RPGM - Completed - Knightess Rebecca - The Path of Loyalty [Final] [Heisendou]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    very good straight forward game with events, there are not many cg tho and those that are implemented are being use again and again, the game is betting much for writting and sadly i cannot read when translation is funky, game would get 5 from me if there was better translation
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Well is a heisendou game, so the art is great and the situations the MC is put in, are very hot in their own, Heisendou always deliver in that aspect. But the principal problem of this game is that is a plain corruption game.

    This game, fails in three important things, the NTR, the game is very linear and the corruption part. We have a prince that really don't care at all about the protagonist. the corruption is rushed, seriously need to slow down a bit, so no slow burn on this one either, goes from 0 to 100 in no time. Also, the game is pretty linear, there is not need to change equipement or planning an strategy and so.

    Milf Warrior Enma is still the best Heisendou game by far, totally recommended.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Well I took the trouble to play this game again (I was bored and had nothing to do hahaha) I have to say that the first time I played it I didn't like it very much and I rated it with a 4/10, but now after playing it again i give it a 7/10

    First I must say that I like the idea that a female knight, queen, princess, noblewoman, etc. little by little she becomes a whore, Heisen's art as always is very good, I really liked Rebecca's tomboy design and also the scenes are acceptable

    I think the weak point of this game is the lack of development of the protagonist, personally I would have liked her to put up a little more resistance or be more rude (as seen with the protagonist of other games, one-shots, dounjinshis, etc. .) and that it did not fall so quickly into the hands of the ruffians

    The story is also a bit weak, since it is typical of ruffians who join the group to take advantage of the protagonist. I think a good approach would have been for Rebecca to travel alone with the prince and during her journey through the cities towards the kingdom she would get involved with various perverts who try to take advantage of her and her innocence in terms of sex but without neglecting her pride as a knight and try to resist even if in the end she ends up succumbing to lust (it's a very cliché development too, but I think it would have improved the story a lot if this had been the approach

    Another bad thing is the content, anyone would expect that with a medium GB game there would be many scenes, a good combat system, a long story (normally Heisen games are short but this one lags behind the others) personally is a game with some MB that he doesn't deserve

    I don't think that the fact that the cg are very repetitive can be claimed, since in a single person doing all the work, both the programming in the rpgmaker and the drawings and also the designs of some sprites (I hope the best ones because I don't like the sprites I use and in general the default ones of the rpgmaker MZ/MV

    I really hope that his new game is a success for him, it goes back to a theme that made him known (NTR with Emma Milf Warrior) for now I really like the design of the protagonist. It only remains to wait for future updates and the end of the year for the game
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Teal Flower

    The art is nice, that's the main good thing. I can be fine with the reusing of assets from the other games just changing the face / outfit, variations of the same scene, but it's not really engaging even exploring to find scenes.
    It's very short (if you don't count the grind or directly cheat your way out), the combat is very basic with 1 skill per char that you'll spam, in fact you just fight enemies in corridors and kill the rest on touch, and you only grind gold to buy stat upgrades rather than equipment.

    To sum up: nice art but short and bad gameplay for a half GB game.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a Heisendou game, so if you played one before then you sort of played all of them. The game is pretty short, if you don't count grinding. Even with it, it's still shorter than Married Warrior Emma. Getting the H-scenes is pretty straight-forward with exclamation marks and circles on the map. The MTL is okay. The game is understandable, but the H-scenes do suffer a bit. It wouldn't be too much of an issue if the CGs were more varied.
    I would rate this higher if the game was properly translated. But like most Heisendou games it's decent. If you like thick female protags that become sluts, then try this out.