VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Law of Attraction [S1 Ep. 1-6] [Cherrylicious Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Law of attraction [S1 Ep 1-6]

    Enjoyed this one so far. Nice renders and pretty girls. Enjoyed the plot too. Girls got unique personalities that's a plus for me. Good pacing and writing too. Belle is gorgeous so her mom too sexy milf. Loved the chemistry between Belle and Mc. Can't wait to have more interactions with her. Finally Mc got the chance to put his ex in her place that was hot hoping to see more scenes like that in future

    + Pretty girls with unique personalities
    + Story
    + Writing
    + VN with simple freeroam elements

    Overall i loved this one. Keep up the good work dev looking forward to next updates
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of S1 Ep. 1-6 A very good 4 stars. I haven't seen this one before but gave it a go, rather happy I did.

    Graphics - very good, nice models, very nice scenes
    Plot/Grammer - extremely well written, clear, good english, easy read and kept me engaged (and I do tend to bore easily).
    Errors - none

    So young guy, not a chad, nor a ass, and not a beta kinda a SUITS kinda intro into a law firm, and a bunch of hot co-workers, strippers, prostitutes, business ladies, divorcees, next door neighbors etc.

    The Dev isn't cowering to the I don't want to fuck the dirty hooker crowd or the need to be the only male having sex on my screen types by putting possible hookers, sluts, cheaters as possible LI's or Secondary LIs - there is a relationship screen in the MOD that you can see - I was actually disappointed in that, as some of the ladies you meet (specifically the MILFs) didn't show up as LIs, I was sad. The older ladies never get the happy ending with the young MC.

    A refreshing and new scenario and lots of models that seem rather fresh.

    Well put together, hope the updates don't take years, I look forward to more of this, and if it seems to have some good advancement and faster updates I might even support it.

    Keep it up dev, and remember non typical LIs having happy endings are interesting and fun. Thanks for making something that isn't your typical cookie cutter harem game.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, mostly slice of life but has a general aim of where its going. Setting is a fresh twist of most AVNs. Writing is also solid, there are some spelling mistakes but not many.

    There are too many characters though, there is a good amount of content for how long this has been out (2 years) but for most of the characters there is not much there because there is a dozen of them.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    • Well written characters, each of the women feels unique.
    • The sex scenes are hot, and the developer isn't afraid to add some kinky elements.
    • The game has great netori potential, which is a big plus for me.
    • The story is good, I had no desire to skip the dialogues.
    • There is a feeling that it was possible to add more influence of relationship points on dialogues.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    There are a great variety of women, with different personalities and realistic characters.I like that several of them are flawed and bad people. Writing is great, law firm stuff is realistically written but also provides sexy scenes, good humour, and genuine tension with respect to career prospects.

    The Brianna path is particularly great.

    Second best game on the site. Keep up this great work,
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    @SteelyDan14 makes a valid point about some of the choices being illusionary but the game is great regardless of this. And while free-roam events are railroaded for the most part, they do give a sense of freedom and there are only a couple of games that handle it better.

    + Great, original story with unique setting.
    + Really well written dialogues and characters.
    + Exquisite sex scenes.
    + Plethora of women to choose from.

    - Some choices are illusionary but it's nothing egregious and there are only a few games that do it better (and many that do it worse). Either way it's not worth reducing the rating by more than half a star IMO

    10/10 game, definitely the top of the top.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is attractive and I like the underlying story, but there is gamification in there just for the sake of having it. None of it moves the story forward. If nothing else, it just gets in the way.

    For example, why have a menu of choices when you have to go through each of them to get to the next scene. Just make it regular dialogue and move the scene forward. I have never understood choices when they have zero meaning.

    I had my MC be completely professional with the secretary and yet, at the end of the party, he is forced to have some kind of interaction with her. Same with Blake. I could not stand her and I had the MC do everything I could to get her to not be interested and yet, they still fool around in the bathroom. There is no way around it. I have seen this in other games and it's like... if the dev wants the interactions to happen then don't give the player the illusion of choices. What's the point?

    I mean the coffee thing was okay and finding the document for the client was fine, but still, you had to make sure you did everything. You could not cut any corners. You had to do everything to be able to advance the story. So again... what is the point? Just make it part of the story. The bar scene was the same way.

    To be fair, the dev is very talented and there is a whole lot to like, but I just wish they would cut the extra crap that has no bearing or impact on the story and just get on with it.

    UPDATE: The dev did stop the forced interactions. You can now avoid any of the LIs.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game..
    Took me a while to come to reading this one but i'm glad i did..
    Characters are well designed (even if Blake seems a little out of the render continuity) The story is well written and the characters are likeable and the ones your meant to hate are just that..
    The game treads a fine line on what some class the ntr aspects but depending on your definitions it keeps the story enjoyable.. and tbh it was good playing a title where the mc wasn't gods gift to everyone he meets.. Having characters already in established relationships (even if mc ends up with the female in them) was good to see..
    I'm hoping that at some point there will be a chance to leave the current RPG law firm in one route as it doesn't fit the nice guy character route and even if MMO firm isn't the alternate route id like to see other possibilities such as Joining the band as a drummer and finding his true path or some other as yet unseen route.. hell even a porn star route if the current update had any hints to it..
    Currently there isn't a massive difference between the 'good guy' or scoundrel routes choices but i'm looking forward to seeing where this title goes in the future as its gonna be a hit..
    Animations are of a decent quality and only visual note i'll add is some of the characters noses seem a bit squished into their faces..
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I struggled to give this two stars, the renders are amazing and the story is interesting enough to stick with the game. ALMOST all the characters are great, except a gold digging ex that cock blocks you, that you text with instead of blocking her number, cause who knows why? I cant even call the first three "episodes" as such because they are short, and little to no content or options, four and five are the only ones with substance.

