Java - Lewd Maze [v0.7.262a] [Shanbahak]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Too much old and new shit mixed together. The inconsistent art styles are unbearable- like how the fuck are the original animations 10x better than the newer ones?. I played this game years ago, and it seems like barely anything has developed since then. also somehow the performance is horrendous even with a 4070, which sounds retarded, but yeah, it forces you to execute the exe at times.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    ERRMMM what happened here, the game looks cool and the desings are great so why the gamplay its so Bad, and the level up sistem to advand that requires to grinding hell out of t until you level uo and the quest sistem that its just imposible to advance Bcs of the dungeon gameplay.
    It's just a shame tht the game feel like its abandoned and just OLD. i hope it gets a major update to fix these problem and add some content that its laking of it too.
    Bad game meh wank 2/10 Meh game i dont recommned it to play just wait to gets fixed or just full save it bcs its a waste of time his gringind hell.
    (Sorry for my bad english)
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Okay, Lewd Maze.

    I noticed this game hasn't been reviewed since October, so I figured its time to update it for 2024.

    So, I'll be honest, the art is very very good, it's girl on futa, little bit of male sprinkled in, it's lovely. The gameplay however, is dog ass. You have to dungeon dive, the dungeons are random with different layouts, and your heroine runs as slow as a snail. It takes forever just to complete a quest because of that.

    Fighting is also pretty boring, you have a limited weapon choices, so the harder enemies are a pain just to kill. Only way to combat that is to level up, which is a bit too much of a time waste for an incomplete game.

    Oh yeah, the segment 2 of the dungeons are brutal btw, lots of fun stun locking that you can't really get out of. Meh.

    In conclusion, I know my thoughts were random about this game, but honestly, that's how I feel, it's just random bs that's carried by the art. It doesn't help that this game is like, 5-6 years old.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The only thing I can praise is the animations the rest is just trash after so many years of dev time.

    -UI is trash
    -Nothing is explained like at all, like I went to floor one and a dark elf was there and wanted me to join her to kill a boss. Who was she, what was she doing there nothing is explained.
    -Why the fuck is there no loot all button on chests, like come on it's 2023 almost 2024
    combat UI is also bad and not intuitive
    -Poor loading times, while my pc ain't a beast it still shouldn't have such loading times on a SSD
    -Map design is trash and nothing interesting
    -Moving around the map just feels wrong when trying to do something precise like evading a enemy
    -No gallery at all
    -And once again holy shit the UI is just ugly for what 5 year old game now. The menu you open in the game should be like a fucking alpha placeholder I hope

    TLDR- Don't bother until the game is done, maybe.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    I'll try to keep it short. (tried out = v0.7.237a)

    Main reasons it gets 1 star:

    1. No tutorial or explanation on how anything works or what structure does what.

    2. Extremely long load times for a 2D title. Like 10 seconds for main load, and then 5 seconds every time I click on an encounter or building.

    3. Combat is super unclear. Its hard to select targets or spells, or know when to fight or what.

    4. Class creation is super unclear of what I should take for classes.

    5. Forced to take a catgirl, and I hate catgirls.

    6. Not clear on what things I should or shouldn't fight.

    7. Animations are purely vaginal, and I'm an anal/oral guy. Well done, but not my cup of tea.

    8. I healed my ally, but then she got raped anyway. And then was stuck in a rape loop for the entire combat. So my warrior was stuck being raped, and my healer with no combat ability, was stuck trying to fight off a minotaur mage.


    I like turn-based RPGs, but this one just doesn't feel like my cup of tea.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice progression, well made scenes. I love the quests, variety. And it is still being developed. Overall one of my favourite games. The amount of active gameplay and lewd content is well balanced. I think when the game gets finished, it will be top-notch.

    I recommend it for all people who want active labyrinth exploration and h content
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked this game a lot! I thought the art was a lot of fun and the dungeon crawling was very decently put-together for a hentai game. Honestly the main thing it needs is some gameplay polish and just more content which it looks like it's getting!
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Game's still in an early spot for now (ver. 0.7.17a, as of typing this) so hopefully some of the upcoming negatives will change in the future.

    This is a cute little game where you play as a catgirl (who only has cat ears and nothing else cat-like, disappointing imo) and an elf, with no real plot at the moment. They're apparently fledgling adventurers and do what any ol' adventurer does best: go into a dungeon, beat monsters, get loot, etc. Of course, because this is a porn game there's some sex involved too.

    Major Pros:
    -Decent variety of sexy stuff even in the game's early state. Most of it is dickgirl + girl but there's quite a few different scenarios for that particular combination. I'd say the variety of dickgirl stuff is probably the game's strongest point so far.
    -Lots of different monster girls in the town and dungeon. There's a deer centaur, slimes, mushrooms, and more.
    -Pretty good artwork all around. Art seems to be from a few different artists which might put off some, but as someone who's played through Monster Girl Quest more than they really should've, it's not that big of a deal for me.

