RPGM - Completed - Legacy Souls [Final] [Butter Workshop]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    actually a great little game, didn't take long to beat and see what I think was everything but it was a nice and chill time waster, not hard at all and the combat is nothing special but its nice so 5/5 stars tbh.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is only based on my own taste :

    Legacy Souls is, to my knowledge, the first game of the studio Butter Workshop.

    When I launched this game, I thought I'd come across a classic JRPG.
    At first I wondered if I'd uninstall it in a second: no sound, few NPCs, strange game play, a cold and empty environment...
    But then I took the time to install the sound patch and give it a second chance...

    And what a good thing I did :
    This game is a bit of a parody of Dark Souls, but above all, it has an uncomfortable sense of humor all its own.
    Playing this game is a bit like reading Sade, you sink deep into the malaise, and don't stop until you've come to the end of it.

    In short, this unpretentious game is a wonderful surprise.
    Even if its authors never read this message, I hope they continue to share such little nuggets with us.

    ...and YES, again, the translation is NOT Shakespearian !

    So I'll repeat myself ad infinitum on these MTL translations :
    For who is neither native English speaker nor fluent in Japanese, the dialogues seem to be largely understandable.

    ...So if there are spelling or conjugation errors :
    "Je m'en tamponne le coquillard au vinaigre blanc citronné !
    T'as qu'à faire mieux petite merde d'enfant roi frustré par la fermentation laitiere d'ta mère qui t'a pas assez fessé !"

    That means that I don't care and that I'd appreciate it if you'd use your verve to make these dialogues more literary.
    Sorry for my French.

    So don't demotivate the translators, even a copy/paste>DeepL>MTL takes time so...

    I thank those who take this time for us !
    ...and those who share this game with us !
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    A pretty basic RPGM game with a lot of dark souls themed elements. (~3 hours to complete)

    Story 2/5
    I'm not too familiar with the dark souls games/lore, but the story in this game is very similar to the bits and pieces i do know. The basic story is your some immortal creature on some vague quest to kill things given by this random maiden girl you meet. There's also a couple side stories with other random characters you meet, but all of them are very short and surface level.

    The MTL definitely doesn't help since I assume a lot of the dialogue is very weirdly written and vague to be similar to how the dark souls games were written.

    Overall there isn't really that much story or dialogue, but the stuff that is there is passable i guess. (likely because it is so heavily inspired by a better game) The world just feels pretty boring/empty. The game could definitely do with a little more dialogue or interactive elements in the world.

    Gameplay 3/5
    There are a couple unique mechanics/abilities you get to use as the game goes on, but its mostly just the standard RPGM stuff.

    The game is actually not grindy at all in comparison to many other RPGM games. Souls/money can be very easily farmed since there are enimies you can just auto defeat in every level to gain souls. You only need to fight the tougher enemies and bosses.

    You can also easily obtain tons of souls through the prostitution option from the merchant. I think it unlocks after you spend like 50k souls or something.

    The counterattack skill you get is very OP. I don't think I took any (unscripted) damage during the entire final boss.

    H-content 4/5
    Scenes are pretty frequent. Almost all enemies have their own defeat scene, but you don't actually need to lose to them to unlock the scene. If you just kill the enemy you'll automatically unlock the scene which is very nice. The total number of scenes is also pretty good given the length of the game. CGs are well drawn, but a little inconsistent in quality.

    The game advertises different clothes/weapons appearances in battles, but there are only like ~4 or 5 outfits in total and they are all viewed from behind which is kind of disappointing. The prostitution events are nice but theres only 4 of them.

    Tbh the quantity of h-content is decent given the length of the game.

    Overall 3/5
    - frequent h-scenes and events
    - defeat events are unlocked if you beat the enemy (no need to lose on purpose)
    - pretty standard RPGM gameplay with a couple unique elements
    - story/theme inspired by soulsborne style games
    - relatively short (~3 hours to complete)

    I think its an ok game to play if you just want to kill some time. I think the game could definitely benefit from a little more polish, a couple more outfits, or maybe front views of the outfits. Many aspects just seem kind of rough, but I guess that isn't that uncommon for eroges.