VN - Others - Completed - Life With a Slave -Teaching Feeling- [v4.0.6 - v2.5.2] [FreakilyCharming]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    High quality great story. If you go for the forced route, there is a bad ending which I think is a good moral.

    Really good/hot scenes and best headpat simulator.
    Sylvie deserves to be in a happy home.
    Most of the new content unfortunately seems to be leaning towards more outfits/small options to be added rather than scenes/dialog.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Dear reader. In all of your life, you’ve no doubt seen all sorts of people. Pleasant and not so pleasant. Both those beautiful and those who are hideously ugly. The shameless and the overly reserved. The ragged and the rich. Those that are endowed with wit enough to damn near charm you to your knees and those who cannot muster a sentence without you wanting to blow your brains out.

    Knowing all that, with all of your experience, could you help me answer this one singular question?

    “What does it mean to be kind?”

    See, to you and I, a question like that might seem so obvious that questioning it is akin to asking why water runs. However, I’d like to suggest that in this instance, this question is a little more murky than the “matter of fact” running water it feigns itself to be.

    Furthermore, this review will focus less on the “game” elements, and more so on tackling what I believe is the point of this game.


    Teaching Feeling is a story about Sylvie, a short slave girl that’s been tossed around through hell and back. Beaten, burned and likely abused in ways you can’t imagine. A girl whose life is genuinely not worth living. A girl, who, unlike you or I, does not know what makes someone good or kind.

    Now, it’s not as though she can’t perceive things that are happening around her to be one way or another, rather, an act of inherent kindness is seen as something of a currency - a form of exchange.
    A fresh new pillow offered is equivalent to a beating that will come in the future. A plate of pancakes is a disguised attempt to berate you later. A pat on the head is a prelude to horror. The horror of uncertainty. That’s what the word “kindness” rings as in Sylvie’s bruised head. An impending sense of doom.

    When you’ve been demeaned and used like an accessory your entire life, it is easy to assume that your perception of reality differs from the average person. Acts of brutality are an everyday occurrence, - in other words, a normality. If your skin were to be seared with boiling water every day.. then the absence of such an act on a random day wouldn’t make you relieved..

    ..It’d make you more terrified than you ever were before.

    Severe anxiety and profound fear is a powerful venom that can make someone wish that they were being physically abused instead. There are those who’d rather suffer through the agony of gruesome physical pain, than to spend so much as a moment in the purgatory that is the uncertainty of your fate.

    And that uncertainty is where the player comes in. YOU, the player, are the judge, jury and executioner of Sylvie’s fate.

    This game offers you two routes to take.

    1. Route number one is to continue the cycle of abuse that Sylvie has endured by using her as her previous owner had.
    2. Route number two is stoking Sylvie’s fears by showing her an endless barrage of affectionate acts.

    See, by and of itself, the second choice is the obvious selection to any reasonable person. Most people don’t get off on abusing people, and those that do will likely not find much interest in this game due to how short lived the first option is. Conversely, however, it is evident that at the beginning that Sylvie actually “prefers” the first choice, due to her being kept in a familiar cycle, where she has already learned how to cope and live in, however awful it may be. I say this because of the genuine fear of every action you make in the second route, being so logically alien to Sylvie’s perception that you cannot unsee her agonizing fear of what may come.

    Now, following the second choice, throughout the game, you offer physical affection, food, clothes - all of which Sylvie simply looks at with fear. Seeing this, a question props up in my mind as all of this unwinds.

    Do I, both the player character and the person pressing the keys, do this out of kindness?

    Is this an act of mere generosity, or do I wish to gain something out of this girl? Do I want this person to feel safe and happy, despite their miserable life before it, or do I wish to subdue someone into a life of gratitude, as I wallow in my own righteousness? It’s a difficult question to answer, seeing as being kind isn’t viewed as a double-edge sword by most folk. Certainly, to offer kindness is a greater sum than to offer a dagger in the back. But is it greater than a measured middle ground?

    As time goes on, Sylvie’s fear begins to mutate into a feeling of confusion. “What’s going on? Why aren’t I being hurt?”. A horrifically hideous, yet comical moment comes up in the game where Sylvie genuinely says that it’s okay for you to beat her, as her previous master had done just that, as it was her one and only use. She mentions that it seemed to entertain him, and gave her some meaning to her existence as to be a tool for someone’s morbid joy. To Sylvie, physical pain is secondary to the fear of being abandoned and thrown out into the unknown. That one, singular line of dialogue says more about her state of mind than most games on this platform say with their entire bloated narrative. Much like this review

    Time passes, and the fear and confusion begin to form into a new emotion.


