RPGM - Completed - Let's Go! My Harem Farm [v1.1.0] [XO_PROJECT]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Preface: I am biased. I'm always going to lean into games that support my preferences, and this checks almost every box I have.

    That said...

    Going into it, I didn't think a 'harvest moon' type format would work for a porn game, but it strikes a remarkable balance. The gameplay itself is stripped down to its absolute barest components, and this is a good thing, for two reasons. One, it means it can do those mechanics well (or as well as can be reasonably expected in the RPGM engine), and two, it means it gets to still be a PORN game. The grind isn't there, you can speedrun a character you like in less than a week if you want to, hell, i was getting to completion by the end of the first season.

    And, hell, the writings not bad. I played the official release, not the MTL, and even then there are some difficulties, but you're never at a loss for what's happening. It's not realistic, it's not believable, but you want it to be. It's a story for people who still buy porno dvds because they get turned on by having the bare essentials for production value.

    Like me.

    Tl;dr, if you like the tags, you'll love the game. If you like harvest moon type games, you'll probably still like the game. If neither, maybe give it a pass, but it is very good at the narrow thing it tries to do. More games should be like this, pick one good thing, and do it to the extent of your ability.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It is one of the most interesting and wholesome game I have played in a while. The art is cute, the ladies are pretty varied and the protagonist acts like a gentleman. But for me best feature of this game was the farming and the changing seasons. This is my first ever review here and I am glad that it was for this game.
    Likes: Arabi1
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    brad thundercock

    Its an alright game, i would say if you found the art cute, give it a try... There are two difficulty modes and you can change them anytime, i reccomend playing on easy mode because just talking to a girl and having them wanna fuck you numbed my smooth brain and it felt fuckin great!1!1
    the farming is stardew valley tier, same with cooking and upgrading your farm. fishing is pretty lame but it also tickled my brain the first few times.

    could write like garagraphs, as ive wasted a day on this game and its "mechanics" (fairly well spent imo), but just know its stardew valley with harem sex,with worse music. the girls are fine, really, im sure you would fancy one yourself, but once you do like one of them, the game has very little content for just her... 8/10, brain numbing gameplay. KINDA grindy but not really at the same time, as the game rewards ALL of your efforts. not really for fapping, imo.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty decent game.
    I more or less enjoyed the overall gameplay experience. However, I feel like there could have been more to do as far as farming goes. There is a pretty heavy grind to go talk to people on a daily basis. 50% of the game is just walking to the next person to talk them and increase "Likeability."
    But in general, the game is quite well made as far as different tastes go. There is a good selection of girls. The only real major downside in my opinion, is that it feels like they cut short a bunch of art. There are a ton of scenes that are just black screens. Most of them are ones that occur on dates. However, the only scenes that have art, are ones that can lead to pregnancy. Any H-Scene that occurs that won't have chance of pregnancy as no art. Which is a shame, there are quite a few that would of been awesome to see. Just reading the text was kinky "AF" at times, if there was art for them, it would of been an easy 5stars for just about anyone. Cuz the game wouldn't seem quite as grindy to get to the scenes with art.

    In general, if you like the idea of Farm based H-Games, chances are you don't wanna miss this one. But be prepared to grind a bit. There are definitely worse games as far grinding goes that have gotten similar ratings. So the grinding isn't "that bad." It is however, noticeable.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely try this out if you are into impregnation/pregnant of multiple girls. You can impregnate almost the entire village excluding some too old and too young characters. Quite diverse characters as well. From barely fertile to widow with two daughters (which you can impregnate as well, obviously). From petite to chubby. You can even impregnate the cattle which range from tiny fairy to dragon girl. Hell, even your pet can get pregnant. And you can make them do the farm work (literally slave like). In this game, you are encourage to put baby into every girl you see. Quite hilarious actually. Like, to upgrade your product "milk". You have to put seven baby into your "cow". After which you will get golden milk. To upgrade your pet working capacity, you have to do the same. I find that the concept of farming and sex have been integrated very well. This game is not about farming plus sex, sex is the farm. Your real product is the baby. I'm surprise you couldn't fuck the crop! The downside is that the game is very grindy. By the end of this game you will have hundred babies. But that should be fine if you like this particular genre. And some small part are not translated. And the translation is not the best. An excellent game for what it is trying to be.

