Ren'Py - Completed - Knightly Passions [v1.21] [FEYADA]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is amazing and the story is alright.
    Tha pacing is a bit off though. You will hardly see any action at first, but then every girls questline reaches the final stages and the scenes happen one after another. Which, imo is a bit much. All at once. I mean, 1 gal in the morning, onein the afternoon, one in the evening, then one at night, and when I go to sleep, another one jumps in. MC literally wakes up half dead the next day, and the cycle continues.
    The combat is great, however suffers from being too easy. Even on "hard"difficulty, once you get some armor or a weapon that is not a starter one, the fights become a breeze.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The developers, who are Russian, have done an outstanding job. The gameplay was engaging, the graphics were stunning, and the overall atmosphere was captivating.

    However, I would have appreciated a bit more intensity in the storyline. While the plot was well thought out, it could have been even more gripping. Nevertheless, the developers have poured their hearts into this game, and it shows. The attention to detail in the art and the overall design is commendable.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Loved the story btw. Art was really good. Game mechanics while not perfect was definitely solid and well implemented.
    There were some things I wish were a bit different, but all in all, this was very entertaining to go through.
    overall 4 out of 5 stars for me!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked the game, good art, good characters, and fun story. My biggest negative is that the story ends in a weird spot that feel a little unsatisfying. I assume there will be a sequel because of this and I will check it out as well.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm giving this game two stars solely for its promising start, if I were to rate my overall experience, it'd be a solid one star.

    The game kicks off with intrigue: mysteries, plots, mechanics, and, of course, attractive girls. But as the game progresses, the mechanics become dull and pointless, the girls a massive letdown, and the plot, while not terrible, is ruined by an unsatisfying cliffhanger.

    The biggest disappointment lies in the lewd aspect with the female characters. It's all extremely vanilla with no proper conclusion. Routes with the girls end abruptly, leaving players frustrated.
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    Adding to the annoyance are the repetitive quests that always follow the same pattern: talk to him, take that there, talk to the witch, bring that here, talk to the witch again, kill that, talk to the witch, talk to the witch, talk to the witch. The quests lack depth, although the writing occasionally shines through amidst the mundane hauling.

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    While some reviewers complained about grinding, I didn't experience that at all. I completed all the side quests, contracts, and never felt the need to grind for better gear. The game flows smoothly in the combat area, and once you grasp the combat mechanics and stock up on potions, it becomes quite easy.

    In summary, what initially seemed like a promising 4/5 star game, with its cooking, crafting, trading, hunting, leveling up, challenging puzzles, and finding cards, turned out to be hollow and unfinished. The variety of options felt shallow and lacked depth, much like the unsatisfactory sex scenes and the endings of character paths. The cliffhanger at the end only adds to the frustration. This game doesn't deserve the 3.5 stars it received. A remake is sorely needed.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Dont bother. The game has a great start, but its very clear that its NOT finished. The main story is all over the place, jumping from "your sister might be dead or worse" to "eh anyway heres someone who needs your help right now", the side stories are literally cut (you meet an elf, have a whole line of quests where you need to help her, where you get to know each other, only for her to be replaced with an early version scene where you dont even know each others names and just fuck), the minigames look like they were supposed to be updated later, with how simple and bad they are. all in all, was very promising but its another case of devs losing their passion i suppose
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Bit of a hard one to rate this, I really enjoyed it at first then just kind of got bored of it.

    The artwork is great, but has a real problem with character proportions randomly changing when in a sex scene, as in the character will have a completely different height and bust size in the sex scene compared to the regular sprite.

    The plot starts off well with a quest to find the mc’s sister but is then immediately side tracked by other random unrelated events as the mc seemingly forgets all about his sister and her potential mortal peril.

    Some scene’s can’t be unlocked unless you take specific routes, this is personal preference but it’s something I’m not a fan of.

    The combat seems to get ‘updated’ frequently but not much actually seems to change. And every update requires a new save, while they do provide the ability to start at the new content, old content is often updated or changed and there is know way of seeing that without a complete restart.

