RPGM - Completed - Life With a Flirty Step-Sister [Final] [Girl Cafe -KeyTail-]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This should not have been a game. Its meager excuse for 'gameplay' consists solely of clicking the highest value items in the shop to unlock more scenes. The entire concept of this being a "game" is bait. It's really just a scene gallery, spaced out between tedious interstitials.

    But that's not a huge problem, right? At least you can still appreciate the art, voice acting, and story... right? While the art seems good at first glance, it's inconsistent, and quickly becomes boring. It's hardly better than something an AI could have made. The voice acting is mediocre... and I'm sorry, but if this is what passes the bar for even a 'mid' story to you people, then... (hopeless despair)

    This is not a siscon game. It is a waste of time. It's soulless. Play something else.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent art and perfect execution of an affectionate mesugaki. However, there's not quite enough substance to fill the runtime. There's only a handful of H scenes and the daily life sim is so simple that it's effectively just a cutscene that you watch over and over. At least give me a unique daily conversation or something. Being locked into an extremely slow text speed only exacerbates the feeling that you're just going through padding. I really wish it was more fleshed-out, but the good parts are really strong and I'm the exact target audience for this game so it gets a 4 from me.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm a sucker for these time of games.
    Incest (step siblings but I can pretend they're blood related)
    Lil' sis has white hair and red hair. She's in my strike zone.
    Art style is soft and cute. Animation is basic but it's appreciated.
    You can unlock all CGs and interactions in under 2 hours easily.
    Only con: There's no penalty/bad ending. You can molest her in the sleep without worrying about her waking up. This is the only reason why I'm giving it 4 stars. If I could rate 4.5, I would.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Pretty boring as far as intereactive Vn goes, it seems like there is more becuse you can go to her room and interect with her but that too is barebones.

    it's not even woth it to say its pros and cons, if you are bored and have nothing better to do and wanna lewd a mesugaki brat imouto play it
    at the very least its a very quick game with like 4-7 hours grind for love points.

    Tldr: lore? none/gameplay? mid/loli? hot/references? like 4 or 5/game? Mid
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    just my opinion of what I think of the game, not a synopsis of the game, since the game basically has no story (the parents travel and you are alone with your sister)

    about the sister:

    compared to other games I've played in this style of love between brother and sister, I can say that the sister is very alive, the developers gave a lot of life to the sister's personality, at first I was even angry at the sister's provocative personality, which is between some kind of sexual provocation with tsundere, imagine a tsundere who treats you badly but likes you and shows that she likes you at specific moments when she lets her guard down, Now imagine a tsundere doing this in sexual terms, laughing when you lose your virginity and cum just by putting it inside, and saying things that make you sad, where the MC literally almost cried, but at the same time she cares about running after the MC on the street at night and in the cold when she sees that the MC leaves the house sad, she drops everything she is doing even without warm clothes and goes out on the street looking for him,

    the sister kind of gives off a yandere vibe, since she mentions several times that she is always watching him and knowing everything about the MC, in extreme detail about him, even the sister's gaze at certain moments gives off a yandere vibe, so I would say she is a mix of yandere and tsundere (?),

    and of all the games I've played in this style, where the younger sister loves her brother and such, this is the first game in which the younger sister is active and dominant, in which the sister plays a more sexually active role, normally it's the opposite, this is something I liked, as I said, the sister is very lively.


    the scene about messing with your sister while she sleeps is good, but it's not the freest, there are games out there with more freedom about what to do with your sister during the game,
    I would say that this game is very simple and linear and straight to the point even in relation to the interactions with the sister
    One thing that surprised me was the sister's reaction in that moment that I mentioned above, as I said, her personality is really good,

    I would say that the game lacks more interactions with the sister and more freedom in choosing interactions, more different things during gameplay, and a longer game time, since the game is very linear and very short, the beginning of the game is very slow and monotonous, I would say that if you get past the first 10 days of playing you will be fine

    but before that most of the game's features are locked, you basically just go to work, even interacting with the sister is locked, not by the sister, but because the MC still doesn't accept the idea of incest, (too dumb), since his sister would accept him having sex with her from day one since she has had feelings for him for a long time


    mc is the type of skeptical character who has great luck but doesn't know how to take advantage of it, too righteous, always worrying about what is right and wrong and what others think, to the point of almost letting the big luck slip away if it weren't for his sister insisting on liking him, (I would say a perfect cuckold) since normally in these cases the girl tends to give up on the guy who is too straight, but not here in the game.