    Some tips base on my plays, melon is the most time efficient product provide that you use fertilizer. It also require less work from you because of its long growth period. Your pet(slave) will handle the rest. Do not neglect your pet. They are very important. They will save tons of your time and stamina. Both resources which better spend impregnating stuffs. There are period system so fertilization is not guarantee. By mid to late game, you will spend everyday puting baby into girls (pregnancy is a quick and easy way to increase relationship level. Sex also increase relationship but not the same magnitude as pregnancy. So impregnation is the top priority. Only have non baby making sex as a way to consume leftover stamina). Buy that season manipulator thing, set it to summer, grow melon, buy that stupidly expensive marriage ring. Even then you will only marry two or three girls per season..four if you are diligent. And you should attempt to sex everything you see. Because for every different girl you fuck, you get increase stamina cap. The knight, village chief, and her daughter will give you the quickest start base on my experience as they have easy gift and convenient location (near farm entrance and near important location such as carpenter, market, farm upgrade. These places have their own girl. But their preferred gift are harder to access which ultimately cause their relationship to grow slower). Oh, don't ignore the men! or the old! They have gifts for you. I have also notice that different girl seems to have different recovery period after giving birth causing some of them to have slightly more babies than other. Not that sure, I didn't look much into this. I play on normal mode by the way. Have fun tinkering with this game, I sure did!
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like the art style and core gameplay loop, and the sex scenes are pretty nice too. I have a few gripes though. The game can get far too grindy, especially towards stuff like marriages - you need to wait atleast 2 days for each marriage and then to buy the very expensive ring. I edited the game to reduce the cost by like 4/5s of the price, and the grind is still excessive - marrying the village is definitely what took me the most time to do. Also the translation isnt the best, at some points it just fails to translate, which makes the ui for stuff like the calendar unusable, buuut you take what you get from MTL I suppose. Overall though, I very much enjoyed, it appealed to my fetishes (impregnation, pregnancy, love etc.), and I wish there was more games like this around. (Outdated review, translation has been significantly improved)
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The title is very promising, but actual game's very disappointing & boring. Unnecessarily grindy with time consuming farm stuff, sex aspects are all bland and very unsatisfying.

    Art style is okay tho..
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really well fleshed out, and the breeding system is great. The art is consistent and works well for the genre. Can be a bit hard finding all the characters and scenes but all in all is a great game and is definitely worth playing, I would love to see more from the creator
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    The game takes approximately 15-20 hours to complete at 100% on normal difficulty. The in-game timer works extremely strangely and shows 40 hours in the save slot.

    I didn’t delve into the game’s story due to the extremely terrible machine translation. So I just skipped all the dialogues. Fortunately, the tutorial is translated more qualitatively.

    In the game, you will meet 20 characters, with 16 of them being able to develop romantic relationships. There are 3 H-scenes per character: standard + alternative with pregnancy, after marriage + alternative with pregnancy, childbirth. There are also additional scenes with two other characters in the game. In addition to the main characters, there are 8 magical beasts and 3 magical pet beasts.

    There are a total of ~69 H-scenes in the game, excluding alternative scenes.

    I liked the drawing style, but the scenes repeat themselves and they are quite classic. I would say that there is no zest in the scenes. There are no scenes with multiple characters at the same time, which is very sad.

    The gameplay is too monotonous. The game clearly lacks mechanics like Stardew Valley. Farming is absolutely uninteresting here, but there are no other ways to earn a lot of money.

    The game disappointed me. If you are going to play it, don’t waste your time on normal difficulty. Play on easy. The game has great potential that has not been realized.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    It's quite a good game. Even though there is no official English version, MTL version does its job pretty well. Getting money and building relationship is kind of easy on normal mode. There are minor bugs such as the darkened screen won't activate on several occasions but so far I haven't experienced any game breaking bugs.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    While the MTL is a bit of a turn-off, the emotions still come through. The characters are varied and sexy and the sex scenes are hot, including pregnancy scenes. I also enjoyed the light rpg elements. While finding the women can be a chore, if you understand the map, you can find them easily.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    It's.... a very okay game, I love stardew valley (almost 500 hours lol) but the gameplay (barring the obvious) is... Stardew valley if it was more streamlined? and having to run around and just interacting with every character is just.... It's Stardew valley with heavy pregnancy fetish, basically. It would be a dream come true, if it wasn't for the dialogue - it's good for mtl! but i have to basically roll a dice to get the best option. Alsoeverycharacterfeelsvery1dimensionalbutheyitsaporngame
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    + Daytimes and Clock. Events based on that, Characters have shedule.
    + Dating sim with relationship progression, but at the same time, you can have sex with all women
    + Cheat Mode to unlock all gallery entries
    - Farming Sim elements with growing crops, keeping monsters and breeding them, but these elements are bad. They feel empty and like an unnecessary burden in the game
    - Grindy. The grind-reward balance is bad.
    - Feels like a walking and click simulator

