Lickalicious G8F Wetness


Jul 5, 2017
I'm using Lickalicious G8F in a scene. However i can't make it shine like a oiled surface.

I noticed that the package comes with a Wet Shell but no matter which glossy preset i use, the effect is almost none. The low glossy is almost equals to the highest.

I also tried to change Glossy Roughness and top Coat in the shell but the result is awful, a weird dark tongue. I tried to do the same direct in the tongue, but the glossy parameters are almost in the max.

I just need to make it shine like a plastic without interfering too much in the tongue color. But all my tries leads to small changes in glossy or a big color change in the tongue.
So...since wet shell glossyness provided isn't enough, there's another way to do this? Or maybe i'm doing something wrong?

I'm with gens in the scene but i'm sure that i turned off the gens shells for the tongue and lickalicious. The tongue color is pink with a little glossy, but not enough.

Thanks for the help,