    Major Cons:
    -Dreadful control scheme. Everything is done best via mouse, from navigating menus to in- dungeon movement. You can use the arrow keys but not WASD to go through the dungeon, but then Q & E rotate the map, and battles will still require a mouse, making the keyboard practically useless.
    -The all-but-required use of the mouse means that no matter what your dominant hand is, you're probably not going to be able to "enjoy" the erotic content of the game that well.
    -Repetitive music, but I don't usually like music in most ero-games anyways. Town theme feels a little too "Arabian desert town"-feeling for what looks like your typical generic Euro-fantasy town. Thankfully you can turn it down/off, but only from the starting menu.
    -No gallery means that viewing specific ero-scenes is far more of a chore than it should be. Enemies seemingly have no logic deciding which party member to use the erotic debuffs on, and trying to view earlier enemies' content when you've leveled up a bit feels impossible, especially if one of your characters has a lot of HP/defense.

    Miscellaneous thoughts and more personal opinions:
    -Don't like the generic ugly rapist goblins at all. Considering almost everything else in the game is a cute girl (with or without a dick) or a faceless "trap" entity like a chest full of tentacles, they really stand out like a sore thumb. Probably made worse by the fact that I don't like generic ugly rapist goblins in any other game I play too, but I really wish they could be replaced by something that felt a little more fitting... like hot shortstack goblin dickgirls since every other enemy in that part of the dungeon is a dickgirl.
    -The player catgirl's aforementioned lack of anything catlike besides her ears (and less noticeably, her teeth) is (still) very disappointing. Especially when there are characters like the cowgirl tavern hostess, who sports not only cow ears, but horns, a tail, hooved feet, and quadruple boobs. Hell, even the generic Japanese-looking foxgirl running the brothel has a nice fluffy tail.

    In summary:
    Decent game plagued by some unfortunate flaws that hopefully get fixed in the future. This is the kind of game you keep checking on, in hopes that the next update is the one that finally gets it right and implements something legitimately game-changing, like the much-needed gallery or more gameplay tweaks. For now though, it still misses the mark.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    -Battle System
    -Interesting characters

    -Power Unbalanced (Overpowered Enemies)
    -Poor map design
    -No Gallery (Huge Mistake in any game)
    -Few sex scenes
    -Few enemy types
    -Continuity Mistakes: the main characters in some sex scenes are fit and in other sex scenes they are fat as fuck
    -To get infinite gold you can exploit the brothel
    -Game freezes before and after battles

    The first versions gave me the impression of a promising game.
    However, the battle system is getting boring and the sex scenes as well. This is a 2 years old game. At this point, the progress should be more advanced with many options, scenes and old bugs fixed.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Great animations and fun gameplay, and a good balance of both. It gets quite repetetive really fast - after a couple hours I had seen everything there was to see. Seems like it has a lot of potential.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Hugh Mungus Kok

    Honestly I think this game needs more attention. In terms of art it doesn't lack anything, maybe just update the old defeat scenes, but that's all, It got animated sprites and outstanding still CG's, what else can you ask for.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game with some fine animations, even in this early state. The action battles are fine and the amount of creatures you can figt lacking. It still needs some work but i can see a great game in this.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Relatively "Frequent Updates", Lots of fluid animations, Nice UI design, good optimizations (doesn't rely on an engine)
    And the Art behind this game just makes you wanna lose as much as you can.
    Great piece of art overall.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Very fun to play,good and smooth animations,nice art. Love it....It is beautiful. Would love to see this one finished...Or maybe there is..? Anyway...I know this studio,they have one even better game,with even better animations and artworks...But also not finished one. So i'm not sure if i'm on updated track..but,what i found looks really amazing,promising.Hope to see those games from them finished.Really best work i've seen so far.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    The quality of art and animations (when they are finished and not placeholders of course) are terrific.

    And you got something for everything, like pixel art? You will be pleased. Like static, regular art? Yup, its there and good. You want animations? Look no further. The theme is so far mostly futa/charm based, but also has a goblin scene, so future content will bring more variety. Also like the suggested future mimic and other (probably sexy) dungeon traps.

    A few things I also liked.
    Visible enemies: Great, since I prefer no random encounters.
    The mentioned different themes for dungeon levels: Awesome, variety is what I like.
    Upcoming Brothel: Oh yes, more means to make money, hopefully different reactions based on characters sent to work there.
    Possible future capture mechanic: Combine pokemon with scene review and maybe even "harvest" monsters? Yup, me like.

    And yeah, grammar is ok but could definitely benefit from a proofreader. But overall, awesome start, hope it continues to grow a lot.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    For early alfa (apparently) it shows several aspects quite nicely, animations are well made, character design is nice.
    Combat is actually quite good.
    Since it's still early version, I'll hold on on suggestions, since already provided content is quite promising.
    Can't wait to see how it will develop.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    decent art, smooth animations, and okay gameplay.
    a bit slow on the start up, but that was to be expected with a java based game. it shows a lot of promise for updates to come, and i cant wait!

    only few problems are the mentioned start up time, a slight lack of content (which is to be expected with a demo)

    overall, lewd maze shows quite a bit of potential, and i fully expect it to go far!