RPGM - Completed - Kunoichi Botan [Enokippu]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    While it is short and it's art not the best, the game has one of the most engaging gameplay compared to most H-Games. The combat is good enough and has no grind. You can also end fight in one hit if you hit enemy from behind since you are a Kunoichi. There is clothing system but it is limited. There is H-Combat in which you control the actions of the MC which may lead to gameover. The H-Combat is fun and make sense in context of the story.
    I've played the game multiple times now and I still haven't seen a similar game in which the gameplay is done so well, so if anyone knows please hook me up.

    If you enjoy gameplay in your H-Games and not just pretty art, try this game you will not be disappointed.
    One of my favorites on this site. 5/5
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Kunoichi Botan is a mixed bag. Because of its short length (<2 hours), it is inevitably going to be a limited game. Despite that, it offers a different gameplay mechanic to the usual exploring and combat that is prevalent in lazy HRPGM games. However, a lack of content, mechanics and variety of scenes let the game down somewhat.

    First things first, the method of exploration and combat is great. It's unique because its far beneficial for you to avoid enemies rather than blunder ponderously into everyone and spam Z to win. Of course, the setting is perfect for such a mechanic. You're a weak shinobi who is skilled at assassinations but doesn't really do head-on fights. So you sneak around, trying to avoid enemies and slitting their throats from behind. However, when you do get caught, you don't have the usual RPGM combat system. Instead, you're greeted by a DnD-esque roll of the dice where quick reflexes and some prescience about when the dice is going to show what number helps. You can breeze through combat. I found it refreshing to not have to fight a million enemies and the lack of a leveling system didn't seem like a drawback at all. Some enemies simply capture you and you have to strategize your escape lest they molest the protagonist. Good timing is key for a lot of the gameplay elements.

    My biggest pet peeve with games of the H variety is that a lot of them are lose to view scenes. I hate games that incentivize losing. I would much rather prefer if battles were harder and I lost because of a lack of skill rather than having to throw fights. Kunoichi Botan just tiptoes this line, forcing in some mandatory H-ness into the equation and sometimes making sure that ill-preparedness will result in getting fucked. So it's adequate enough. The game's main source of titillation apart from the scenes is the character art on the side of the screen which accompanies you everywhere in a couple of states of undress. I felt they could have done a lot more with this particular mechanic, some enemies might have stolen some of your garments, you could have had more states of undress. See what I mean about limited? The CG is mostly exciting but my second biggest annoyance with the genre is the use of translucent men. And this game makes sure to annoy me thoroughly there. Barring a couple of scenes, most of them feature our translucent, grew, shadowy villains.

    All in all, a tolerable game that is quick and easy and also somewhat exciting. I'm happy about the use of the wooden horse which doesn't see enough representation in the industry. Mixing it with puzzles was exciting. However, I felt the game never took full advantage of its novel combat and exploration idea, nor the clothing damage and capture mechanics. Fun. But limited.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    i like the story and the option to choose what to do in every action. the best rpgm i've ever played for the last 4 years i've been into rpgm. And i also like the main character, she got many expression and i like the art style too. Must at least try this game!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    On its merits, the game is good. But is not for everyone.

    First, the art is superb, complete censor-free, and rich in details, especially on the inside shots of her bagina, and even has animated scenes. Her clothes change with arousal and get skimpier with combat, later you can even play fully naked and adjust the clothes to your own preference., she gets sweaty and wet when horny and can even squirt or pee while in CGs. But dicks and male characters are all partial visible black shadows.
    I did skip all the supposed gore/ryona scenes this game has so I can't say in behalf of any of this content.

    Second, it's short but has a lot of content for its length, I took less than 3 hours and I took my time, explored, read all the text, and repeated a lot of scenes for the sake of "gamer over only" stuff. I also played on the easiest option. But keep in mind that the GALLERY post-end is complete with all the possible scenarios, battle simulations, and facial/clothing galore, including the ones you missed.

    Gameplay-wise it's simple and streamlined, there is a very fun stealth mechanic, it's simple but is a fresh air in the sea of turn-based RPGM games. The combat itself is turn-based but has minigames to keep it fresh, you can't level up, and fighting enemies rewards nothing. but there are sex combat encounters with specific enemies.

    The game does suffer from pretty much all the scenes being "fail states" (game overs), but this actually is in line with the game overall, because;

    ALL THE SCENES ARE RAPE (minus a single one where she can be rape in a fail state or blackmailed into fucking the guy before battling, this is the closest to consent the game have), includes torture of some kind, the heroine gets beaten, punched, pinched, murdered, beheaded, wooden-horsed, humiliated and just get into it when is beyond the point of no return, she is also a masochist. Also the game forces too much "men are superior, and women are inferior" that just feels the writer has gay tendencies and hates women.
    I'd say this game is pretty much an ESSENTIAL INCELCORE EXPERIENCE, if you hate women, go for it.