    Frequency of scenes:
    - It takes a while to build up enough relationship to trigger scenes. Especially on "Normal" mode

    +/- If the translation was better, the dialogues would be good. But as it is now, you can at least understand them.

    --> All in one: The game tried to be something. It has many elements implemented: Farming, Animal caring, breeding, romance, relationship progression, socializing, Harem, Events. You could actually say, this is a try to create an adult-version of Stardew Valley, but not as good. The Farming feels like Stardew Valley Winter, without the Mines: You just walk around and talk to people. The game even is supposed ot have seasons with different crops, but since you will play Easy Mode, you can get through most content already during spring. I can see the game was not made half-hearted, but not full-hearted either. Gameplay-wise, the game doesn't offer enough to justify seasons and the Normal mode. 2 of 10. The game has potential, though. The gameplay itself is not bad, but the balance between story content, grind and farming content is not good. If there was a better pacing between these, it can be a good game even with its current content.

    Should I give it a try?
    The game is tempting at first. Maybe you will like the game despite of its many flaws. There is nothing against trying it. But there is also nothing against dropping it, when you notice the game feels grindy/bad/boring at one point. Don't force yourself to continue. But definitely play the game on "Easy" level. The gameplay and content does not justify the Normal Mode. Even the Easy Mode is too stretched based on the offered gameplay and content. (Difference: In Easy Mode you get more relationship progression points, and more money from sold crops or products). Also, get a pet building very early in game to kinda automate farming/feeding etc.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Dumbed down stardew valley but with porn! What could go wrong?...

    With the relatively high CG count and interesting premise, I thought this was going to be game that I can easily enjoy and sync some hours into for a decent wank, but it turned out mediocre at best. As the other reviews have already mentioned, there are a lot of characters, with only 1-2 CGs each, making the grindy gameplay simply not worth it, not to mention the lackluster variety of the CGs themselves.

    All in all there's nothing to see here, skip it.

    I've noticed after playing dozens (maybe more than hundred now?) RPGM eroges that almost every one that focuses on a whole cast of girls fall flat on their face, I think these games are simply too ambitious to give a compelling narrative or interactivity or even investment. There's a reason the best RPGM eroges have female protagonists, and a reason why even games made by much bigger studios still have a limited selection of characters, investment and interactivity are a major key of what makes a good eroge, and these kinds of games simply fail to capture either, but who am I kidding, I play them all anyway.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game.
    Gameplay consists of slowly talking to girls scattered on the map and farming. Thanks to that the pacing is very good. You don't get everything dumped at you at the same time. Art is very pretty and clean. Scenes are good there are many positions and plenty of different characters so everyone can find a girl that fits their niche.

    Art 4.5/5
    Story 4.5/5
    Gameplay 4.5/5
    Fapability 5/5
    Originality 4.5/5
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    A rare find that includes a wide cast of different girls, each accommodating to most mainstream preferences.
    The overall gameplay is enjoyable, however a bit grindy and with some interesting decisions in terms of design.
    The art style is consistent and well-made, but it is lacking in scenes that would add some depth to the game, such as threesomes or foursomes.
    Thankfully, a cheat room is available for those who don't want to grind 10k for another wife.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Not great, but still enjoyable. I don't think the complaints about it being too slow are valid, as it's pretty easy to build up relationship with the characters and see the scenes, (and I've gotten far less content out of countless poorly written VNs that took longer to get to anything), but I also went into the game expecting the slow pace of a dating/farming sim. If you are just looking to get to the content quicker, I recommend playing on easy mode as it increases the rate at which you build up relationships.

