Unity - Completed - Lewdybucks! [Final] [kimochi]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Cute game but gets repetitive really quickly. Buggy.

    The drink-mixing minigame is honestly pretty well-done, with some qualificaitons.
    - The "specific order" thing is understandable as a programming limitation, but a bit irritating when the game cares which flavor sauce you add first when you're adding both back to back.
    - Would work better if there was some kind of increasing complexity or adding of ingredients rather than dropping in the deep end and just relying on checking the full recipe every time.

    Girls are cute, but even with how fast they progress from "drink please" to "time to fuck", it still feels horribly repetitive and grindy. Maybe too many generic nobody customers.
    Easily bugs out since the girls progress at roughly the same rate, and things break if multiple girls are supposed to show up in an evening. At one point I had a girl reciting her event-command text as part of her order. [movePlayerToDoor][fadeToBlack] etc.

    For a quickly-made challenge game it's pretty good. Without that qualification, it needs more time to cook.