Unity - Lewd Sprites [Ch. 11] [Hyperbearmart]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Buggy and bizarre is how I can best describe this game. Still tho, I have to give credits to how big the map is and the intended variety on monster girls and scenes, that alone keeps it from being a 1/5.

    Art is not good but it gets better and it is hot enough to enjoy. Overall a quick game to play, finish and never touch again.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Small fun game, with interesting art.
    The game is pretty cheap, though.
    No story, it gets pretty fast annoying to search for spirits and the art isn't the base, even through the music is pretty calm and animations are okey.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty fun and well made.
    You go around finding items and solving puzzles to collect a gallery of images/animations. Fun enough, and there's redundancy in most collectibles so missing one or two shouldn't be too terrible.
    They can vary in quality though, some look well done and others look amateurish.
    Also its not always good about telling you how much you have left to gather, though that could just be the fault of uploaders leaving the changelog empty.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: Chapter 1-6

    Feels very incomplete and prototype-ish.

    For some of my points to make sense I need to explain the game:
    You are a field researcher of "Sprites" that you log in your Index (lore collection). To find the Sprites, the game utilizes simple puzzles and platformer type mechanics that a child could play. With enough recordings/encounters you are rewarded with a lewd "scene" (that is usually one slide).

    • missing a story, the gameplay just immediately begins on a new game - the content is limited to just running around for some sex images on a huge map
    • there's a lack of interaction with the focus of the game, i.e. recording and fucking monster girls. the sex scenes do little to help this
    • npc guides that give hints use the same model and character art (with some colour variation) - this is only a problem because there are so many guides and so little variation
    • scenes are very short, a lot of them being just one image or a looped animation with a sentence of text
    • scenes just happen - the lack of a premise/build up goes to show how boring just a drawing or animation of some sex can be in a game setting
    • Sprite index unfulfilling and uninteresting if the snippets of lore aren't tied to an immersive game
    • useless grind to acquiring Recordings for a few meagre sex scenes per Sprite
    • journal of main quests and guide hints needed as it's hard to remember everything and where to go/search
    • map is needed as each one is a labyrinth
    • the cartoonish drawings aren't bad if just simple
    • animations are good enough
    • a lot of sexy girls imo
    • all scenes and Sprites are voiced with pretty good voice acting
    • the puzzles are simple but can get fun as you progress
    • convenient checkpoints as you explore new locations
    Bugs encountered:
    • stuck in wall south of lake early in the game
    • F button stopped working after talking to NPC with bee in her yard
    • And the bug that made me quit because I would have to start all over: Graveyard (i think that's the name) location turns screen grey and perma-locks you as restarting returns you to the location

    Could be a really good game that would have you playing for hours IF it wasn't so buggy AND had a story; along with a bit more world building so it doesn't feel like the world only exist to research-fuck Sprites or if that's what the dev wants then some more interaction with the Sprites and NPCs at least.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Don't listen to this other guy. I actually put some real time into this game and was pleasantly surprised. First, yeah, I did encounter one potential softlock wherein you slide down a hill in the last-ish area. All softlocks can be solved by "checking" until you run out of energy where you just teleport to the start of the area. (Like 30 seconds away). I didn't encounter any other bugs and hope he gives this game another shot.

    In gameplay, it's a mix of very light puzzles and general awareness. To find the monsters that you need to stick your meat scepter into, you need to look out for clues. Could be a rustling cattail, a circle of stones or a splash in a body of water etc... "Checking" these will reward you with XP for whatever monster girl was hiding there.
    In content, if find enough of the same girl, you get a CG, Animation or sometimes even a comic. It's a mixed bag and there's usually three for each monster girl. All very well done and repeatable. Some girls have less, however. It kind of reminds me of pokemon, if you played as like, a professor, just researching them, instead of battling and catching pokemon.
    Speaking of research, for each new CG you unlock, you get a paragraph+ of info about a monster, which I found to be short enough not to bore me and interesting enough to be almost as rewarding as the CG itself.
    Conclusion: Give this game a try!
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like this game as I dig the cartoony artstyle, we lack those kind of games here. But it's just very buggy. I got stuck in a "puddle" and had to start a new game, got a talk bug where a character I talked to before shows up everytime I press F, it even overlapped with one more character. A continue fixed that though. Also, got stuck in a grey screen after I died and have to restart again.