    A hope that.. maybe this isn’t.. all a ploy? A hope that this person actually means well? And yet, with that same hope, flows the newfound fear of betrayal.

    To build upon this bridge of hope means to surrender the feeling of fear, to cast it aside for trust. Sylvie realizes that the person before her has done nothing but good things to her, and yet she’s incredibly conflicted, since her distrust of people is so overwhelming that it’s killing her with guilt. Should she reciprocate and accept that kindness, and offer back her own kindness in turn? Doing so, Sylvie would have to give up her lifelong fears for your and her own sake. A step into the unknown, which if misguided, would almost certainly be her end. Naturally, she’s aware of this, and her fear and guilt culminate in a single scene.

    Sylvie simply asks you, earnestly and naively, if you’re truly a kind person. If it’s okay that she trusts you, from now on. A display of bravery which renders her completely naked before your judgment. To lie to her now, would likely mean her death, both physically and mentally.

    And so, you say yes. Because you’re not an imbecile

    And just as earnestly as her question prior, she decides to believe you from now on.

    From this point onward, Sylvie is in a far more vulnerable state than she was before. She’s cast away both uncertainty and fear, and begins to open up to you. She tells you about how she got her burn marks, how awfully she was treated, - yet never failing to mention that it doesn’t hurt anymore, trying not to worry you. You two begin to share a genuine and profound relationship between two people that is no longer riddled with questions, and is instead ruled by trust.

    From the macabre art style, and the way the story presents itself at the beginning, one might assume that this game is some sort of strange fetishistic rape-fantasy. Naturally, but this could not be further from the truth.

    This game has some of the most profound and beautiful renditions of what reciprocal kindness can create. A true tale of the need for people to trust one another in order to survive in this awful world. Even though she had no talents or skills. Despite the state of her ravaged and malnourished body, Sylvie was still offered affection. She wasn’t used as a sexual object, or a toy to play with. It was likely the first time that Sylvie had felt like a human being.

    While I don’t know your answer to the question I inquired upon you at the start, the answer I have is pretty concise. To me, kindness is offering yourself to someone who treasures you as much as you treasure them, in spite of your fears, in spite of your uncertainties and insecurities. It is an ultimate act of goodwill, that disregards the anxiety inducing fear of the unknown.


    Real talk.

    The underlying tones of this game are hidden under its almost ghoulish(but also gorgeous), painterly art style. They’re pushed under the generic gameplay elements that feel monotonous. I’ll be frank with you, I don’t give a fuck about the gameplay being mediocre. I don’t care that this game is a faux kinetic novel with some short bad-endings. This doesn’t matter. What’s on display here is some of the most profound artistry that this website has, and it’s genuinely not even close. It’s difficult to receive something so heart warming from what is basically disguised as a game about owning a slave. I’m of the opinion that the game actually has two titles. One is the first route, which is “living with a slave”, and the second is “teaching feeling”, which I referred to it as, at the very beginning. A game where you teach someone who had lost all feeling, to feel again.

    Most of the games on this website offer you jerk off material with some mediocre excuse to get to the porn. You’ve seen it, you’ve read it, you’ve played through it. You know exactly what I mean. This game isn’t that. The entire point of this game IS the build up. The appeal is in the human need for affection. Most of these games don’t get it. You get some rinky-dink porn scene, and when you’re done with it, you feel no better than you did before squeezing your hog. These momentary feelings of sexual gratification are immediately fleeting.

    Meanwhile, the GoodVibes™ stay with you past your baseline needs.

    This game is amazing. The writing in this game is amazing, the artwork is incredible. The sex scenes, together with the build up, and the extremely erotic and almost animalistic affection in them is incredibly arousing and appealing.

    The people saying the artwork looks bad couldn’t empty water out of a shoe if the instructions were at the heel. This game has some flaws, but I don’t care. Not a single other game on this website offers what Teaching Feeling does.

    Thanks for reading.


    A lot of this author’s work dances around themes of disfigurement and monstrosities, and just like teaching feeling, all of them(to my limited knowledge) are as heart warming and worth playing as this game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    very wholesome
    robust h
    i like repeating the content
    im a fan
    i like the artist
    starts out with spamming chat/headpat, but im still a fan
    no deep gameplay or deepest lore
    cannot financially support...
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I know it does not deserve that much of rating BUT DEAR GOOD I LOVE THIS GAME the story i liked a lot and the charachter i dont know why i loved them so much it has some of that kind of hard scenes thta back me off sometimes but asde that great game mostly for nostalga 10/10 its a great game to start to these kind of games (Sorry for my bad english xd)
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Probably the most overrated hentai game of all time. It's basically a headpat simulator.

