Unreal Engine - Lashes Of The Sea [v0.1 Prototype] [Lashes Of The Sea]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Literally nothing. The devs think they were smart and funny for making this low effort "April fools joke", but all they did was earn themselves bad reviews. Oh yeah, it's also the same devs as Slaves or Rome, but they have a separate Patreon to double dip on your money lmao.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Half a gig download for the dumbest April Fool's "joke" ever? Don't bother downloading this bull attempt at humor. All it has is a promo video and a parrot that repeats one line. ("game development takes time")
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    You can click on the parrot and that's all you can do in this poor excuse for an ad pretending to be funny under the guise of April Fool's joke. Waste of time and - for me - immediate addition to the list of ignored games. Or "games" in this case.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    ok so this whole shit is just an april fools video eh? and not even a funny one. for this i'm betting even if / when the game comes out in full, many people will still rate 1 stars just to spite on the developers, including myself. f...k this shit, don't even bother to download.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.1 Prototype

    Not a game but an ad for a game in development. If it were a game I could give it a review but it is in fact not a game. It is just a video of the game being developed and no gameplay. Do you get it yet? It is not a game just an ad.