Legend of Queen Opala game order?


New Member
Oct 22, 2018
I see that there's a Legend of Queen Opala (LOQO), a LOQOII, and a LOQO - Origin, and maybe some more.

Is Origin a remake of the first game or is it separate?
Should I bother playing the first game at this point since the artwork seems to pale in comparison to future games?

It's hard to figure things out. Does anyone have a list of all the games and which ones I should play?


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
SweGabe made LOQO I first, then LOQO II. Origin is a prequel, its events happen before LOQO I.
I'd play LOQO I first (also because I and II are finished). You can choose between the good and the bad path.

Origins is set after the events of 2, the war that started at the end is ongoing.

There is a portal that has messed with time which young Farah has come through but the game itself is a carry on from 2.

Eclipse, the unbeaten horse dude you fight in 2?

Well Layla, the maid horse you meet in Origins is his mother.

As for Origins in the title well that's all down to young Farah. She's in love with the MC, old Farah says he is familiar.... i'll let you fill in the blanks.

All I will say is Opala and Osira should be shouting "you're the daddy" quite literally. I think most folk saw that as soon as they saw young and old Farah in the same room and heard about the portals.

Last clue is the war. The reason Opala and Farah are there is to get help for the war that was started in 2.
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