One would think that, with as many games, and as many years that those games have been worked on, that ZXC would have figured out how to make games. And that isn't a complaint of design, like maps being too big, or quests being obtuse (though those are often also present). This is a complaint of pure baseline development. Event flags and progression are, as always, so broken its almost laughable. Mind-blowing, really. I've seen 8-year-olds get ahold of RPGM and make systems more complex and stable then what ZXC manages.
That aside, the art is still good on a technical level (though I wish ZXC would stop with the animations, they look horrible), and the transformation/corruption themes are as good as ever, if you're into that kinda stuff. It is certainly carrying their whole career at this point, because their talent at game design sure isn't.