Unity - Completed - Let's Play with Nanai! [Final] [VRJCC]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Ai Shoujo Fan

    I played the Final version on my Quest 3 headset.

    There is so much to hate about this game, but it's not 100% complete shit.

    You have to use a laser pointing from your forehead to interact with menu buttons. You can't just aim your controller and use your controller to select the menu buttons. Not only that, but the menu button will automatically be pressed if you stare at it for two seconds, so it is easy to accidentally press menu buttons with your forehead laser.

    There are no player hands or penis in the game. I mean, seriously. In a VR game you should have at least player hands and preferably some male genitalia, even if it's a censored dildo and not your penis. And because there is no penis or dildo or fingers, you can't penetrate her.

    You can't interact with the female at all. You can't kiss her. You can't grab her boobs. You can't move her limbs. The only thing you can do is move her back and forth or up and down. But strangely, this is alright. It feels like you really are making love to someone.

    She's kinda hot. Sometimes she looks like a 35 year old housewife. Other times she looks like a middle or high school student. But regardless, she looks pretty good.

    There are three settings. Her bedroom. Some living room. And a school. You can also choose two clothing options, but I just prefer her naked.

    Her voice acting is terrible and it sounds distorted like two voices talking over one another, one far and one close by.

    Overall, the game is kinda boring because basically there are three poses. Her lying down. Her sitting up. And I accidentally got her on her side which I guess is for when you are lying in bed in real life and want to cuddle with someone? I don't know. And it's these same two or three poses in each of the scenes you can select.

    This is a really low effort game with no content. Someone just threw in some assets, made two sex poses, and failed to include anything else worthwhile.

    But the scenes don't look too bad and she looks good, so I guess it is an okay game?

    The controls are not at all intuitive. Use your forehead to select menu buttons. Select the VR Controllers option to move her into those three positions - lying down, sitting up cowgirl, or spooning on her side. There isn't anything else to do. None of your joystick or controller buttons will do anything.

    It's too bad this game didn't have more work done on it.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The graphics are shit (like pretty much 99% of VR games), but despite me chuckling at the super strange input method (the controller is basically the girl) I gotta admit: It's works pretty well.
    I was really surprised, but the japanese are really on top of this shit. I think it's worth giving a shot, but dont expect a proper fap. VR isnt at that point. It's either shitty graphics (like this) or shitty content (like VR Kanojo).
    A real pity.