    I think the most egregious thing about this game is the fact it’s labeled complete. It is not It is far far from being complete, as I mentioned earlier the main quest to find the sister has barely even started, the only reason I can think of for the Devs saying it’s finished is so they can continue the game in a ‘sequel’ purely for the excuse to sell the same game twice.

    Oh and the game has been in development for 4 years but doesn’t nearly have the content you would expect for that amount of time.

    This game had some real potential and I really want to like it but the dev seems to be doing everything in their power to self sabotage. It's a real shame to see what has become of a game I use to really like.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The game mechanic is good, crafting, combat, and flow. It would stand by itself as a game without porn, The lewd parts are good, but there is a drop in the drawing on the animation.
    It seems that there are more to explore in this game, there are too many characters that just had 1 or 2 scenes.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Let me ask you somethings. If an artist says the sky is yellow despite it being blue, is it yellow? If a chef heats water to 40 degrees below boiling point but says it's boiling, is it boiling? If a game developer doesn't complete a game but says it's finished, is it complete? The answer to all three of these questions is no, with the latter applying to Knightly Passions.

    If I was someone who donated to these devs for the game's development, or perhaps even followed this game for the last 4 years of development, I'd be pissed and would probably hit this with a 1 star rating. Thankfully for me, I wasn't. The game is a genuine 3.5/5 but we can't give half stars so I'm giving it a 4 because it's overall enjoyable, but my God does the game have some issues. Listen, this game has 90 reviews and is sitting at a 4 star rating, it's worth playing if you dig the art from the previews. I'm going to use this review to point out my main detractors instead of positives, which I believe might be universally shared opinions. This review contains spoilers.

    tl;dr: This "completed" game feels like a prelude to an actual game. It feels like a free demo with the purpose of getting you hooked to buy the actual game, however it is the actual game. Everything in it feels like the beginning of something better, however nothing ever gets to that better part before it all abruptly ends. I was genuinely interested in the story and the characters. I was having fun with the honestly mediocre gameplay and minigames. I love the art style and point & click layout. So when I hit the credits scene as well as anytime I unlocked all of a girl's scenes I just felt confused, unsatisfied, and disappointed. Thinking to myself, "that's it?" Where's the rest of it?" It's called Knightly Passions, but I don't feel any of the passion.


    The problem is that you have a deck builder in which you can't actually build a deck. The quest system, the minigames, and the quick time events are all fun and the crafting actually serves a purpose, but since the core gameplay (the combat) is inherently flawed the gameplay itself takes a massive hit.

    The Main Story
    The main story is less important than the side stories. In no media should this ever be the case. You don't progress the main story at a reasonable rate with notable plot moments, aside from the beginning and end. The major side stories (I'd consider there to be three of them - the Elf, the Nuns, and the Wolf/Vampire) are great, but that doesn't excuse this issue. The main story is also framed in the lore as though it is time-crucial, but the pacing says otherwise. This is a story-heavy game, the main story needed to be executed well and it wasn't. The DLCs also have continuity issues, however I'm not too certain on if they're supposed to even be canon or not. For some reason in the Christmas one, the drunk is aware yet unconcerned that you're sheltering an elf (a major plot point in her storyline) and the Arms Trader knows the elf well enough to either agree to a threesome with her or get close enough to be captured by the elf and agree to a threesome. It's hot as hell and leads to what might possibly be the best h-scene in this game, but it's still random. In the Halloween one the townsfolk switch from acting like they just met you to acting like they've known you for months. It's confusing. All that aside, the most egregious issue with this game is that the story ends on a cliffhanger that was put in place in order to sell the promise of a sequel. Not only that, but the Elf and Nun side stories are also incomplete, with the Elf's cliffhanger feeding into the main story's cliffhanger and the Nun's being up in the air, hell it's practically forgotten. Right when you feel as though the main story is about to actually progress somewhere, it ends on a cliffhanger. My God, it's ridiculous. This doesn't feel like a full game, it feels like a prelude to the real game. You'll be 3 hours in and have gotten nowhere with the main story only for it to half-assed "conclude."

