The renders have an amazing quality, beautiful girls, that almost all the good things I could say about this one.
The MC is the tipical stupid guy that can't say two words without saying or thinking something stupid, like after he has sex with Ron's mom, later when he is with Ron, who is kind of injured so the MC has to carry him to his house, Ron tell you that maybe his mom will be calling you, the MC suddenly start to freak out like a 12 year old kid that was caught out with a porn magazine and ask "why your mom has my phone number and why she would call me instead of my mom?" The next scene in the kitchen, his mom say that Karen (Ron's mom) called and the MC ask if she said something about him.
The teacher is scolding the MC for being late and the best that the MC has to say is "Seems like your feet hurt, I give foot massages to my mom all the time, you want me to give you one?"
The next day he is scolded again and he say the same thing, looks pretty obvious that the Dev has a foot fetish and didn't know how to put it into the game in a smooth way and he tried to force it.
Like you saw all the scenes are about the MC saying stupid things that a guy at his age wouldn't say or think.
All the women are practically sluts, the crazy classmate craves for the MC dick, the teacher too, Rachel, the sister, I wouldn't be surprised if even his stepfather wanted to have sex with the MC and all of them are interested in him for no reason.
The story is not really interesting or deep, is pretty basic, I would just play it for a quick fap and without losing time reading the plot or the stupid MC thoughts.