    The free roam will kill your game, I don't like sandbox or free roams in general and this is the PERFECT example as too why. There are times you can't progress because you have too see/respond to a text, that at no time do you get notified of. I nearly quit the game at one point, where you are on a scavenger hunt for a paper, because despite seeing it, I couldn't click it until I went from the window display, to full screen. I don't mind free roam in games, or sandbox games when done right. However this game is not an example of that, you can easily navigate the story without the free roam bit and save everyone the headache from how bad it is in this game.

    This game has potential to be a very good, fun, and interesting game. It has what a lot of people want, a good deep story, beautiful love interest, and really great renders. I would heavily consider taking out free roam or seriously fixing it, scraping content with the gold digging ex, and just keep it simple.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 53157

    The interactions between the characters is good, and feels like real interactions between colleagues and friends, not simply waifu interactions were the girls fawn over the MC. Characters are cut throat and are looking after their own interests.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Genuinely hard to talk about this game because a lot of the problems people mention are valid. This game just also has to be one of the few of its type I haven't been bored playing, and that's because the writing carries it very hard. The plot isn't super complex(porn game lmao) but the characters all feel distinct, the prose is nice to read and there's actual antagonists that drive the plot. The renders are hit and miss, and the sandbox is sometimes confusing. If jank doesn't bother you try this, I thought it was quite good
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Overall Rating:
    per 1000Good(assessment after chapter 5)
    1. Graphic10%83100Very good renders though the bodies are a bit unrealistic.
    2. Female characters20%83100Many attractive female characters.
    3. Plot20%73100The plot is interesting, realistic and original. However the MC can only run in the rat race, there's too little integrity in him (does anything to get the job he doesn't like).
    4. Mechanics40%45100There are many choices but they don't seem to have any impact on the action, a scene may be a bit different but the game looks very linear. There is an MC personality shaping through choices but it seems it doesn't have any impact on what's happening in the game either. You can't even choose who you have sex with. And there's too much of annoying free roam.
    5. Sex10%88100There's a lot of interesting sex scenes.
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2755092

    I am only giving an extra star for the render's quality, which are fairly decent.

    The freeroam bit was annoying at the best of times, but then again, I'm biased on that, since it's usually more of a pain than anything else.

    I can't say I feel any attraction to any of the females in there either.
    So far, there seems to be nothing in that game that would make it stand out from any other. Time might tell a different story, but as it stands, neither the story, the women or the sex scenes are making it worth of anyone's time.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    [Ep. 5]
    This game is an already very good one, with possibilities to become great later on in the story.

    While I don't usually put story elements too much into consideration when I write a review as I don't play such games because of it, I must say the storytelling and setting are very well made and also original, the dialogues are not too wordy and get to the point without wasting reader's time with pointless chit-chat.

    Regarding the free-roam elements, there's not much of it and it is also pretty straightforward, meaning you won't lose yourself in an intricate labyrinth full of doors and hallways. So far it solely serves to give the player a choice on who to talk first and how to move the story forward (without the risk of missing on events), and I like it, as it gives the right amount of freedom for a game like this imo.

    Regarding the spicy scenes, I would rate them pretty high: the animations are not something out of this world, but the situations, dialogue and choices during the act are great. So, it's thumbs up for me . :)

    Overall, this game already offers a lot of story elements, as well a sexy scenes, and in my opinion it is already well worth to play.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    2 * for graphics and a somewhat good story
    forced sex is always a downer you can sometimes chose to have sex or not then the next one is forced on you (and with the most hated girl blake) without a choice doesn´t matter if you are mean to her or not
    You feel like a toy most of the time
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    It looks one of the games with good story so far which make it promising. I hope the updates will be on regular basis. I am looking forward how MC can survive. It is dynamic story which can have many twists in the coming updates
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    This looks like a pretty cool game so far, the first three episodes were a little short tho, but still fun to play. The Girls are good looking and the story seems to be interesting.The game claims that your choices matter but we will have to wait and see how much that is really the case. I think it would be nice to if the people you speak to would have diffrent reactions to your choices, so far they say what they were going to say regardless what choice to make. It would be nice to have some tool to get a little insight in what the girls may like or dislike. Overall its a fun game to play and worth checking out.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Good work with the animations & I really like how the sex scenes are longer than in most games out here. The design of the girls didn't quite work for me though. Good QOL with a nice UI and easy to replay and unlockable scenes if you use the patch.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is interesting nice renders see a great future for this game just need to keep up the great work

    I would have loved if its not a sandbox game then it would be allot better.

    Cant wait to see update what going to happen next in the game
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked it.

    First 3 chapters felt like they could have just been 1 chapter, but clearly setting the story up for future plots and introducing a lot of characters took some time.

    MC has a "home" game and a "work" game and its sort of that the two parts of his life are separate so both stories are moving along and haven't met yet. Because there are two stories sometimes felt like there was too much story and not enough sex, but made up for it with a big finale in episode 3.

    Have at least met all of the 6 LIs (if they are the OP banner image) so not sure if one of them is a "step cousin something" or not.

    Renders were nice, lots of facial expressions where other games only have 1 or two expressions per conversation.