So i wanna about if there is any legal issue with making a fan game. I have seen many games about characters that are already well known (prime example is Lara croft or Mass Effect) but can there be an issue if the company that made these games goes against it and can they shut the project down even if we had our own models of the characters?
there are so many threads asking exactly this and we've all responded to them over and over.
The first piece of advice, when you have legal questions --- go ask an attorney, not anonymous people on a site where we pirate games.
the characters are the intellectual properties of the creators/companies. Using them without permission is a violation of copyright laws.
There are defenses one can attempt to use if a creator/company decides to first file a cease and desist, then escalate to legal recourse. They are not guarantees and they fall under the fair use doctrine. These include personal/private use (not sharing with others for free or payment), educational purpose, criticism, commentary, and transformative works.
There is always a possibility an IP holder will come after you. The likelihood increases the more visibility and/or money involved. However, certain companies will go after everyone they find out about (Nintendo being one).
The likelihood you will get caught? Slim to none. But also know that the funding platforms all have terms which say when you promote your content through them that you claim you own all rights or have permission to use.
The last piece of advice, when you have legal questions --- go ask an attorney, not anonymous people on a site where we pirate games.