Others - Life in Woodchester [v0.13.2] [Dirty Sock Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome Art, awesome scene, relation building is good.
    We only need more content and some scene needs a bit more animation, like the footjob on livingroom scene thatdoesn't shows the entire scene.
    ARequire also a bit more teasing in some different places and it would be perfect.
    Great game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is good so far, and it's not super grindy. The art is excellent, as well as the animations. I also like that there is an option of adding a layer of intimacy that you generally don't see in games.
    Hopefully the creator will add more options to the "end game." What I mean by this is the only sexual option at the end game, outside of gallery, is missionary. I would like to see the previous scenes added into the options, like the blowjob and doggy.
    With that being said, they do a good job of adding variety to the missionary option by letting you choose where it happens in the house.
    All in all keep up the good work!
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Terrible UI and navigation certainly atypical of most other games.
    Annoying to get to the options menu. Right click doesn't really do what you'd expect.
    Rooms aren't labeled
    Even w the patch mc calls his mom by her first name. (not dev's fault)

    Granted I don't have the highest performance machine, but it was still clunky on mine...

    Story doesn't make much sense and is way too wordy....

    Things like your mom explaining everything she has to do for the day, including going out of town to visit her sister which didn't make sense how it was written.

    MC is a douche...

    I guess I just expected a lot more out of a game that's had over 4 years worth of development.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    abunika 2300 2400

    it had a potential in graphic and artistic design( excluding the milf and big sisters the female bodies are good)

    the dialoges are too long and no way to skip it
    the controls is terrible
    the story takes too much time to get to sex scens
    the game include many nonutilized location it seems the developers lost interest after sometime
    the sex scenes aren't repeatable like most of games

    the story is so silly

    the programming is terrible

    in short it a bad game that had some potential in art only
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoy, also blackjack sucks ass but can be easily completed by just modding your cash, and making your luck outrageously high, like i mean 5000000/10 typa high. Animations r hot, mom hot, lil sis is ok, big sis is hot.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Really sad, but I gotta give this one 3 stars max.
    Great illustrations
    Characters actually make sense
    Can play for sex or story
    Passable animations
    Nice Variety of females

    Based on this, I would give it a 4 1/2 stars, HOWEVER

    UI is HORRIBLE. Only basic functions work. There are menu bar items at bottom, such as Auto and Skip, not they are currently non functional.
    Also, you would almost think the Dev went out of the way to include extra clicks. Wanna travel on the map? Gotta click your destination just to focus on the place, then click again to select. You can drag the map (which you're not told) but you still need to click x2.

    Little typos all over such as displaying variable NAMES and not their VALUES

    Wanna quit? Takes like 5 clicks and a lot of patience

    Has a gallery, not even close to working thought

    Does not save your preferences, everytime you start the game you need to reset your window and audio volumes

    Don't even get me started on the LOAD and SAVE options

    So, for now or stands at 3. Bravo to the Writer and the illustrator
    If you are going with a "non traditional" game engine, get a dev who knows what they are doing.
    Best of luck
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I love the artstyle of this game, and I like how pretty simple it is. I was enjoying just plowing through it, until I was forced to play fucking blackjack 3 times. Maybe even 4, I don't know. As soon as I realized I had to play blackjack again I closed the game. This needs to be skippable, or have luck effect your cards. I do not want to play blackjack, forcing it on me once, fine. Twice? Dick move. THREE? C'mon dawg.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The only reason this doesn't have a 1 star is that the art is pretty good. I don't really have much against FuShark (the contracted artist for this game, god bless his soul), just Dirty Sock Games.

    First off, this game is a laughably buggy mess, and it's been that way since release with no signs of that ever changing. Not sure if it's because the engine is trash or the dev is just lazy, but the true answer is probably both. Things will rarely ever work as intended when a new update releases and it will take the dev days if not weeks to fix the issues (and many bugs still haven't been fixed at all). We’re not your playtesters, or at least we shouldn’t have to be. Hire some qualified people to legitimately test the entire game because that clearly isn’t happening right now.

    The dialogue isn't the worst thing in the world, but the writing is extremely generic and cliché. The main characters are such bare-bones archetypes (mature but secretly horny mother, bitchy older sister with a soft side, innocent younger sister), it's honestly fucking comical at this point. I'm surprised my eyes didn't completely roll out of their sockets by the time I was done with this game. The dev also can’t write legitimately good smut to save his life, and he has an obsession with the word ‘girlcum’ and it’s very cringe.