    One thing I noticed (and it's hard not to notice) is that the sister talks as if she wasn't a virgin, always convinced and thinking she's the best when it comes to sex, but the game never talks about how she lost her virginity.
    I even thought if it was with her father, but I don't think so... or I thought if she was lying, but apparently she wasn't, and she always says she doesn't want any other guy,
    She says some things that only yandere say, so I can't imagine how she lost her virginity... I think it was a script break just to make her sister seem more experienced so she could provoke the brother.


    the look is good… the sister’s voice is very sensual and feminine, typical of hot Japanese girls.
    I would give the animations a 4/10, but for the sister's expression and some certain moments where she sits on the MC, I would give the animations a 7/10, but other than that there are almost no animations.

    A short, straight to the point game that is definitely worth checking out since it won't take up much of your time. The MC's personality can be annoying at first because he's very correct or the game's pace is too grindy at first, I would say it would be worth 5 stars if it wasn't so short.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Cute and nice to play
    Very short, and too censored...
    I kinda enjoyed this one more than the ones we had at similar style
    The girl's personality is good and they put a lot of "life" on her, made me bother and read all her dialogues
    It could've been a py game, but it's fine being in the current format
    The only flaw is being too short, grindy and not having cloth options
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Ok so I played the game and I want to say that I enjoyed it but it is very, very repetitive and I have no problem doing everyday things [going to work/talking to my girlfriend/sister and leveling up] but for it to be meaningful if I'm going to work then for it to have a sufficiently respectable value for the things I Kona [there is but not enough] and about "my sister" I liked the art but I hate that there is no moving animation and from here it is a picture that changes from time to time it is true that my sister has a horny voice but it is not enough to make me come back to this scene again and about the story sorry I didn't read

    In any case, unfortunately there are few simulation games and even if I find one, it's pretty terrible in all the things it presents and it's a shame because I really wanted to enjoy it
  8. 3.00 star(s)

    Noah Neim

    Im going off of my memory here but i really find novels like this tedious

    Though the game itself is not that long, length isnt the issue, it's engagement that the game offers you, and this one like all other novels is just an endless repeat of > task > job > fuck your little sister > go to bed
    It'd be good if the ssubject matter was good enough to make up for it, sadly its not, the art is of good quality, but the positions and actual writing is about as sophisticated as a middle schooler writing his horny self insert fantasy.

    Up to you if you want to play it or not
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    It's basically a very short kinetic novel with a small degree of interactivity. Playing normally, I unlocked everything by day 25, it took me a couple of hours. There are 3 or 4 animated/interactive sex positions (depending on if you count the sleep molestation) and a handful of CGs. Not a ton of voice acting, it's mostly just moaning during the sex scenes and the occasional voiced line (usually when cumming).

    Lightsaber-censors on the penis and mosaic/smear on the vagina unfortunately, but the framing and application made it feel not as bad as some other games. Many of the CGs only imply penetration without showing it, so censorship isn't an issue there. During the interactive scenes, the censorship didn't really bother me, the mosaic is subtle so you can still see the borders of objects unlike some other games where any penetration just looks like a big pixelated mess.

    The interactive sex scenes don't have a lot to them, you mostly can't do anything besides remove/put on clothes, go slow/medium/fast, and cum. You can choose when to cum as long as your pleasure gauge is full, you can hold it forever, and it seems like you can cum as much as you want. Sis only has a pleasure gauge for sleep molestation, in the other scenes it seems like she cums when you do. I really liked how the art and VO changes as you cum more (her clothes and skin get sweaty, her moans get more intense, her O-face changes, etc).

    The sleep molestation has more interactivity than the other scenes, surprisingly. You don't have to worry about waking her up, but you can remove her clothes to different degrees (as opposed to the binary clothed/naked option of the sex scenes), you have many options for where to cum (instead of just inside/outside for the other scenes) and sis has a separate pleasure meter.

    No tedious mini games, thankfully, just click the "work" button to get 5000 yen and pass the time. There aren't really any time constraints either, except for two scenes that you can only unlock after day 15 and day 25. The prices for items are reasonable, so I never felt like I was grinding (not like grinding in this game is that annoying, anyway) and I was able to buy most things as soon as they were made available.

    Many of the scene/screen transitions are a bit too slow, and that frustrated me for a while, especially at the beginning when you're just doing the same thing over and over to raise affection and having to read the exact same dialogue over and over. Once you've gotten over that initial hump (around 25 affection?), the game picks up momentum.

    Overall, not a ton to do, you just work when you want money to buy stuff, most of the items are just for raising affection but some of them unlock CGs or new interactions (you can check the album, it tells you exactly what to do to unlock everything). The interactions between the characters are pretty cute, and the story is mostly just fluffy domestic teasing. Worth playing if you enjoy the character archetype, but like I said earlier there really isn't much to this game. I enjoyed my time with it, but that time was pretty short. Not sure if it's worth the $10~ asking price, but if you get it for free, it's not a huge time commitment.

    If this type of story/character appeals to you, you'll probably enjoy the game. If not, there are probably better options.