HTML Legacy City of Sin [Development Thread]


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 12, 2021
« Legacy City of Sin » - is my new game project, which I have been working on for a long time after I abandoned my previous project « The Road to Adulthood »
A little background to this project.
This project was supposed to come out completely different, but its concept has been preserved in the game.
But the concept completely changed when we started working on the project with smokrader.
Therefore, what you will see in the game is the result of our joint work on the project.
The main differences between the game « Legacy City of Sin » and « The Road to Adulthood »
  • Heavily redesigned visual design of the game to give the player the feeling that he is playing a non-typical HTML game.
  • The game contains 2 translation versions original and English (Thanks a lot to smokrader) .
  • Heavily reworked sex content in terms of its presentation and other elements are associated with it.
  • Slow and smooth gameplay, but with a minimum of stats and other things related to the routine.

But remember, the game will not be a completely visual novel, the game will have a map and other elements with which you can interact.
It's just that the game is made so that it doesn't throw out many elements of the object on the map at once, but opens them as you progress through the game.
When is the game release or open beta?
It is difficult for us to answer this question, but we will keep you informed about the development of the game in this topic.
;) So don't forget to subscribe to the topic to follow the news.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 12, 2021
Development Diary
Let's look at the basic set of features that the game offers you as a game before starting the game.
  • After a short introductory introduction to the game, where you will be told a piece of the plot of the game.
    The game takes you to the settings for the 3 main characters of the game.
  • You set up your name and the name of two more main characters.
    After that, you will either want to skip the prologue of the game or play it.
  • But the game will kindly warn you about what will happen if you want to skip the prologue or if you want to play it.
  • Notes: in the game you will find such hint elements more than once, so do not be afraid the game will not leave you without familiarization.
Advice from the development team.
  • Therefore, we, the development team, do not recommend that you skip the prologue.
  • To begin with, you will miss a very large part of the content and plot of the game.
  • Also you skip the learning elements of the game which is built into the prologue of the game.

We decided to go through the prologue, what can it give, besides a set of words and other things that we have seen in other games?
  • The prologue of the game introduces you to all the characters of the game that appear in it.
  • Training elements.
  • Lots of interesting moments and a plot twist.
Of course, it's up to you to pass it or not, because the prologue of the game takes quite a lot of time (About 20-30 minutes of the game).

In the following developer diaries, we will talk about other elements in the game, so if you are interested in our new game, do not hesitate to write about it here and we will answer your questions ;)
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 12, 2021
Development Diary
And now let's talk about more pleasant things, more precisely the main feature of all games with sexual content, that's right about the sex scenes in the game.
Let's move on to analyze all the changes in the new sexy menu in the game «
Legacy of Sin City »
  • The first thing we see is that all the controls of the sexmenu are located in the corners.
    Also, as I said in another post, the game will often give you game tips on the mechanics of the game in the prologue.

  • Even this part of the game was no exception in terms of hints for the player.
    So let's figure out what the differences between this menu and the old menu from the last game are.
  • Let's start with a pleasant moment, all the sex transitions are made smoothly.
    The principle of operation here is this, first there is a dialogue between the characters with a hint of a sex scene, after that a small foreplay scene between the characters is launched, this scene is shown in the first screenshot.
  • After you select a position, this scene disappears and you can safely have sex with the characters.
    And now take a closer look at all the elements that are shown in the screenshot.

The element is responsible for selecting positions.
  • You may have already noticed the main difference between this game and the old one.
    The game now does not spam random sex videos with different positions, you choose the position you are interested in.

The end of the scene indicator
  • Probably the most controversial element of the redesigned sexmenu.
    Because without filling it out, you won't be able to finish the sex scene with the characters.
  • But as I said earlier, the game is made for smooth gameplay, this also applies to sex with characters.

The last element of the updated sexmenu.
  • It appears when you fill in the indicator I told you about.
    Then you can finally finish the sex scene with the character and exit the sex menu.

We will continue to keep you informed about the development of the game « Legacy City of Sin » .
:cool: So don't forget to follow the news and ask us questions.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 12, 2021
Development Diary

Today we will not talk about new mechanics and other things that were in other developer diaries.
Today we are talking about the amount of work that we have managed to do during this time.

What have we managed to do during this time?
  • The prologue of the game (the total duration, taking into account the reading of the text, is 20-30 minutes).
  • All systems have been optimized, and the game code has been tested for errors.

And now what is being actively worked on.
Work status report.
At the moment, we are actively working on the epilogue of the game, and the game itself is divided into two parts, a prologue and an epilogue.
  • The overall readiness of the epilogue is 20%, what have we managed to do?
  • Events with the wife of the main character.
  • Events with new characters.
  • Events with your stepdaughter.