    There's an 'ambitious' attempt at building a larger world with an increasing number of characters and mechanics here, but I'd say it's way too ambitious if updates are going to come as slow as they are. This game has been in the works for over 3 years now and has less content than some games that have been in development for less than a year. And the majority of it isn't even sexual content, just generic point-and-click quests with a shit ton of teasing and time-wasting. Only recently have things actually started to 'spice up'.

    Something isn't working here. The way I see it, the direction this game is going needs to change. Maybe not worry so much about trying to expand the world, mechanics, and number of characters if it's going to lead to this many problems; instead, just stay focused on fleshing out the already-established characters and mechanics. Fix the bugs. Give the game some polish, for god's sake. If the dev can do that and stop trying to make promises he can't keep on his Patreon, I think there's still hope. But I seriously doubt any of that will actually happen. Why change and put more effort into the game when people will happily pay for it the way it is now?

    Legitimately the most fun that I had with this game was with the fucking Blackjack mini game. Such a great sign when the best part of your game isn’t even your own game. Just ignore this one for now, and probably forever if we're being realistic.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this one. Played it on mobile and had no issues. I am excited for more content. Each character is well fleshed out and interesting. It will be fun when more locations and characters are available.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I am really enjoying it so far. didn't really felt the need to cheat to advance faster. The content I think is balanced, the hint system helps you a lot if you need it.
    The downsides for me are the visuals not the best of all time, really enjoyed the visuals of the younger one in the house the other not so much don't have that much which makes them unique.

    But the major problem for me that makes me unable to give a higher mark is the lack of a skip option. There is repeatable text that could be skippable. For example, there is a minigame later on that is probable to lose some times and each time you have to get through all of the same text again. It makes this game a left click(or space) masher. Wish the dev could add a skip button at least for already scene bits.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The scenes are very well-drawn, and there's a decent storyline with good pacing, but the engine is just horrible. Too glitchy and laggy than it should be. Even the best gaming PC is going to have trouble running this thing.

    You can also tell this is just a rip-off of another very popular game with much less of the charm. Only thing saving this game from getting a poor rating is the art.

    Side note: I do like the Blackjack minigame, which is quite fun despite the frustration.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    You will regret playing this game.

    The drawings aren't bad, but the actual sexual content is sparse. You'll spend most of your time dealing with bugs and clicking through the sandbox trying to figure out what's suppose to happen next.

    The content creator is scamming people on his Patreon. In the last two months, he's posted twice. Both posts were promotional links to other games. That's the extent of development you'll get in this game. In the last year, less than 10 minutes of actual game content has been published.

    Don't fall for this trap. There are so many great games on this website. Don't waste your time with this one.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty decent game for what there is, which isn't that much as of the time of this post. It's a bad game to follow since it gets updated slower than most younger games, it took nearly two years to get the handful of sex scenes added to the original first blowjob scene.

    It's also, technically, a mess. Every release is exceptionally buggy, laggy, and often straight up broken (how it gets past QA to even get released to patrons or the public, I don't know). You usually need to wait for a few quick hotfix patches to have a playable, still technically laggy and buggy game.

    All that aside, it has great art and what scenes are there are good. Not great, none of them individually go above and beyond, but good. The story's okay, if you've played the other big incest (I mean, *room mate*) sex games you've seen the archetypes before, you know how it progresses, you know the catalysts that take the relationship from normal to sex-curious already.

    The game needs to update faster. For as slow as some other games take to update, they're usually highly established games with hours of meat on their bones and huge amounts of technical debt. This game could have been released as it is with the current content and that'd be about right.

    If the devs get their minds focused, make the game as smooth as most other games, and start putting out good solid routes every few months this will skyrocket towards the top of the cum soaked pile. Until then, 3/5 stars.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    The developer is doing a good job here. I lost interest for awhile (due to many of the concerns others have mentioned) but coming back in August found they had begun to fill the game out. They game is worth watching and possibly evening supporting on Patreon. GG
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A very beautiful game.
    • Game Benefits:
    1. The first thing I noticed was how the characters are drawn and what the style of the game is. For some reason, this reminded me of comics or cartoons.
    2. Sexy girls with whom you can have a romantic relationship (unusually, most often, we meet mindless sex without logic)Girls shapes look attractive.
    3. A large number of locations to visit, you can also find some interactivity there.
    4. Beautiful animations.
    5. Clear gameplay, no need to grind or something like that.
    • Game disadvantages:
    1. There is such a problem that you cannot understand what you need to do, you cannot find a trigger to move further along the plot.
    2. The game as a whole, even on version 0.9.1, is small and in my opinion there are few scenes.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is far from ready.