    Character Development
    This bothers me more than the main story issue, since the game is called Knightly Passions yet there is barely any passion. You develop these romantic and sexual storylines with these girls, but once that storyline is finished all romance dies. There's no miscellaneous romantic dialogue, only two girls have repeatable sex scenes, and for some girls their character story and sexual relationship ends before it really gets anywhere. For example, with the blonde nun you have six sexual encounters with her without any meaningful dialogue between the two of you. Then her story twist occurs, the two of you barely talk about it, then her story ends. The Halloween DLC, which focuses on her, doesn't even do anything to mend this issue. In fact, it kind of enhances it. Here's another example: the Maidservant is clearly head over heels with MC and you start building a budding relationship with her. Then, you randomly drunkingly rail her and there is no dialogue afterwards, it's as if it never occurred. Her story then ends right there. This isn't a dating sim, by you need to have some meaningful and permanent character development between MC and his harem and have it reflected in the game.

    There is no sex scene with the vampire. She plays a prominent role in the game, more so than some of the other girls, yet she has no sex scene or any exploration of her character. She has a title-screen still image, but that's it. The one DLC adds a still frame of her naked like a pin-up girl, but that's incredibly disappointing. There are hints at a story for her that would naturally lead to sex, but there is none. The Blonde Nun has one animated scene of her masturbating and then six "scenes" that are still frames (some good, some bad) and no meaningful dialogue. Until the DLC (which does not excuse the base-game issue), she is the only girl in the harem who does not have a proper animated sex scene (aside from the vampire). The Maidservant's and Governor's wife's scenes feel quite random, almost shoehorned in. The effort for their scenes could've been given to the Redhead Nun and Blonde Nun respectively, as the former lacks a proper amount of scenes for how long her story is and the latter lacks a proper animated sex scene (until the DLC). The Witch, who is the most important girl in the story, doesn't have a proper "normal" sex scene with MC. That feels wrong. Her scenes are great, but she lacks the most crucial scene of all. It doesn't help that the quality set by the Arms Dealer, Elf, and Black-haired Nun scenes (which are fantastic) sets the bar so high that all other girl's scenes are negatively impacted as a result.

    The Mermaid Issue
    The game confirms mermaids existing in the game via a quest, there are mermaids drawn on the map, there is a specific mermaid item for crafting, and there is an unused jpeg of a female mermaid. The dev straight up did not include any mermaids in the "complete" game but left all commentary towards mermaids in. It's misleading. If someone on a forum doesn't tell you they're absent, you'd spend a lot of time looking for them as the game clearly indicates they're a real thing that you can and should seek out.

    I want to say so much more, but I'm already saying a lot and this review has gone on for far too long. You get the picture.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Bob Bee

    Overall 4.5/5. A Sandbox VN that has a good story along with excellent art and relationship building. The catch? The game abruptly ends.

    Gameplay 2/5. Played on "tactical". An open world sandbox VN with card combat. The open world sand box feels like a chore and could have done without. The card combat is more about stats and equipment and less about strategy, interesting at first but gets old fast. Also there are quite a few basic mini games.

    Story 3.5/5. A "good" story, thrown in a fantasy world with lots of new things to discover, overall nothing great, nothing new, has usual plots and tropes, but interesting enough for me. There is 1 main overarching story with many sub stories that you must complete to progress the main story.

    Character 4/5. This is the strongest point of the game for me. Meeting different characters, learning about them, and building relationships with them was very pleasant for me. Relationships are built slowly with scenes ranging from mundane task to feats of heroism leading to a stronger connection and a more satisfying final scene. BUT, this is only happens with 1-2 characters, the other characters mostly had short "ok" stories, others abruptly end, heck, some didn't event start

    Art 5/5. Lots of well drawn scenes, the art style really appealed to me

    H Scenes 4/5. Most scenes take a long time to unlock, for me in was worth while, but others may not like it. Scenes are mostly vanilla, the artwork do make the scenes more satisfying.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: Combat is excellent considering that this is an indie game, and also a game with a focus its art and CG, with plentyful upgrades, and items, although it gets too easy later on, and this just tels your character snowball by getting all the card upgrades untill you can pretty much oneshot bosses, I would recommend to the dev to change how you aquire points so you only get a limited amount of points from each enemy.

