G'day N2TheFire
Ok first off i am a really big fan of Serenity, you have done a wonderful job on it.
i found it really cute where you had virtual novel games being played on the MC's p.c. and then had Melody come into the game from the start of her game.
as well as the other girl, i have her game, but haven't played it yet.
not sure what game the nurse comes from hehe.
as for anyone complaining about Serenity all being about magic or whatever.
there is a old saying that some big name Science Fiction Authors like to use.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
This is a saying created by Arthur C. Clarke, he was a scientist as well as a Very Famous Science Fiction writer, if you haven't read any of his book's then you really should.
Now as for Last Human.
I am also loving this new game, yes it is only episode one so far, but dam i am really enjoying it.
I found it strange that the earth got destroyed, instead of blowing out the side or turning into a fiery Hell world when the moon crashed into it, but hey it was different, let's hope no more Neko went through a wormhole as it was blowing up.
As for the Nanobot's, i didn't find it strange that they were not spoken about after the ship left the Sol System,
i was hoping they were onboard the Aurora to help with any future repairs and upgrades as was thinking that the MC should offer some to the Neko Queen to help rebuild the Neko Space Station with some big Defence upgrades on it, maybe over some Pillow talk he could talk about a Babylon 6 Space Station ? where are the Rangers when you need them hehe.
Hmm, Pet's and Harem's, does that mean the Neko Girls on his Ship are all the MC's Pet's to ?
because a owner can also have many pet's.
As for mapping the Pantherian system, i did find this a little strange, but one it would be a good test mission for the new crew member's as well as making sure the enemy of the Neko haven't created to many more problems else where in the system.
Anyway as i said i am loving both of your games.
and for any haters out there, before you go giving a game Developer a hard time and complaining about there game, why don't you go and try making your own game and try and make something better then there's.
If you can, wonderful, great job, better for everyone.
And if you can't, well there's a another old saying.
Those who can't do, teach.
Ok first off i am a really big fan of Serenity, you have done a wonderful job on it.
i found it really cute where you had virtual novel games being played on the MC's p.c. and then had Melody come into the game from the start of her game.
as well as the other girl, i have her game, but haven't played it yet.
not sure what game the nurse comes from hehe.
as for anyone complaining about Serenity all being about magic or whatever.
there is a old saying that some big name Science Fiction Authors like to use.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
This is a saying created by Arthur C. Clarke, he was a scientist as well as a Very Famous Science Fiction writer, if you haven't read any of his book's then you really should.
Now as for Last Human.
I am also loving this new game, yes it is only episode one so far, but dam i am really enjoying it.
I found it strange that the earth got destroyed, instead of blowing out the side or turning into a fiery Hell world when the moon crashed into it, but hey it was different, let's hope no more Neko went through a wormhole as it was blowing up.
As for the Nanobot's, i didn't find it strange that they were not spoken about after the ship left the Sol System,
i was hoping they were onboard the Aurora to help with any future repairs and upgrades as was thinking that the MC should offer some to the Neko Queen to help rebuild the Neko Space Station with some big Defence upgrades on it, maybe over some Pillow talk he could talk about a Babylon 6 Space Station ? where are the Rangers when you need them hehe.
Hmm, Pet's and Harem's, does that mean the Neko Girls on his Ship are all the MC's Pet's to ?
because a owner can also have many pet's.
As for mapping the Pantherian system, i did find this a little strange, but one it would be a good test mission for the new crew member's as well as making sure the enemy of the Neko haven't created to many more problems else where in the system.
Anyway as i said i am loving both of your games.
and for any haters out there, before you go giving a game Developer a hard time and complaining about there game, why don't you go and try making your own game and try and make something better then there's.
If you can, wonderful, great job, better for everyone.
And if you can't, well there's a another old saying.
Those who can't do, teach.