legality of using celebrity deepfake porn.


New Member
Mar 19, 2021
I've recently begun developing an erotic game centered around celebrities and such. I plan on publishing the finished product onto here but I don't intend to monitize it in any way.

I was just wondering about the legalities of using Deepfake porn and if I would get into any serious trouble if I were to include them in my game.


Dec 24, 2021
Hmmm. I guess the main legal issue I see would be the images used for the deepfake. Since you would most likely be using another photographers image without permission you would be opening yourself up to legal action if they ever discovered it.

And there may be other issues I'm not aware of...


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2017
Nobody cares. People use lots of real Porn here or Simpsons/RickMarty Games. Unless you want to put it on Steam its like making a Mod, people dont really care.


Jun 4, 2022
Complicated... are we talking A-list celebrities? Freedom of the arts does protect certain things like parodies or satire, if it's non commercial it also certainly helps. Someone like Scarlett Johansson said a few years back when this first became a thing that she won't go after her deepfakes since she believes it's a lost cause and I think she also said everyone will know it's not really her, since she's a public figure. So if the game is maybe labeled as a parody and you use well known celebrities where it's completely obvious the entire thing is just silly fun (thus no deepfakes of ex girlfriends, neighbors, revenge porn etc) you may be ok and no one will probably care too much.

The Rick & Morty or other cartoon games may be protected by passing off as parodies.

Theoretically speaking the owners of the original material you used to create the deepfake may claim copyright. But they'd have to find out what sources were used to create the deepfake. Probably impossible.

In short: label it as a parody. Make it obvious with a disclaimer that everything is fake and not real etc. Then go ahead. You should most likely be ok if it's just a hobby project without monetization.