RPGM - Completed - Let's Go! My Harem Farm [v1.1.0] [XO_PROJECT]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Here's the deal. The art carries this game. It's grindy in the beginning like most RPGM games, but it doesn't make you do a bunch of jump puzzles.
    Pretty much you can just talk to all the ladies and eventually they will have sex with you.
    I wish the translation was better. It's pretty rough right now. I also wish there was more depth to some of the characters, but I'm just an hour and half into the game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Honesty there are not too much to be said that the other reviewers have not stated already.
    But I will try to give my review a different spin so everyone can get a feel of what this game is about.

    Starting from a prefect 5 Stars

    -1 from missed potential.

    There are a lot of scene that are "blanked out". like kissing, fingering, grouping ... I mean that could have been just made w/ standing cgi which i don't believe its too hard (especially with all the heroines standing cgs already made). I also feel that the hot spring could have potential of some cgs and plots there instead of just recovering stamina (i mean you could have just drink some coffee with the same effect). The fact that you can only keep 1 child per type farm house and egg house and 0 child with you pet is not cool either. I have a little feeling that the game was kinda of rushed out, hopefully it has some update later.

    -0.5 from grindlyness.

    Yea, the game is grindly no question. But its a farming game, you should have expected it to be somewhat grindly. I really don't mind the fact that you have to run around to talk to the heroines for increasing her feeling, with 40 pts per level, 20 from choosing the right answer during her event and 10 points per day just by talking to her multiple times 5 pts per fuck, you have increase a heroine level in like 2 days.
    The worse part is the wedding ring which cost a freaking 100,000 ... thats just complete BS, like how can you remodel your house for 4k, build a hot spring for 8k, change the entire climate system for 50k, but a damn ring cost you 100k. That said with some luck in fishing and the right mix of dish to sell i managed to net out about 15k per day. With all things consider, being able to marry 1 wife per week is not so bad. I guess its kinda bad as after impregnating all 16 heroines with multiple children ... i felt responsible to marry most of them lol.

    -0.5 from MTL

    First, i greatly appreciated the effort of the TL, so i can even play this game to begin with. Its definitely readable, however because of the nature of MTL, some of the pronoun and sentence structure is messed up. Which in turn make the event's choices very hard to pick out, and some of the intended jokes get blended down.

    ++++++++++1 from the verity of girls you can impregnate

    I mean where else you find a game that you can fuck these many types of girl. We got typical teen girl, MILF, knight, dumb priestess, an office girl, a mad scientist, tsundere, yandere, debt slave, tomboy, chubby girl, loli, oppai loli, dog girl, cat girl, rabbit girl, harpy, milking cow girl, fariy, dragonut, slime girl, centaur and even a freaking grandma (I didn't even list all of them). And all the Cgs (even though ther are only 2 / 1 base type per heroine/animal girl) are super well drawn and hot as hell.

    Thus a solid 4 is my rating.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I gave it average and I think im being fair
    First, the art style is very nice (Near perfect from what I like)
    Second, there's diversity and each npc has its own story wich is really nice
    Third, the gameplay is smooth, farming game and breeding animal etc (I liked the hairy pussy)

    For the part that I didn't like :
    First, its not worth it, the scene are a bit decieving after you pass some hours and its only 1 or 2 image fading on each other

    To sum up:
    I really think that the artist should do animation, it would boost the popularity of the game like crazy! Think of all the big H Game.
    I do understand the pain of doing 2D animation, as I draw myself.
    But what if it take more time before an update? you got the style that im pretty sure people like!

    Good continuation
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art, fun if a little grindy gameplay, and decent translation.
    Its a very good game, especially if you like impregnation as a mechanic and not just an ending.
    Could have a little more pictures for each girl, but considering the number of girls that's understandable.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is super grindy, that's something I really like in games but it's definitely something to consider when you do a playthrough. I played until the fall season and bought a wedding ring, it took about 6 hours and most of it is learning a route to talk to every single npc and give them gifts to level up your standing with them. You use the last bit of energy and time you have left in a day tending to your farm to keep your income flowing. There are only really two gameplay loops that you farm over and over and over as efficiently as possible to unlock scenes. You can use money to buy pets that will tend to the farm side of the game for you if you level them up enough and give them a few dollars worth of items every few days. Art is great, love the style, but there arent any h-scenes for sex scenes outside of impregnation, most of it is described in text over a black screen. If you dont mind doing the same thing over and over like me, then this game is very good. If there was a little more covereage art wise, and maybe one more gameplay dimension, this would be a perfect score.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Nelo Angelo479

    Ah, I remember playing this game a few weeks ago, I've never posted a review on this site before so forgive me if Im unable to explain myself clearly, English is not my first language.

    The first thing you need to know about this game is that you can expect the same kind of grind from games like Harvest Moon, because this game is grindy, a lot, so if you are not a fan of being poor almost 24/7 you might want to switch to easy mode, which halves money costs in the game, I don't know if this deactivates achievements though (yes, there are achievements for various activities in the game).

    I don't mind grind and, well, Harvest Moon game and all that, so this has no repercussions on my rating of the game.

    Now, the story, pretty simple, MC buys a ranch located in a little village in the middle of nowhere and goes to live in there, as soon as he arrives he receives two tasks: one is making the ranch operational once again, the other is to impregnate the whole town so it doesn't disappears due to the lack of males (there are two but they are too old to go for the task apparently), pretty good deal if you ask me.

    Aside from the farming aspect of the game, the game is all about getting to know the town's inhabitants, in total, there are 16 girls you can get to know better (technically there are 18, but the last two are tricky), from milfs to tomboys to girls of dubious age, everyone has their own schedule and you will need to gain their affection in order to progress through their events and, of course, realize why the game is called like that, because this game is all about that, the repopulation task was no joke, and that's awesome.

    Aside from the main girls you also have to take care of the monster girls in you ranch, there are like... 10 or so different species available? I don't remember, in any case, each has their own scenes so you might not want to miss out on that aspect, especially when getting them pregnant upgrades the products they produce.

    These are general gameplay aspects, but let's talk about the specifics of the H-scenes.

    As a whole, some people will be disappointed by the fact that, regarding scene distribution, each main girl only has 2 unique CGs (one being locked behind marriage), on the other hand, monster girls only have one, tbh these facts doesn't personally bother me as the game still delivers what it promises, as every single CG has a pregnant variation which technically doubles the amount of scenes available.

    In terms of interaction with the girls, I would say they were enjoyable, the girls are mostly stereotyped personalities, such as shy girl, manly tomboy who actually likes cute and girly things, princess fisher woman... wait.
    The events themselves are not peak writing, but they're alright, some of them were funny tbh, each girl has 7 events, around event three or four you can begin the baby making, and once you do the last event you can marry the girl, finishing the game (don't worry, you don't get locked out of the other girls scenes, you can marry all the girls available as soon as you get them the rings (which is ridiculously expensive so you might want to shamelessly cheat 2 million gold in your playthrough).

    Just like in HM, the game has spring/summer/fall/winter system, but if you play smart, you should be able to finish the game by the second season, which would be around ten hours of gameplay.

    Overall, the game is quite a grindfest due to its nature as a farming sim, but that goes for tbe nature of the genre, and even if the total amount of unique scenes for each girl was a bit lacking, the developers did a good job in delivering a game made for a certain audience, and they also delivered in the fact that, overall, the experience is quite enjoyable, at least enjoyable enough for it to not become a chore mid-playthrough, so this game is, in my opinion, a 4.5/5, but since I was so deprived from good preggo content on this site for a while, I'll raise it to 5/5.

    Also, shy girl and chubby girl are best girls.