    You spam the chat and headpat buttons until shit happens.

    And you gotta be careful to spam both enough or you get a game over cuz she gets sick and dies.

    At the start you're given the illusion of choice of being able to treat her well or treat her like a sex slave, but if you don't treat her well she just kills herself.

    So basically there's only one route through the game. And that route is to spam the chat and headpat buttons until at some point after few hours of doing it something might maybe happen.

    Pure fuckin garbage. Sure the game's name is teaching feeling, but what's the point of having multiple choices if there is only really ever one choice? What kind of garbage game designer has you pressing the same 2 buttons for actual hours on end?
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Sacrificing Pregnant Kids

    Masterpiece! You're Breathtaking!

    Glory to Ray-K! Glory to Teaching Feelings and Sylvie !

    I wish some weirdo human trafficing would appear in front of my door and offer some cute kawaii loli girl, I'd take her right away, protect her and fill up with all my love, kawaii pancake, chocolate cakes, waffles and other deserts. Headpat! Pat pat!
    Daughteru, protect and serve, love and hug!
    <3 chou <3 aishiteru XOXO kawaii <3 cute, itadakimasu!

    Sandwiches are bad bad, don't do drugs and sandwiches, it's bad!
    p.s. cigarettes and alcohol are drugs too. Bad! Yamete!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Alright so this is one of those few H games that actually got acclaim even outside of the usual handjerk circles. Here's my take;


    - The game is paced well. There isnt a moment while I was playing the game where I thought it dragged. Most of it is a result of adding even small details, like changing the dialogue as the trust increases, or a simple smile. A shining example of what can be done with little content.
    - There is a reason why this game is titled 'teaching feeling' because essentially that's the end goal; to enable a traumatized girl to feel again. And the emphasis on the feel makes the game emotionally satisfying. You could just fuck her like a toy if you like, but you wont, because youre not a monster. And the game makes that a point.
    - Plenty of customization. You can change her clothes, hairstyle, hell you could even change the colour of her clothes if you so fancy. Cant remove those scars though :/
    - Surprisingly, H gameplay is robust. In fact, its incredible considering that there isnt any VA nor animations. The interactions you can have with Sylvie means youre not just spamming spacebar, and her reaction to your fucking means youre not fucking a plank of wood. Incredible. Why arent more H games, big or small, just designed like this? So simple its baffling how many games dont do it.


    - The game is bereft of content. Basically speaking, the game practically shows its hand the moment the fucking starts, which is usually about the third hour, depending on how much headpats or dialogue you so wish to explore.
    - Speaking of which. Despite my praise of its pacing and emotional satisfaction, it cannot hide the fact that you are basically just spamming headpats/talk until the game progresses. And even then you'll still be spamming headpats/talk because what else is there to do? You get to take her for walks and that's about it. Our protagonist is a doctor. But you'll never know it because he never really do any work. Also, there's some sort of silliness going on when you spent entire days headpatting her like some kind of psycho.
    - The game is great. But aside from its H gameplay, its about as complex as sitting on a barstool. To fail in this game is basically to fail as a human being. You quite literally cannot possibly get the bad ending unless you purposefully want to get it. And the path towards rehabilitating Sylvie is basically a linear progression of headpats/chatting. A shame really. Because a game has the potential to test the limits of our humanity but instead its basically just yet another simplistic VN, where the sex is entirely the reason to play it.


    Alright, so let's get past some introductions. You play as a doctor. One day a stranger visits you and claims you saved his life. In return, he gives you a packet full of cash...and a slavegirl named Sylvie. Oh yes, how much any of us wish such a thing is even remotely believable, especially considering that despite the tragedy that have befallen the girl, shes somehow still a virgin. Perhaps the most unbelievable part of them all.

    Your task is essentially just be human, and slowly teach Sylvie what it means to be human again...teaching feeling, if you will. Its all done is a very neat, very smart manner which for some reason is rarely ever explored in H games. Sylvie's dialogue and mannerisms slowly adapt as her trust improves. Its really that simple. Have gameplay affect the characters, and thus make it emotionally satisfying. Not spamming needless minigames, or have the entire game centered around sex. There's plenty to be had just focusing on small details.

    The artwork is simple. Its about average, nothing to shout about. The art design is not likely to ever make you cum just by looking at it. Very much remind me of Kotoyama's style, but clearly amateurish. Cant help but wonder what heights this game would have reached if the artwork was sublime.


