VN - Others - Completed - Koukaku no Ai : Senzai Ishiki e no Mesubuta Kokuin [Final] [Black Lilith]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    version final

    the overly top violence makes me give +1 cuz it's unique but it's just a terrible porn game. usually 1cg of sex and a huge wall of text describing it. furthermore it's censored. heavily. plus from all the violence you cannot even fap to it imo unless you are really into these extreme punishment scenarios. tbh it deserves 1/5 because even the text language is bad but art is nice, and it's relatively unique in this day and age of maximum political correctness where you have to call your slave "madam" or things like that. so at least it has something going for it.
    Likes: mc247
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    It wasn't really good sadly.

    The story is pretty predictable and sacriefice isn't that interesting.

    The characters are meh.

    Ai is good enough.

    Yukira was obvious as a villain and just boring.

    Mai had more potential with her normal side coming out but it wasn't really used well.

    Miwako had too little screentime.

    Trainer X is a trash main villain he is so one-note and doesn't even have a sprite, you can see his face a little in one of the Sex scenes but that isn't enough.

    Sasaki could have been written out.

    And Fumaki was also wasted as a character, he could have been interesting with his hate against Trainer X and his backstory with his lover but sadly he wasn't.

    The sex scenes are also too long and even worse forgetable because a lot just look and feel the same.

    I still had fun but I was dissapointed.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    So it's a Black Lilith nukage. Essentially what that means for the uninitiated is a) the plot will involve a strong warrior woman getting raped a lot b) the art will be of professional quality c) the content will be fairly hardcore. See: Taimanin Asagi/Yukikaze, Diviner Night Towako, Witch of Steel Annarose, Cara the Blood Lord, Prison Battleship, etc. etc. etc.

    This game more or less follows the 'formula' to a t, as such it's hard to review the same in such a way as to say how it is better or worse than the usual BL fare, since if you like any of their games, chances are you'll enjoy this one.

    My own general thoughts are, Pros;
    • Captain Kol is a great artist, better than Kagami, but prob. not as good as the artist on Taimanin Yukikaze.
    • The game is quite long compared to many other nukage of this type.
    • If you like bondage,slavery and hypnosis as kinks, this game is full of these.
    On the downside... Cons;
    • Lots of 'bathroom' stuff. Some people will love this, but it's turn off for me (and most others).
    • While the game is long, it's still shorter than say, Tamanin Asagi 3.
    • The 'remodeled your subconscious into that of a slut' magic is kindof lame in these sort of games. I much prefer it when the corruption of the heroine is gradual, and to some extent, consensual. Diviner Knight Towoko was better for this, as was Taimanin Yukikaze.
    In conclusion - this game is more or less the 'middle of the pack' of the BL titles. Far from my favorite, but by no means the worst either. The biggest disappointment is how in many ways it just feels like a worse version of DK Towoko (captain Kol's other BL game that's been translated). 3/5 is the score.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Top of the line when it comes to VN, EMPRESS & Black lillith run supreme. You won't find any other game like this unless you've played previous titles of black lilith just give it a go and enjoy the experience.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Requires japanese locale. I used to use the local emulator that's mentioned in some sticky somewhere on these forums, but for some reason, since I switched PC's and reinstalled it - it just doesn't work. So I had to restart pc in that locale which is annoying to say the least.

    I'm saying the above because it is quite literally the only negative this game has, and the review might sound biased otherwise.

    That being said, this review is biased. Black Lilith is the peak of degenerate weeb porn games. Ofc, there are other amazing studios like Empress, Clockup. But BL is always, always on point. Consistent and amazing. It's a tragedy that so few of their games have been translated.

    If you know what Black Lilith is, then this game offers no surprises. It is full of the same disgusting, fucked up, nightmare inducing shit you've been desperately looking for.

    If you don't know what Black Lilith is, think of Euphoria. That's mainstream enough, right? If not, think of torture, pain and pleasure - but generally bad things. Now ask yourself: Do you enjoy the pain of others?
    • Yes? Get this game ASAP
    • No? Avoid the aforementioned studios at all cost. And for the love of all that is holy, avoid Maggot baits.
    I wish there were more games like this. I'm completely willing to put my money where my mouth is on this front.