What else is left for us to do?
  • Introductory events of the new office.
  • Meet another new character in the game.
  • The final part of the epilogue.
After that, we start creating other game systems and preparing for the beta version of the game for the open game test.

We will continue to keep you informed about the development of the game « Legacy City of Sin » .
:cool: So don't forget to follow the news and ask us questions.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 12, 2021
Development Diary
In this diary, we will talk about the technical aspects of the game, and more precisely about our work with video content for the game « Legacy City of Sin »
Cutting video content into parts.
  • First, the video goes through the cropping stage.
  • Where we try to crop the frames as much as possible, which are ideal for the game.
  • We also try to achieve the effect of looping the video.

Removing a watermark from video content.
The last stage of video editing is after removing the watermark, removing the black bars.
After that, the last stage of video setup takes place, applying a filter to the video.
After all these manipulations, the last stage takes place.
  • We are testing video editing in the game itself.
  • If we create 2 videos for the scene, then we test the transitions between the videos themselves, if the transition timings do not go away from the appearance of the text in the game.
  • If we are not satisfied with how we cropped the video and incorrectly matched the authenticity of the video if we use 2 videos for the transition effect.
  • We start working on it until the result suits us completely.

We have finished with this point, and now, dear players, you know how the videos for the game « Legacy City of Sin » are created.
Translation of the game.
I think many people will ask the question, how does the translation process work?
Are we just taking the original version and translating it, or are we doing a full adaptation for another language?
Now we will give an answer to this question.
  • First, the original part of the text is created (It can be in both Russian and English).
  • Yes, even though the game has an original Russian language, but there are moments in the game where another language is used.
  • This was done specifically for the atmosphere of the game and no more.
  • After all the content is created in the original, the game is sent to smokrader for translation.
  • We are starting to adapt the text to English, so do not be surprised that the original and translated versions will differ in terms of the amount of text.
  • When the translation of the game is ready, we start testing the English version for errors and other problems.

Let's move on to the last moment for today.
I will even say that this moment will be unpleasant for many.

Technical requirements for the game.
Yes, yes, the game has system requirements that you should be aware of before the beta version is released.
This is a feature in the game code that we made specifically for this game.
  • All that we showed you in the previous screenshots in the developer's diary, there was a video that served as a videophone for the scene.
  • Although we have optimized all the interface elements as much as possible, the game still requires a monitor resolution of 1600x900.
  • This means that the game will not be officially adapted for the phone, you can forget about the Android version of the game.
As a result, the larger your monitor diagonal, the better the game will work.
But as we said, the game still gets optimized for 1600x900.
Therefore, if you have such a monitor, you can comfortably play our new game.

We will continue to keep you informed about the development of the game « Legacy City of Sin » .
:cool: So don't forget to follow the news and ask us questions.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 12, 2021
Development Diary

Today we will talk about the game interface and other elements of the game.
Location of the game and the maps of the city.
Meet the redesigned visual map of the city and location.
During the development of the visual style of the map and locations.
We followed one rule, to make the game interface as simple and not overloaded as possible.
:sneaky: Okay, we won't hide another reason, this reason was to make him a little cute and unique.
And now let's look at what is shown in the screenshots.
  • A time management system
The top shows what day of the week and time of day it is, the bottom shows time management, skipping time and day.
  • Statistics of your company's money and reputation
In fact, these two things are in the game, which will require a grind.
There will be no more statistics grind mechanic in the game except for these two.
And now we will talk in more detail about the indicators of the characters on the map.
This one shows that there is a character on the locations.
This picture shows where he is at the moment already in the location itself.
In this picture, the game tells you that there is no one here.
More about the last picture.
This is one of the hint systems in the game and a slightly modified code for navigating through locations in the game.
But the main reason lies in the new game code and its effectiveness does not take up much space in the engine itself (passages).

We will continue to keep you informed about the development of the game « Legacy City of Sin » .
:cool: So don't forget to follow the news and ask us questions.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 12, 2021
Development Diary

Today we will answer a few questions that will probably be of interest to those who are waiting for the game.
Today there will be no screenshots or an overview of new things from the game, this is purely information.

Will there be a choice in the game?
  • No, it won't, but the game won't limit you in terms of passing the plot (it's up to you to decide how to open the content in the game).
Will NTR be in the game?
  • No, it won't be in the game.

Will pregnancy be possible in the game?
  • :LOL: No, alpha males, alas, but you are passing by.

Will the game have content monetization or paid game support?
  • There will be no monetization of content or other stuff, the game is completely free :)whistle: Whales, you're passing by).

Are you planning to support the game on phones?
  • No, there will be no support for the game on phones, even unofficial ports will not work, the reason is in the game code.

