League Players: You can remove one champ, who is gonna be removed.


New Member
Oct 27, 2019
For me it'd be Evelynn, She marks people with W, even if she misses her q, she can still land cc with E. Her ult also cancer af.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
I haven't played LoL since season 2 or so but if "removed" means "fully erased from history" my vote is for Ashe. Plain and boring to look at without clothes+gear and R34 of her tends to focus on Tryndamere NTR and/or utterly cringeworthy "raceplay" with Trundle.


Aug 12, 2017
Any and all hypermovement champs. It ruins gameplay, and removes skill on the other player (to a degree, less the higher rank). Its introduction also intensified the toxicity in the game, because it attracted more young players and flamers with the playstyle. It also caters perfectly into the snowball effect the game has, that is so pronounced that ppl rather forfeit than complete a game.
The sad thing is, they are so highly effective, because the meta is instakill. It might get more "outplays" in highend league, so its visually better to watch their games... but in the actual games, they pretty much ruin it instead. Of all i knew playing the game, only those under 20 still play. Everyone else moved to tft, aram, ttl when it was there. And slowly anything mature went absolutely away from the game. And my friendslist is pretty vast. Snowball and toxicity always being the reasons why.