RPGM - Completed - Latex Dungeon Remake [v1.5.5] [zxc]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Great art with a terrible game to showcase it. Get a gallery unlock and save your time.

    Clearly not the focus of this title. Apart from the H Art everything is standard RPGMaker assets. Fighting isn't fun and you'll have to do a lot of it.
    A lot of minor things that are common in similar games are just really jank in this one. Like showing your character's portrait without hidinig important parts of the map. Here enemies are constantly hiding behind your fat ass. Also the portrait has a delay for some reason?

    Phenomenal art. Everything has themes of latex and tentacles obviously.
    The battle H is only 3 scenes that get a new skin in every new area. Huge miss here. Turned them off at some point.
    You can corrupt all kinds of NPCs. It's just kinda pointless. You can turn one nun into some kind of omega cock monster and the sister standing next to her won't give a fuck.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4471764

    Love this game, I replay the corruption route all the time. Hope more tentacle games will follow a similar formula where losing and getting caught by the tentacles doesn't result in a game over. Instead you can choose to side with the tentacle menace and help spread the corruption even more, it's brilliant! Not to mention the futa is incredible. :sneaky:

    It may not be everyone's cup of tea but I'll drink this tea by the gallons, don't knock it until you try it yourself! ~
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    the art is good. lots of enemies, but battlefuck is mostly the same per area. animations are usually nice.

    but imo the plot is so nonsensical it's really really hard to get into it.you cant really immerse yourself into it, you will always treat it as a "game". which might be fine in a normal game, but in porn game the immersion is better imo.

    for example you can corrupt the nuns in the church or field... and nobody-bats-an-eye... they are literally filled with purple clothes and a huge dick that is bigger than their whole upper body yet the knights just casually walk by without doing/saying anything. it's really really immersion breaking. if you try to corrupt the knight they will fight you so at least there are some interaction but basically you can corrupt the whole church one by one... for no reason whatsoever... literally none.

    the grind is big as well. a lot of enemies, early on until you level up enough, fights are long. in new areas as well. later you can 1-2shot enemies but then again, too many.

    some battlefuck scenes are hot, there is a gallery so you can test out everything, but imo it doesn't deserve more than "average" rating but doesn't deserve less either due to the very nice art.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    epic fetish content,this game got me into latex kink, great art,great costumes loved the sandbox elements of the game...good for a long gameplay session,great for short jerk off sessions. One of the best elements of this game is the lose to win element makes the game far more enjoyable
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    overall 7/10
    gameplay 3/10
    art 10/10

    It was fun the first time I played it a long time ago. But after revisiting it, It's still plagued by overall poor game design.

    It's strongest plus is of course the art. While there's a huge variety of enemy art sprites, That's about it - you see it once and it's kinda no different from viewing it in a twitter post or an image dump. I think the game would have benefited hugely from a STORY (lotta H games are great for the context that the sexy happens in).

    But it's very self aware of its grindy gameplay. Whole game serves as a massive image dump for the author's art with very loose plot details connecting any of it. You can literally engage 'easy mode' and blast straight thru the game. So honestly, because this is the first ever latex themed game, I am biased towards it. 7/10 hope to see more
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Combat and gameplay is not the best. It tends to become repetitive very quickly, incentivizing avoidance. The artwork, corruption scenes, and monster designs are well done and interesting, although I'd be lying if I said it was all sexually appealing to me. Still, I'm sure it's grade A fetish fuel for some folks.

    I'll admit to not having played the most recent update, but I played this probably one or two updates ago. Just take what I'm saying with a grain of salt; the developer may have changed things since.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I loved the game and the idea of it.... But I would like if there no combat because it's boring doingthe same thing over and over... Or make it better in other and make it more simple where to go or to do next because I got no idea sometimes... The art is good and I hope there will be route when the Mc fall real deep in darkness and monsters corruption her mind bit by bit that will be real cool
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Art is "good". Why just "good"? Well it is very over the top, insertions into places where insertions are usualy not done, belly as big as a moon. That kinda stuff. If that is no issue for you, its very well drawn, save a few weird scenes here and there.

    Gameplay is very atrocious though. Back when I downloaded the game, losing didnt matter that much, but now you have to get pregnant and get rid of that first, which, oh my god, takes forever, since nearly all scenes need you to lose.

    Oh yah combat. Getting corrupted by a boss (the fun part) is good, but it also sets your HP to 1. ONE. You instaloose unless you use the very-conveniently-placed-"kill-enemy"-command.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    The art is really good, and that's it. The game is extremely buggy, and I mean that with no exaggeration. Characters get stuck and you won't be able to interact with them and have to load a previous save, the combat is extremely poor and the health and lust system does not make any sense, and my biggest gripe with this game is the sex (hentai). As always in these games in order to see any sex scenes you have to lose, and by losing you will lose the game have to start over, then why did you put the sex in this game to begin with?

    Overall don't waste your time with this game.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Thanks for changing this game and giving us a better version. Here are my thoughts.

    First off, the sexy drawings inside of combat and outside of combat are all a joy to watch. It is so fun to see all the unique transformations Raven will have to her with different enemies and other NPC's. My favorite are the transformations you can do to the healers to give their cream the healing juice.

    Though this does have a double edge sword as it does feel really confusing on how each transformation works with each other character. For example, I fully transformed Raven on the Latex transformation, grew a giant dick, yet could not use it to masterbate into the tea cup back at the church. Their are other little things that also made it harder to keep track. Like how when you went to a new area, the game needed a little time to load your current transformation.

    The combat defiantly has been improved in this latest version. With the different parts of a latex enemy actually playing a role in combat.

    Honestly, this game can really be something when all the different transformation paths are all worked out. As it stands now, its a little hard to keep track of all the different paths/transformations you can make.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the weirdest games i've ever played. I've never seen such grotesque and disgusting abominations since i've played Bloodborne and Lost in Vivo. A game like this would shock and disgust any normal person.

    My dick's never been this hard before, loved it. 10/10 take my money right now i want more.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a definite improvement over the original. Stats are well balance making the combat less frustrating and the new art is fantastic. Only the first "level" is available at the moment but it holds promise.