VN - Ren'Py - Last Human [v0.7] [N2TheFire]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    G'day N2TheFire

    Ok first off i am a really big fan of Serenity, you have done a wonderful job on it.
    i found it really cute where you had virtual novel games being played on the MC's p.c. and then had Melody come into the game from the start of her game.
    as well as the other girl, i have her game, but haven't played it yet.
    not sure what game the nurse comes from hehe.

    as for anyone complaining about Serenity all being about magic or whatever.
    there is a old saying that some big name Science Fiction Authors like to use.
    “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

    This is a saying created by Arthur C. Clarke, he was a scientist as well as a Very Famous Science Fiction writer, if you haven't read any of his book's then you really should.

    Now as for Last Human.
    I am also loving this new game, yes it is only episode one so far, but dam i am really enjoying it.
    I found it strange that the earth got destroyed, instead of blowing out the side or turning into a fiery Hell world when the moon crashed into it, but hey it was different, let's hope no more Neko went through a wormhole as it was blowing up.

    As for the Nanobot's, i didn't find it strange that they were not spoken about after the ship left the Sol System,
    i was hoping they were onboard the Aurora to help with any future repairs and upgrades as was thinking that the MC should offer some to the Neko Queen to help rebuild the Neko Space Station with some big Defence upgrades on it, maybe over some Pillow talk he could talk about a Babylon 6 Space Station ? where are the Rangers when you need them hehe.
    Hmm, Pet's and Harem's, does that mean the Neko Girls on his Ship are all the MC's Pet's to ?
    because a owner can also have many pet's.
    As for mapping the Pantherian system, i did find this a little strange, but one it would be a good test mission for the new crew member's as well as making sure the enemy of the Neko haven't created to many more problems else where in the system.

    Anyway as i said i am loving both of your games.
    and for any haters out there, before you go giving a game Developer a hard time and complaining about there game, why don't you go and try making your own game and try and make something better then there's.
    If you can, wonderful, great job, better for everyone.
    And if you can't, well there's a another old saying.
    Those who can't do, teach.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Genuinely a good start. The pacing was good, till we got on the rocket but that's not that immersion killing that I'd take points off for it. It just wasn't really explained how close in approximation to the other planets we were lol. Or how fast the ship was going, so I assume it was left a gray area for that exact reason. Not meant to be 1:1 scale set in reality to our world. Since this does appear to be taking place in the same universe as Serenity. The renders were clean, the story and characters are awesome and there wasn't nearly as much life threatening action as in Serenity, so it was a good casual slowburn which I enjoyed. The music was great and really shaped the atmosphere as well, and the characters are all quirky and funny and endearing in their own ways as well. Overall there wasn't anything I could complain about so 5 stars.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    2024-08-22 just got caught up on chapters 3 and 4. It's still bad. The characters lack charm, the story lacks stakes. Overall just a very cringe experience.

    If you like the dev's other game, Serenity, you'll like this one. If you don't like Serenity, this still may be worth checking out, but still has all the same issues Serenity has.

    The Good Stuff:
    • Gorgeous HS2 catgirls that like to cuddle naked in bed
    • Beautifully rendered environments that don't look sparse, or copy pasted from other games. Everything in the frame seems to belong there.
    • Creative, interesting story concepts.
    The Bad Stuff:
    • No lewds or animations as of 0.3
    • For a game that explicitly calls itself a story first and not just a sex game, the story isn't very good.
    • Game is presented as a sci-fi adventure but it really just wants to be a lighthearted slice-of-life with infantile characters.
    • The MC is a massive gary stu, everyone falls in love with him immediately. He also has indestructible bones and super strength. This wouldn't be such a huge problem on its own but...
    • Every character is so smart and so strong at what they do, that every time the author throws up a roadblock or threat, instead of maintaining any kind of tension, that issue is instead quickly resolved by our heroes very quickly. This is a huge problem in Serenity as well. As a result the narrative has to move quickly to the next big threat, which is just a quickly defeated. So the story both feels rushed and as if it has no stakes. New characters that start off antagonistic are on team-MC within a few scenes. By episode 2 even the queen of the catgirls is demurely cooing over the MC and saying "yes dear" to his every suggestion about how to run things.
    • Even Mean Cat, who is Very Mean to the MC at the beginning but shows a softer side, basically confesses to the MC by the end of the update, firmly extinguishing anything interesting in the character or the relationship.
    • N2 has a tendency to tell you the personalities of the characters instead of show them to you. There's a Mean Cat who is rude and condescending, theres a Nice Cat who is bubbly and complimentary at all times, and after each interaction the MC reflects on the interaction and comments on how they are they way they are. There is also a Nympho Cat who we meet briefly at the end of the episode. How do we know she is Nympho Cat? The other characters told us this explicitly, even before we meet her. In the following scene she says some nympho stuff, and later is seen without pants on. But this wouldn't have been sufficient for the reader to get it I guess, so the author has to TELL us first so we aren't surprised. As a result it feels like the author doesn't trust the audience to figure out the relatively simple story or its two-dimensional characters.
    • The dev is splitting his time between this game and another game, so don't hold your breath on this game developing rapidly unless Serenity gets shelved.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 stars the game is amazing. Its not one of those games where you straight up meet and fuck its one of those games that really cares about the story and I love it! It could also have something to do with Serenity in the future. Cant wait for it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    review 0.3

    Just WHOW.
    Basicially i don't like VN games with no choice to make. But this one is different.
    The story is cuffing and the scenes and renders are absolutely fucking awesome.
    As the story is set up for harem, and we all know that harem means "make choices to get them all", there is not really a need of making choices at all.
    Even if there would be choices, player would end in doing exact the same as the story is written.
    So - no harm done.
    I even more like the science fiction setup. A tiny downside is the fact, that the girls are all nekos (which is a good thing for some over here), i personally rather would have them like real girls though.
    Overall the story is such a huge positive point, that i still stick to full 5 stars.

    For all those, who complain about missing choices - remember that 95% of all players do the same choices anyways to get all girls. So adding choices and paths which aren't played at all, will just slow down the development, and there will be ressources wasted in the end (in this game at least). So i appreciate the devs decision to focus his ressources soley on one story arc, and leaving out unnecessary sidepaths which will lead to nothing new overall.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    First Release 0.3:

    ok first i like to say that i normally like the games N2TheFire makes and it is a good start of course but too early to say more.

    the only thing that i do not like about his games that it is a Kinetic Novel with no choices,and that is one of the few things i don´t like in this kind of games.

    it is some boring klicking through the pictures and reading the text with no choices to make to give you an "surprise" effekt when making a choice.

    to have an Kinetic novel to get to me storywise it must be a very very good one and for now i do not see it getting to me.
    For now only 3 stars from me maybe it will change later.

    so the rest is what you can expect from N2TheFire.
    I like Serenity but it could be better if it werent more or less a kinetic novel,and i hope it will not be the same with Last Human.
    The Last thing i Want to say here is that the Most important thing for me is the Storytelling,the rest is not so important.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent start for a new game! The art is really well done, especially the space renders. The animation was very good. I enjoyed seeing some familiar faces from Serenity. The pacing was good for an intro, but some scenes could have been longer, introducing us to more of the world. Overall, this was fun and I look forward to the next chapter!