RPGM - Completed - Leviathan ~A Survival RPG~ [v1.06] [TechnoBrake/Kagura Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    pretty fun game, lots of headache moments early on but you start to figure things out eventually as you progress through the game and get levels. If you're not into grindy games though I'd avoid. Takes time to get to most parts of it and figuring out where to gather resources from, etc.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid good game with a good art, nothing to special about the survival or rpg elements but still interesting enough to make me want to finish the game and enjoying the spent time on it, the story was mostly captivating, the one major big L for me is how tedious it can get to gather loot for consumables or to craft new gear for more or less most of the playthrough.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I would say the game is well built, and the scenes are very hot, but everything else is very anoying, i played in normal mode and everything was annoying, hard, time consuming, etc.

    Minimum requirement to built a pickle, a bronce sword, a tent, everything is really hard. Getting lost in a map without any sense of direction, or objetive, constantly have to repair your armor and urinate everytime you got your belly full of water, is just to much time lost between menus.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    a rare survival rpg h-game. many hours of immersive content (i've done two playthroughs around 20 hours each). good art. tons of clothing options. fit / athletic bodied tanned female protag! game is difficult which can make things tedious towards the end. not much in the way of story.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I kinda like this game, the survival element is fine, map is big enough to explore, and the grinding part is also fair. the annoying part is there is no way to increase your HP, only def and attack, also even though you wear high tier armor/weapon, weak enemy is still try to attack you, maybe add some mechanic to make weaker enemy flee if you wear specific armor or accessories? H-scene is kinda lacking in my opinion, and the story is a bit too short, but overall, it's acceptable.
    The game version I play is the latest version on steam
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I spent way too much time on this game lol. It can be quite brutal, not being able to save freely. Gathering materials wouldn't be so bad if the drop rate was better, but its a grindy. The survival and crafting mechanics are quite good and you get a nice sense of progression whenever you upgrade into the next tier of items.

    I like the sex scenes in this game, but that could be personal preference. It's mostly defeat rape and things like that but the MC is a huge closet pervert. The art is amazing as per usual with TechnoBrake.

    Anyone thinking of playing this should be willing to actual play it for the survival gameplay mechanics. It's not going to be a fun time if you just want to watch some scenes and do not like actually gameplay in your porn.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    That was one of the first ecchi rpg games I ever played and I could say it really got me into those. And it's quite a shame because this game is very unique whereas most of hrpgs are really similar to one another. Leviathan has it all: gameplay is pretty complicated at start and you can really feel every bit of your improvement. Story is nothing special but at least it isn't something that's thrown into your face. You have to put effort into it and I like it! If you like challenging gameplay and thrill of exploration, this game is definitely for you. And of course the art is very good, we both know what you came here for and let me reassure you, there's plenty of what you seek :p
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Reasons to Ignore
    1) This game REQUIRES a walkthrough to succeed
    2) You're given no direction to start
    3) No level ups, only skills points which aren't easy to get
    4) Sex scenes are vanilla basic or piss
    5) Super grindy gameplay mixed with survival elements is annoying
    6) No real or good story to sink teeth into
    7) Artwork is a mixed bag
    8) Easy to get completely lost in forest
    9) Super overrated due to Kagura Shills/misleading cover art
    10) Overall simply, not fun.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This game was very entertaining. There were some parts that were a bit rough to get through, a couple glitches, and a hell of a lot of grinding, but other aspects hold up fairly well. The combat was pretty simple, with many of the skills being virtually useless. The H-scenes were detailed and well put together. While this game could be better, it's still very enjoyable.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    it is awesome! It is hard as nails and you will pray for safety, but it is awesome. if you want a game that tests your patience and your limits, then that's your thing. And you have fap material, so nothing more you can wish for!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. I started this being very skeptical, since it was an RPGM game and I try to avoid those. However the concept seemed interesting and different, so I gave it a shot.

    And I'm glad I did. There is lots to do here, the survival aspect is what you'd expect, a bar to monitor each need and gets reduced over time or by doing actions and is filled by % values depending on the food/drink quality you use to fill it, you have a need to sleep and urinate etc. This works pretty well and does create some urgency, make you need to plan things out a bit and not go too far away from campsites for too long, it does its job. However the game shines much brigher in the features introduced by this concept, giving you the ability to add stuff to your camp like traps, tents and auto-miners. The world itself is quite big, so you'd be setting up in multiple campsites, eventually setting for a main one.

    Onto the character development side, there are a ton of things you can craft, including armor and clothing in varied colours (including some endgame more joke-ish and super lewd ones.. with tentacles and.. errh.. heads..) that you can visably see being worn on your character during the main menu, conversation and combat. This applies to weapons too, each are visable to you.

    Combat is standard RPGM combat, nothing too special, though I do like how you get a full body of your character and how once the durability of your armor or weapon breaks, you see that happen on screen through the character picture. There are also some moves you can get from the skill tree menu in a campsite, though they are also basic, just some durability boosts for your tools and some basic moves for combat like a heal, stronger attack and a stun etc.

    As for the gameplay/story itself, the story is actually surprisingly interesting when you get to the first town and pick up the quest there, during this quest you meet a strange character at an overrun library, there you learn about what's on the island, and get introduced to a kind of conspiracy. It was a surprising but pleasant twist, and that's just the start of it.
    Other than this, you can spend time gathering resources, this is a bit grindy but not too much - It's just enough to let you feel rewarded for your progression. As a plus, if you want to be lazy there are a few good areas that basically allow you to farm all the money you want to buy the common stuff, instead of continually gathering them manually. And monsters respawn once you leave the area and come back, so farming for monster drops is easy enough too. The game can fit both types of people, even if that wasn't its intention.

    Sex scenes are well made. Have some good dialogue, if not a bit heavy with the moaning lines, though that's just a minor gripe. There is also a gallery to revisit previously seen scenes, so that's convenient. The scenes include quite a few things like prostitution, sleep molestation, femdom, solo, tentacle and monster rape/gangrape, including the possibility for entrapment and being locked up as a sex slave, causing you to need to find an escape.. or just, you know, stay there and enjoy the free food and penises.
    - Rape is entirely optional if you don't take any risks in the game then you could play this without ever personally taking any dick, but other NPC's around you might not be as (un)lucky.

    TLDR: It's a very good game for an RPGM one, lots of content and fun progression+a good story. Try it.

    Game length can differ, typically, just for the story conclusion, you'd be looking at 10+ hours, possibly much more due to the survival nature of it.
    If you want to become god and get the best weapon/armor in the game and try and get all scenes etc then you could easily add a few more hours on top.