What fetishes (tags) will be in the game?
  • Find out at the release of the beta version of the game, there we will give you the answers.

We will continue to keep you informed about the development of the game « Legacy City of Sin » .
:cool: So don't forget to follow the news and ask us questions.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 12, 2021
Development Diary

Today we will talk about one element of the game that we decided to completely redesign.
Remember, this is just a prototype of the appearance, but the principle of operation will not change by the release of the game.

Navigation and map of the game.
Let's start with a little background, when we presented you with the first version of the city map and the navigation itself.
We were generally satisfied with the first version of the map, but we were tormented by one feeling, it was similar to many other maps from other games on this site.
So we started to recycle this element in the game and that's what we got.
Let's figure out what this new map is, or rather a map of the city.
The icons of the zones are shown on the map, clicking on them you will go to this zone, so navigation between the districts of the city will take place.
Yes, I think many people will say that the usual way of transitions is quite working, but we wanted to give this function a more meaningful thing.
To make the player feel like he is traveling around the whole city.
The principle of operation, as we said, will be quite simple.
You leave the house or another building in the game, immediately get to the location of one of the 4 zones.
After that, you will have a special button in the form of a navigator on your right.
Clicking it will take you to this map of the city, where you can choose which zone you want to go to.
Now let's summarize, the appearance of the card, as we have already said, can change, but the principle of operation will be the same as we described it.
Why do we even bother for such things? It's very simple, we also play our game, we want it to bring pleasure not only to you players, but to us too ;)

We will continue to keep you informed about the development of the game « Legacy City of Sin » .
:cool: So don't forget to follow the news and ask us questions.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 12, 2021
Development Diary

Another batch of news on the development of the game.
In the last post, we showed a map of the city and told other interesting things related to the map.
But we made an important note that it was a prototype and the final version will be different, we did not lie to you.

A map of the city and a map of the districts.
We have completely redesigned the design and functionality of this element for the game.
The main thing that we tried to achieve is the convenience and informativeness of this element in the game and now we will show you what we have managed to do during this time.
As we can see, we have completely redesigned the map design, but just as we said, we added information to this element.
Here you can see in which area the characters of the game are currently located and, as mentioned earlier, move between them.
But this element, we have specially highlighted and decided to show you.
As we mentioned earlier, we decided to make navigation convenient and, most importantly, easy.
This element allows you to go back from where you opened the global map.
Yes, it is clear that it may be rarely used, but we decided to take this point into account during development.
And now let's talk about our areas in the game, as we see their design is slightly different.
The game locations themselves are already shown here and information for the player which characters are currently in these locations.
Plus, you can see that the interface has a new element, so let's talk about it.
I think it's already clear what it's for, it allows you to switch from location or area mode to global map mode.
It allows you to switch from location or area mode to global map mode, but as mentioned earlier, to exit global map mode, use another element.
Let's summarize, first we apologize to you for showing such an incomprehensible model of our ideas.
When we showed the game map for the first time and talked about the functions.
But now we have finalized this idea and finally showed the final version of our ideas.
Therefore, we hope that our game brings you a lot of fun, as it brings us during its development ;)

We will continue to keep you informed about the development of the game « Legacy City of Sin » .
:cool: So don't forget to follow the news and ask us questions.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 12, 2021
Development Diary

I apologize for not contacting you about the game for a long time.
There was no reason to write and there was a lot of work on the game, so the messages will be more like information without screenshots.

Questions and answers
Let's start with the little things, the game has some of its own system requirements for correct operation.
  • large-format monitor
It seems that we have already said this in another post, but it would be better to repeat it.
The game is really sensitive to the player's monitor, the lower the diagonal, the worse the game elements will work.
Although we have checked the optimization for the 1600x900 format, this is the limit.

What content will be in the game?
There will be vanilla (sex) content, without any unnecessary things.
Our game will not go into the territory of the game, which specializes in special sex content.

Paid features and a support page
There won't be any paid features or special things in the game!
This applies to both the content of the game and cheats, they will not be in the game at all, as well as paid versions and earlier access for money.
All content and all functions in the game will be available in the game without restrictions to each player.

Release date of the game
The release of the game to the general public will be after the closed beta test of the game and 2-3 major updates.
Perhaps we will change our plans in this regard, but for now our forecast for today is like this.

We will continue to keep you informed about the development of the game « Legacy City of Sin » .
:cool: So don't forget to follow the news and ask us questions.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 12, 2021
Any beta available ?
No, I'm currently testing the game and developing content for the beta version.
After that, the game will go to the second developer to translate the game into English (the Russian version will be available earlier).

Don't worry, we will announce the start of the beta version when the time comes, after that we will send the game to the release theme for this site ;)