    I got into the game for the art and for the gameplay but the fetishes itself is just not my cup of tea, the game is so much against the heroine enjoying herself that even if her "Pleasure meter" is high outside battle, she can't even masturbate herself, only using drugs lower it. She can only get pleasure when someone is breaking her. But I can't judge the quality of this game based on my personal preferences, the game accomplishes what tries to do, for its short length has even complex set pieces that never keep the pacing stale but I would be ok with some grinding just to make it longer, the only actual bad stuff is that the only way to get to see scenes is losing on purpose feels like padding and unrewarding for a porn game.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I wanted to kind of vent my thoughts a little bit so i'll try and make this brief.
    Objectively the game is well made, the DnD mechanics were interesting and the plot while basic was enough to keep me wanting to play until the end.
    However this game embodies so many of my pet peeves when it comes to hentai games.
    1. The game like to hammer home how weak you are as a woman(Which admittedly changes 3/4ths through the game after an event that levels the playing field) and for the record i'm only saying that that the game imo is WAY too hamfisted about it. I get it I'm playing a rookie kunoichi put in a situation way out of her league, you don't need to beat me over the head with it.
    2. This is one of those games that unless you screw up on purpose the entire experience is gonna feel....lacking. Yes you can unlock everything after you beat it, but that doesn't really change that to get the most fufilling experience through the run, you're almost encouraged to throw fights.
    3. The overly dismal setting, i get that it comes with the territory for games like this, but for me a sense of hopelessness is a real boner killer, if that's not a problem for you then go for it.
    4.How indecisive the girls are, it's obvious they are into sexy stuff and being dominated and i really would have liked it if they weren't so wishy washy about it.

    All in all if you're into Excessive rape, Heavy humiliation play, Domination and don't mind losing on purpose, this might be a fun ride for you. But if you're not into any of those and by that i mean all 4 of these being the vast majority of the games content, then i can't in good conscious recommend this to you which is a shame because the art is really good.

    What i can say is that if you have any doubts about playing "Girl in the Red Slave Collar" which is made by the same people. Play this first and see if it jives with you as they share many of the same themes.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This might be the most well paced H-game ever. This is my first ever H-game but I have since dove head on into this hole of anime debauchery, and I still haven't found a game with as great flow as Botan here. The scene are great, not having to grind is wonderful and the Half-Oni encounters are a treat.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Kunoichi Botan is really really good. Enokippu has once again delivered another quality game worthy of praise.
    Fair warning though, this game is 90% rape, snuff and ryona.
    The good:
    +Art is amazing
    +Some scenes are animated
    +Gameplay is decent, not a boring slog but not super easy either.
    +Sex scenes buildup are pretty good
    +Linear gameplay
    +Mini-games are well thought-out (the half-oni restraint one is amazing)
    +The gallery is rich and well design for viewing the scenes (a rarity honestly)
    The not so good:
    -Not much content with the side characters
    -Game may be short for some people (about 1.5 hours)
    -Linear gameplay, not much exploration if you like that kinda thing
    Enokippu deserves more recognition.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good story, the gameplay is fun and a nice mix of classic rpgm and D&D mechanics. The stat and combat systems are very simple so it's easy to understand and get into but there is still a bit of thinking required on the player's part so it's not boring. The H-scenes show the female POV and are very focused on maledom. The game is kinda short but I believe it's kept short intentionally in order to avoid getting boring and repetitive.
    You will still get a couple hours out of it if you enjoy the scenes and read all the dialogue or you can speed run through it in less than 20 minutes.
    If you are interested in any of the game's fetishes and don't mind rpgm games too much you will enjoy this.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    this game is good, story is linear but interesting, gameplay are fun, the characters are cute and charming, many good CG Art and not having a annoying censored (for Non-Steam version). but the Music are generic, Skill set have only 2, No lesbian Sex all Sex with Men except only 1 Sex scene with Insect, And only have 1 Normal ending
    If your like it buy the game to support the Dev
  10. 5.00 star(s)



    +Very nice art for a RPGM game, up there with Makina but bellow Meltys Quest. 4/5
    +Story is even if linear is the best linear story I've ever seen. 5/5
    +Scenes are quite good and doesn't need an endless grind to see it, as they come with the story as you play. 5/5
    +Gameplay is beyond excellent, its a mix off what I call a Hack and Slash in 2d and there is an optional Turn-Based RPGM combat but it is not a classic one. Must say I wish more games had this style of combat, it could make you play for just the combat. 6/5( I did not miss wrote that)

    -There is a potential in the side characters that has not been unleashed, as there could have been a Lesbian or even a Futa/Corruption path between the Main and the side character, missed opportunity in my opinion.

    Overall its what I would call a A+ plus game( ranks being E, D, C, B, A, S, SS)
    It has an decent lenght it took me about 4 hours to finish it, casually. Should have been longer but its good as it is. Sex is very good maybe could have been kinkier but thats just me. Reccomend it for everyone to play just keep in mind that combat systems is not of the norm and it can take some time to get use to it as it is based on reflexes rather than Intellect thats prone in most RPGM games. The score for the game is 4.5/5
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Red Ciel

    • Enokippu art is great!
    • The in-combat scenes are highly interactive and nice
    • The plot is interesting and has a lot of characters
    • The combat is very different from RPGM default and is interesting
    • A bit too linear, no exploration at all involved.