    Don't get me wrong, the artwork is beautiful, but that's where the compliments stop. The characters are bog-standard in terms of personality. You've got the sexually frustrated mother, the bitchy older sister, and the cute and naive younger sister. The ladies never seem to go beyond their tropes. This game has been in development for 2 years, but there isn't much content. This game also has a lot of bugs. Some of the events don't trigger properly, if at all. This game seems ambitious. It still has a long way to go, however.
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    The Surgeon

    The first thing to notice is the rather high quality that is clear from the moment you open the game. It doesn't look like any cheap game with default fonts etc.
    The graphics are good also, it has animations, the models look good and the drawings are mostly of good quality (Gets a bit lazy with BG-Art in places that are not the home, but thats filed under "under construction" in my eyes)

    What is apparent is the utter lack of unoriginality, you have played every beat of this story a hundred times before. The "landlady" that is clearly your stay at home mom who notices how much you've grown and who first notices you when you masturbate with their underwear? Check. The bigger sister who is a fuckup and cruel towards you, but actually also a bit attractive to their younger brother? Check. The little sister who is the quirky character who is both in there to do utterly childish stuff and also quirkily has an interest in random things the creator likes? Check.
    All these storylines have been retold to death already.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I want to start by saying that the game is worth playing, it has huge pontetial in becoming one of the best of its genre, worthy of 5 stars, but there are certain things that cant be unnoticed.

    im very divided rating this game, on one side i have only praises for it: the quality of the artworks and the models of the characters are truly beautiful and astonishing, the quest lines are very immersive and capable of building up the various relationships, on the other there are still many downsides that prevent me from giving 4 stars: the fiew sex scenes are very dull and repetitive, they dont feel rewarding, the buildups from the quest lines are much more "spicy" than them. The game also has many bugs: the fog from the shower remaining for the whole game, even in different scenes, many questlines, if done toghether, clash with each other, making certain scenes unwatchable, many of the options dont work as intended (or dont work at all).

    Im sure that most of the things i've pointed out will be fixed, with further develpoment of quest lines many scenes will be added and the game itslef will be much better (obviously) than the "beta" we have now.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    1) MAJESTIC art and designs
    2) story is mostly 'okay', generic asf, but it gets its job done
    3) most of the characters are good, they're cliche and predictable, but all of them are hella hot! (thx to the artist)
    4) no grinding, straight up kinetic novel. Mb, for the most of you it is the con, but I'm personally here only for the art and story. (gonna cheat the shit out of it, anyway)

    1) Tara. (personal) I HATE these "mean" tsunderes, that beat and flip at others, especially protag. If someone beats, call you names or throws random stuff at you 24/7, there will not be even ounce of love/care in in you for this person, ESPECIALLY if it's brother/sister. At some point, from my experience, almost all these "t-sun-dere" scenarios started to end bloody or with bruises, with mild concussion, broken noses or teeths. (it was that bad)
    My suspension of disbelief doesn't work on this char, it's WAY too unrealistic. (even cliched "little, in-love, virgin,all over MC" sister is more realistic than this shit)
    2) bugs, not critical ones
    3) cliche, almost nothing unique, except for the art (mom is so hot)
    4) short and unpolished

    Overall: 4/5 without Tara and 2.3/5 with her. I hope they'll add at the end of Tara's story arc 'go f*ck yourself *punch her in the face*' option, that would be 10/10 GOTY for me. Still, support devs, (on patreon or whatever) they DID good job with this one.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for 0.75

    Game is simple and barebones. Story and charachter development altho cliche very consistent and well written, mitigates somewhat maybe slower pace of developing story, however as I said , pace is perfect in my case because the story opens naturally, doesn't feel forced.
    My complaint is lack of scenes.

    0.7.5 ver seems misleading, you'd thing this game is almost done. But the game feels more like
    UI is placeholder, you have one scene with "landlady" (with penetration), masturbations and blow/handjobs I don't consider them scenes.
    Interaction with the world is nonexistent. However I believe it's all planned in due time.

    For now what is worth 5/5. Great art, great story.
    - Missing alot of QOL features. (to be expected)