    The game is Machine Translated, and it is a very bad translation, but ultimately it doesn't seem like the game was really made with the plot in mind to begin with, so I don't feel like it ruins the experience too much. There's a lot of major issues with it don't get me wrong, but if the alternative is playing the game in Japanese, I'd say it's better than nothing.

    I would give it four stars overall, but there is definitely a lack of content, so I'm only giving it three. Each girl only has a couple of pieces of art, (one for pregnant, one for not), and the farming mechanics themselves are shallow. Also, oddly enough, the gallery that unlocks once you've impregnanted your first girl includes nude art for all the characters, but there's no scenes for some such as the few male characters. Maybe more was planned, or maybe there's something in game that has them strip at some point, but I didn't come across it.

    As far as the farming sim side of things, it's extremely shallow. You can plant crops, water them, etc, and breed livestock, but it has very little to it and feels more like a proof of concept. If you're wanting a full farming experience then I'd recommend playing something like Stardew Valley instead with sex mods installed. It has just enough to serve as the basis and be a source of income for the upgrades, as well as adding the monster girl scenes, but don't expect to be spending much time on your crops.

    At the end of the day this game is more of a dating sim with light farming elements added, not a farming sim with sex scenes added. I enjoyed playing it, but I don't think I'll be replaying it anytime soon.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    If not for the grind and tedious 'hunt the girls to talk to them' I might've given it more score, unfortunately it affect the gameplay so severely that you can't just ignore 'em.

    -Variety of Waifus
    -Simple (Maybe TOO simple) farming game
    -Monster Girls

    -Grind. So much grind
    -Boring game loop
    -Characters are often one-note
    -Characters stories are not that interesting
    -Time goes too fast
    -One sex scene per characters with two variant: Pregnant or not

    Only play if you have a LOT of free time, and I don't like doing this but I suggest you actually cheat to make your experience much better. If not for the impregnation I might even give this game 2 star.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    When I started playing this i thought this is quite interesting but right after one hour i found out :
    A) it is waaaaaaaaaaay to grindy
    B) the gameplay loop is awful ( you just have to find people around the town and click on them twice a day or the grind piles up)
    C) there is no variety and just 2 CGs per character (you might think it is a lot but all of them are vanilla and nothing interesting about them)

    so if you don't want to get your hopes up don't play it because it is such a wasted potential
  20. 2.00 star(s)

    A middle-aged Femboy

    By the time I reached the credits, there's enough to be simple, serviceable farm game you should complete in a short time. Theres crops, livestock and helpers in monster girls, and you can also fish if you need a bit of cash.

    However, I didn't like tracking down and greeting every villager each day, especially when the map doesn't show the locations of half the cast in the version I played. I also didn't really engage with the gifting part since almost everything gave 1 likability, but it may have been easier to use the kitchen so it maybe it was my play style, which also may have extended my play time longer than it should have too.

    As an H-game though, it only has 1 scene per heroine with the only difference being a pregnant belly, pubic hair, and type of monster girl with only 2 out of 7 monster girls having unique scenes (save for the pets). The art is pretty good, but it is still really disappointing for me H-wise, with several lewd scenes that it either fade to black or its just the character's portfolio.

    The games a perfectly okay farming game that you probably won't play for a while, but it will take way longer and feel more like a slog if you play it like I did in prioritizing "relationships" and "feelings." The H-factor of the game is really disappointing too from what I was usually expect from other RPGM porn games, which I usually think of as pseudo-VNs (w/ exceptions) that usually have a decent H-Factor.
    Best way to describe the entire thing is just missed potential, and sorta lame too I guess.
    Also, Has MILFs and Daughtors, but NO OYAKODON. Would spit on this game, shatter it's hopes and dreams, and send it to Detroit for this crime if I wasn't being generous.

    ==-My Tip===
    If you play this game, adopt the sigma male grindset in the early game and ignore everyone but the 2 stores, the ranch granny, and the carpenter to chase the bag. Once you fully maxed out your farm and broke the economy, turn into an alpha male chad and learn to cook to make gifts for everyone based on their preferences and make every girl obsessed with you and your seed.
    Haven't tried this out, but you'll thank me later and probably finish earlier than 6-7 hours 10 hours.