    CG: it's extremely good. Artstyle looks good, and the animated scenes are almost all well done, there are some where you can recognize that they are older, or where the animation software does some wierd things but all in all good fap.

    Story: Great story, especially the stories of most of the NPC's I barelly found myself skipping. The story generally takes a lighthearted tone, but with a few jokes from time to time, but its got its dark, sad and emotional moments. but just a note, that as for the time of writing, despite the game being tagged as completed, the story isn't finished, and there are some characters missing scenes, (vimpire girl footjob and sister incest when?)

    All in all great game I would recommend it to anyone who likes VN's with more gameplay than reading text.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Played this game for the first time now.

    The art (incl. H-scenes), story, and gameplay I find amazing - haven't played something that fun for a while. Enjoyed the variety of minigames, pretty much simple UI, and entertaining battle system, when you start getting cards. The game can be pretty grindy, but after some quests, it becomes easy pie.

    Yeah, in comparison with other games, you can say it lacks H-scenes, but I found existing ones satisfying.

    What would I see as a big minus - it's 4 years of doing. seems that one can do that faster, but I like the end product, so don't mind it.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Four years of practically treading water. And now the prologue is finished. The game is not even half finished, but the final version is out.
    The only thing good about this novel is the artwork.
    And the music.
    The gameplay is made to drag out the not-so-eventful playthrough. Take away the gameplay and the game would lose nothing.
    The porn is standard and mediocre, happens almost suddenly and with some characters you can't even believe that such a fast pace is even possible. The writer just at some point just decided to *have to give content* or he'd lose subscribers.
    I didn't realize at first that it had been 4 years in the making. When I got through it I thought it was a year and a half of work, but here I was surprised when I saw 2019.
    Very mediocre novel.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Story 4/5
    Story is pretty decent, its nothing really new or anything but its an ok read and its well written.

    A small warning since its missing Femdom and Rape tag and yes it is the MC that gets raped at some point by a female femdom bitch where MC is tied to a chair. (I can see the tags are up now so thats good)

    As for the harem tag its just really not a harem, games like this really needs a new tag like fuckfest since girls arent with MC at any point other then when MC fucks them and once hes done that you pretty much dont see them again, even though MC gets hes own house only a single girl ever moves in with him, so yeah not even close to being a real harem game in any way.

    Main story where MC has to save hes sister is not really the main thing in this game, its more about helping the town and some other girls out to then fuck em all, it is a fuckfest and you dont have an option to say no to anyone, well except the evil spider girl i guess.
    I dont think ive ever rated a mindless fuckfest game so highly and i cant say why but for some reason i did enjoy this one.

    Also think of this as a pure kinetic novel, being a sandbox dosent change that face since you cant skip quest or change anything story related.

    Girls 4/5
    They look great and its very nice custom art which is really refreshing to see, there is a bit of diversity but it is mostly aimed for big tits fetish, but it does have two i belive with small tits so there is atleast atleast something for everyones taste.

    Animations 5/5
    Like i said great art and custom animations where most of them look damn good, really high quality if you ask me.

    Music 4/5
    Even though it is pretty standard it does suit the game and it changes as well so it dosent bet boring.

    Choices 0/5
    I cant even give this a single point since there really isent any choices what so ever doing the game, you cant say no to fucking anyone and theres only a sinlge choice that could matter and thats to kill or not to kill a girl late game, so think of this as a kinetic novel.

    Sandbox 4/5
    Whats to say, its easy to get around in the game, theres no real grind and even gold was never any real issue in my playthrough, it has a card game which is alright and some RPG aspect where improving armor/weapon will improve your cards value, so all in all its pretty well made.

