-scenes, while good and fluid with the pixel animation, are a mixed bag depending on what you like. Some scenes, like the one with with the fairy boss, are pretty awesome (given you've a thing for sizeplay). Other scenes, like those with whatever that gay furry thing is, make me want to claw my eyes out. Seriously, whoever tagged this game ought to have their kneecaps broken for not marking half the shit that's in here.

    Overall, Klaroro is nothing special. I sure as hell wouldn't pay for this on Steam with how short and annoying it is, but it's not as offensive as other h-games I've played on this site. Still can't say I'd recommend it to anyone.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The game has nice art and character design. That being said, it is kind of short as it is a boss rush, and the difficulty on the last bosses is based on poorly telegraphed special attacks. You'll get hit most of the time on your first try.
    I would have liked it to be able to talk to bosses or to win abilities based on the bosses you had defeated.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Detective Cancer

    Fun little boss rush game. For $6 I can't say I'm upset I bought it.

    The art is cute, the music is nice, the bosses are actually fun and interesting. No complaints, although the tileset they used is EXTREMELY SIMILAR to the Momodora Reverie tiles and you do have to fuck with it on Steam to get controllers to work. Still, it's simple enough that it doesn't matter.

    I hope they make more, platformers of any kind with sex mechanics beyond game over animations like Eroico are so rare.
    Likes: Arabi1
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Confused on how this is a full release? I was dead sure that this is still a demo, it feels empty sure it does have a nice combat with great boss designs but there is nothing else to see here, the porn part is very shallow, no build up, you just beat x boss then out of nowhere ur fucking them.

    greatly disappointed tbh as this had very good potential
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Not a fan of boss rush game. For what it is it works, but its too simple. If the dev ever decides to do a metroidvania in this style i would support it.

    Art is great, combat is decent for an h-game but too easy, aside from the final phase of the final boss that is complete bullshit.
    Not into the hypno stuff though. Especially not into the furry trap. I assume the dev was really desperate for support at that time lmao. If he ever decides to add it he should give the option to skip it.
    The bee girl too, that was disgusting.
    Likes: Arabi1
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this games. The combat is so fun BUT... The game is way too short. I finished it in 30 mins, and its kind of easy. Every boss but the last two were beaten in just one try. The last 2 toke me 2 tries couse of those bs last fase but it was really enjoyable, to the point that i could keep playing even when i had to fuck a futa... It is what it is.
    If people are having problems beating this, imagine sekiro...
    Likes: Arabi1
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very challenging game, the relief when you beat a boss is almost more of a reward than the actual reward. The characters are beautiful, the gameplay is fun and challenging, only downside i can think of is that there is not enough gameplay, completed too fast.
    Likes: Arabi1
  13. 3.00 star(s)

    Dragons fucker

    Simple short platform game. There's not much of a story, the playable content is just the bossfights and those too aren't really challenging. Probably the most challenging part was changing the key commands to make it playble for a human.

    The art at least is interesting, even if the gallery is unlockable only after finishing the whole game, with the con of it being of quite little content. 1 hour top to clear it
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Like 7 battles all very dull and uninspired with obvious tells and drawn out fights. Animations are way too short for how little there are. Would've been better if there were actual stages in between. Very forgettable, also saving doesnt work at least for me.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    fun platformer with quite challenging boss fight. it nails on making both the animation and gameplay interesting but outside of a one on one with 7 different bosses, there's nothing much of note

    more of a 3.5/5 for me, if you like to do some platforming action for 2 hours or so with good sex scene then this might be the game for you
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is alright, but the risk isn't worth the reward. I don't understand why the player must defeat every single boss to unlock gallery. Why not just let them see the gallery of the boss's they've already defeated? Also there needs to be more i-frames after sex scenes. When I spam left and right on the arrow keys, sometimes the game is still processing inputs when it throws you back in the fight and the character stupidly walks into the boss and takes damage.

    I also wish boss attacks could be interrupted. Sometimes I fill the hypnosis stun meter but since the boss is in the middle of a scripted attack, I have to keep dodging even though I should be able to beat them.

    Other than that, probably the best challenge a porn game could ever give me.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very smooth and feels good to play! The bosses are well designed, but the player himself lacks mechanics to make the game more interesting. Rolling is way too overpowered, and you'll have to rely on it for 90% of the game.

    Not somebody with a lot of experience in platformer gameplay, but I found the bosses to be rather easy to beat. I didn't lose against any bosses except for the Kraken.

    Art style and animation are high quality and very sexy, but certain scenes may, uh, turn you off.

    A few issues I ran into:
    The Kraken fight gets laggy at times, namely the high-intensity moments. It literally slow the entire game down.
    Being unable to replay the tutorial (without starting a new save) and change key options. Had to press the entire keyboard to figure out the healing key which I forgot about, turns out it was the ctrl key, lol.

    P.s.: Here's a tech: jump immediately after shooting the projectile to send out a second projectile. It's risky though, because you won't be able to roll midair. Kraken best girl.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    First release demo, great gameplay, super satisfying, I just hope that the bosses each have a few levels to reach with some story in the full release. It's great to see an action porn game where you aren't being raped every 20 seconds too.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best adult games I've ever played. I think current boss battles are fun, the art is incredible, mechanics of the game are simple and well explained on tutorial and replaying the game is also fun in my opinion.

    Things I'd like to see for next updates would be certainly :
    1. More bosses ;)
    2. Level up/progression system (increasing damage output for both player and bosses aswell as health points for both)
    3. Since sex scenes occur during battles, would be cool if they had some kind of Lovense integration.
    4. Easter eggs maybe?
    I think those extra improvements would make the make even more enjoyable than it already is.

    Amazing game so far. Keep it up
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Very great game

    Even with small amount of content, the game is fun and also great cg.

    The gameplay is good, not too easy nor too hard. Difficulty is in a level that everyone can beat after understanding the mechanic with some retries.

    Animations are great, very smooth movement.

    The game's still in the demo so there're no story in the game yet(or I didn't spot any story).

    Worth playing and very fappable (y)