(Based on v.2.10)
The newest LoQO installment. Hmm... where can i begin... it's kinda hard, because there are reasons i like the games, but there are even more reasons why i hate them. But still, i can't stop playing.
- Story and Characters.
Since i still didn't manage to figure out most of the mysteries in it and how they are involved with the previous games, it manages to keep me interested, and that is something i don't expect from the majority of porn games. So it's at least interesting for now, even if a bit strange.
The characters are amusing. We have the main girls returning (some in different roles), with better artwork and portraits, and some new characters, AND more depravity (yay). One more plus for the main villain being interesting as well.
- Gameplay and Engine
Awful. It is plagued by the same bad habits of the previous games (grinding, slow walking speed, unskippable text and other annoyances i can't remember anymore due to heavy frustration at the dev's decisions).
And worse, the grinding is somewhat necessary to obtain advantage with some juicy rewards for iddle tasks (e.g. kill an insane amount of monsters to obtain this, yada, yada... NO, instead kill me, pls).
Some good things though are the protagonist customization (It is nice to finally be able to play as beastman.), artstyle choice, relationship system (nothing new about it, but still nice again) and moral paths and choices (if it's like the previous games, it will probably have impacts, with multiple endings as well).
Game also has new game plus option. Very thoughtful addition for a wip game.
The engine used is RPGM XP again. Very few save slots, no load button inside the game, unskipabble text, lack of settings. Very annoying.
- Artwork and H-content.
Wow, it's pretty good to be able to choose the artstyle, yeah, you also could do that in the second game, but there are more options here.
The way the artwork is used though... lame, it suffers the same thing as the previous games, it has plenty of collectibles and so few h-scenes for such a long game. I know the artists who do the h-scenes don't necessary draw the collectibles, but it's still lame, h-scenes should be the meat of a h-game, not freaking collectibles.
The fetishes are something i still enjoy. Plenty of bestiality. And the protagonist is getting more h-scenes than the previous games now (with even sprite sex), even though that it's still in need of improvement.
- Final thoughts
LoQO:O is a game i'm enjoying, but i can't in my sane mind call it good, because it inherited the same bad traits of the previous games. So, even if i enjoy the characters, the world, the story and the H... i still have to struggle through the hideous jrpg gameplay and the flawed way the sexual content is handled. Thus, i just can't call a GAME good if the GAMEplay needs cheats to be enjoyed.