Unity - Completed - Last Island [v.r18 Dec 13] [Fox Muffler]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    [v.r18 Dec13] The game has beautiful design and music but has performance issues. Had to literally tone down every graphic settings to play it without too many lags (and my computer can handle high ends). Also, this game has no story and side quests. You just spawn in a village with no tutorial or anything. Some NPCs float in the air sometimes as well as some enemies glitch on the floor. Lots of invisible walls and swimming is tedious (hopefully there's a fast travel). Combat system is bare bones. Melee combat is boring but spells have some nice visual effects. The H-scenes or "h-scene" (because i have only seen one so far) are a bit unrealistic (you have to see it to judge). Not the worst game i've seen and definitely have a lot of potential. I'm just glad this isn't a completed game. Come on Devs, you can do it!
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I have never seen a more ugly buggy mess of a game in my entire life.

    Lets see....
    - The game doesnt save your settings. Ever. You go to the Graphics Settings (Picture Quality settings), change stuff, and your settings will be lost when you start a new game. Maybe they are saved when you save your in-game progress, but I didnt manage to save the game because it crashed.

    - It stutters like crazy. My framerate hovered between 28 to 38 FPS, and thats with the GPU usage being as low as 18%. It wasnt a CPU issue either, as my CPU usage was around 40-50% (not very low, but still not very high either). The game basically is horribly optimized and wont run well on modern hardware.

    - The graphics are abysmal. Not old outdated graphics per se, just very very poorly executed. For example, take a basic HDR-like effect, and crack it up to 9999, and you've got this horribly ugly blinding white effect that inexplicably was perfectly acceptable to the developer. I cannot understand why they thought this makes for a good visual experience.
    The rest of the graphics are poor, with glitchy shadows flickering on and off on rocks and walls, shadows being at a very basic level even when set to High, etc. Base textures are semi-decent however, and the Unity version that was used in the making of the game wasnt particularly outdated. Just terrible execution and implementation by the developer.

    - Game is glitchy as hell. In the beginning of the game, there's a cutscene where a frog-like creature summons a big-ass golem to fight you. I thought "Oh crap, he's going to kill me, I have no weapons and this little girl character has to fight the big golem with her bare fists!"
    I braced myself only to see the golem fall through the floor and die somewhere below the map.
    I thought "Ok, thats taken care of then, thanks game!".
    After that, you proceed to find out you cant go anywhere else, because your path is blocked and you cant get through the small opening in the rocks to get inside the village. Apparently, as others have commented, you can actually glitch-climb on the rocks surrounding the village, to get inside, even though you're not supposed to be able to do that.

    - Its even more glitchy and even broken! After getting a sword, I tried to kill an NPC, which run away from me and tried to pass through a house wall after he opened the door but didnt bother to get out by the door. The NPC continuously tried to run through the wall, but of course the wall prevented him from passing. I swang my sword countless times, spamming attacks for a good 2 minutes or so, after which the NPC died, and then the game immediately crashed as the NPC's body went through the wall. This particular crash isnt random, it can be reproduced pretty much every time. Basically the game is broken.

    - Gameplay is extremely basic, and you feel like you're playing some tech demo at best, and some "game" that someone made in a single afternoon using Unity at worst. You can attack, block, and run, and thats pretty much it. There is no targetting. Your character just spams attacks, and enemies only have to run 2 feet from you to avoid them. It felt like trying to catch smoke with my bare hands.
    For some strange reason, accessing the inventory requires you to use keyboard buttons and not a mouse at all, even though you have to equip weapons and gear that you loot, and this is done only with specific keys that you cannot configure/remap btw. At the same time, there's a Right-click like context menu, with "Use", "Drop", "Destroy" for items, but that menu isnt accessed with a mouse button, but with a keyboard button ONLY!!!
    This is just madness.

    - There's no story in this game. Literally, nothing. I dont know what else to say.

    Pros: Literally none. Sorry.

    Conclusion: I wouldnt pay $0.01 for this game, it just doesnt offer anything, and barely even works.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    this game feel like i'm playing a beta or shit demo. boss fall out of the map. no map or where to go. i hope the maker of this game fixes the bug for the boss because i think the first is link to the second one because i never saw the sea monster the towns people talk about.