    And just a warning that it has no real ending to the game, which always sucks ass
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  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I think the bad reviews are just spam from other devs or something. This game is brilliant:

    -Good story
    -Fun gameplay (not too easy, not to grindy), and even integrated cheats.
    -Huge variety of characters both girls you can fuck, to actual NPCs you end up liking like the old man, the bro at the tavern, the little kid that wants to become a hunter and his elderly mother that you very much respect, etc
    -The art is SUPERB, the scenes are really well animated, they are smooth, sexy and have nothing negative to say about it.
    -Plenty of content. They say that 34 scenes are few, but it is quality over quantity. Also, they are really well distributed along the game and you don't wait too much to see the first one.

    The only thing that I can say here is the cliffhanger at the end.

  16. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty good, the progression, characters, story, art, combat, writing, etc. are all well done and pretty fun if you are into this stuff.

    Why 1 star? This is a porn game, and it's "completed", but the amount of porn is pitiful. 34 scenes in total for 9 girls, on top of that out of 26 scenes I've unlocked right now (after hours in game) 2 are not sex scenes (1st abbot scene, maid rescue scene) and 4 don't involve the MC (peeping/masturbation), on top of that for two girls finishing their quests just unlock a scene selector where you can play 4 scenes each (they are decent, but come on).
    One girl has just 7 "dream" sex scenes and that's it.
    Another girl has just a single sex scene.
    Another two girls has 2 scenes each.

    None of the girls that you can have sex scenes with are some random NPCs, for all of them you have to go through a not short and sometimes lenghty quest line, for 2 scenes.

    Hell, the maid (redhead) has a single sex scene and a single picture in the rescue "scene".

    As a game I would rate it 4/5, as porn it's 1/5 for how little content there is and how long it takes to get to it.
    For the amount of content vs gameplay to feel good there would have to be 3x more content here.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Don't waste your money in this game even if it says it's completed it's isn't by any means, a lot of the girls are left on the side with barely any content , the story is average at best and inconsistent and rushed at worst , the gameplay is grindy and tedious , the combat is very basic and getting new powers just worsens you ability to fight you don't have a way to edit what cards you want to use and what cards you don't want to use , the art is varied from bad to above average in the scenes ,I bought this game and it was a waste of time and money
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Main plot is boring but competent, but overall the story is horribly unfocused where 90% of the game is a bunch of horrendously boring side-quests.
    The gameplay is compromised of three parts:
    1. Generic sandbox where you jump between locations seeking the next trigger
    2. QTEs and mini-games that come out of the left field and are really annoying.
    3. A really boring and slow card-based combat scene.
    The difficulty of the combat is terribly overtuned and if you don't cheat yourself money to get the slightly better gear, you'd die from old age before you get anywhere grinding mats to sell. New cards are random rewards from certain quests and only a couple are actually useful, to upgrade the skills you will find some random ??? shrine that you spend some unknown points to upgrade them. Why? No idea, never mentioned or explained.
    Art is above average, but the game art and h-scenes art differ wildly, there are at least 3 artist doing the sex scenes and only one of them is actually good.
    And don't expect a satisfying resolution, the game ends on a terrible cliffhanger.
    Overall, I wish I didn't play this. Guess all the 5 star are from people with no standards
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    It was ok. Any game that does their own custom art is automatically a plus, along with some good animations to make it even better, it's just a shame they were limited to only the sex scenes, as it suffers from the same as almost all other VN's, there's only so many character sprites often with only minor changes to them.

    The main plot kinda takes a back seat to you going around and helping everyone else with your problems, kinda reminiscent of the Witcher (in also the MC appearance), but as a good guy who genuinely wants to help. The game kinda ends aburbtly and alludes to a sequel of some sort but it doesn't feel earnt. They could have kept going and adding more to it if they wanted to as it was primed for it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Pomf Oniichan

    Gotta love a good story and hand drawn art.
    Also a sucker for card battles, and this one is done fairly well.
    The mini games can vary in terms of difficulty from braindead easy to frustrating, so that may be a turn off for some folks here.
    Looking forward to the next game!