Honestly great all around. The art is quality, the characters all feel like themselves, and the situation is ripe for great scenes.
The battle tournament format sets up for win/loss conditions where you can see Ryūko succeed or fail, and you'll probably want to do both. In the one battle currently in the game, there are three paths, each with their own scenes that are worth watching. The game is designed to let you replay after watching a losing match, so you won't even need to rely on quick saves to see all the content in a match.
The game already has a number of original characters introduced, with I assume quite a few more to come. This serves to flesh out the school clubs more than we see in the anime. Most of the new characters don't necessarily feel like Kill la Kill characters, but do have nice designs regardless and should be fun to meet. This first build ends with a branching path, implying potentially a lot of replay value.
The writing is funny without trying to beat you over the head with jokes, mostly using the built-in comedy from the source material to keep things naturally light and fun. The UI and sound design are all on-brand and feel right for a KLK game. I wouldn't have minded a bit more music than is currently present, and I assume the KLK OST isn't hard to come by for incidental music, but as it is there's music when it counts.
If the rest of the game continues on this path it'll be a truly fantastic experience.