    So all in all, the game fully deserves its acclaim, because it manages to do so much with so little that you cant help but feel it should be the premiere example of a VN done right. Its not paced like a snail going past a salt mine like waifu konko, is somehow more emotionally satisfying than imouto monochrome, and the H is far simpler yet better than 1room in every aspect of the imagination.

    Only nitpick is that its short, perhaps a tad too short. But that's not stopping me from replaying the game, and it still gave me a granite boner. Heartily recommended.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent Game, pretty charming visually and with simple but still great mechanics and Visuals. Some Sounddesigne sadly no Voice. Good variety of Cloths possible. Connection with her really feels real, one of the best games low-key.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Mostly played through. Excellent game that can be played in a variety of ways (though some much preferable than others); impressive visuals and interesting characters. Will need to get back to it in the near future.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    personaly low senes lots of grinding lots of yawning and fake choices because if you pick the wrong one the game jsut ends like i wasnt just going to go buy a new one oh and you cant sex people without concent to fake tags 2
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Noah Neim

    Very good cohabitation game

    It's very simple and liniear, it creates a nice atmosphere for the world you're in, the progression between you and the girl, starting from meek subservient interaction to loving and adorable affecttion

    Cohabitation game, quite simple, get affection, unlock positions, train her, rinse and repeat
    Getting the scenes isnt to tedious, the interaction sex is very good

    The main selling point, the art style is both very pretty and sexy when it wants to, scars are a very easy thing to fuck up but the dev managed to make Sylvie very attractive despite, no, perhaps attractive specifically WITH the scars, and obviously, the scenes look very good aswell
    Then theres the outfits, there is ALOT of them and you can make your very own Sylvie, like those shitty flash dress up games but good.

    Asside from the main duo, everyone else is just a simple trope, i wish i can fuck the restaurant girl honestly
    Either way
    Sylvie starts out nicely being all traumatized, meek and lifeless, then, like with most slave games, once you show them basic human respect they instantly fall in love with you, i guess it's just tradition at this point
    Either way, her changes are nice to observe

    Highly recommended for the cohabitation genre
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The best simulator game you will ever experience, wonderful wholesome writing, character progression, charming art, I really want to see if there will be a better simulator game than this one as long as I live, it just feels like you can't write a wholesome porn story better than this one.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    There won't be any updates to this game for a while though - Developer K-Ray just moved back to Japan and is busy.
    But it is still being worked on.

    If anyone has any issues - just ask - mod patch is still being worked on - so I will update the links when it's needed.
    Worth using though.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    After playing Love At First Sight, I really wanted to know more about that artist and the other games he made. I had already briefly played Teaching Feelings a few years back, but I didn't go very far in it. A few months beforehand, I had the opportunity to play Butterfly Affection, with the same gritty atmosphere and visual style, where you raised a girl quite similarly to TF; the mechanics are basically the same here, except quite a bit more exploited and complex, as the game entirerly revolves around being a slave raising simulator.

    I also played Determinable Unstable, which wasn't great and was quickly abandoned, and made me honestly doubt about the developer's skills as a writer, as so far the only game whose story I liked was Love at first Sight. So after hearing about TF and how popular it was with the community, I hoped to find a middle ground between BA and LafS, with a compelling story and characters and the same mechanics.

    So, Teaching Feelings is, sadly for me, just a slave simulator. There is not much in terms of story here ; you just received a girl as payment for saving a guy's life, and now you have to raise her and teaching how to properly function as a normal human being again.

    The main issue I have with all of this is the way her character development is conveyed here is really boring. The only thing you do all day long is pressing the same two buttons and choose obviously the morally good choices in branching paths and you'll get the girl do whatever you want. I hoped I could find here something more than in BA, and while there are many customizations options for the girl, which is nice, very few of these things actually impact the story in the grand scheme of things. At the end of the day, this is just a training simulator with a few flavor text and clothes as a reward for pressing the same two buttons again and again.

    It doesn't help the fact that this game is only partially translated even to this day ; there are many instances of texts being left alone in japanese on buttons and menus, which makes it virtuall impossible to make certain choices unless you select the right option by accident. That's why I didn't spend a long time on the sex menu, as everything is still in japanese for some reason, as if the translators decided to sleep halfway though the translation. This isn't the fault of the dev though, so I'll let it slide.

    What is the fault of the dev however, is using the same subpar visual novel engine he has been using for all his game so far. Usually I'm not the one to bash engines, and I don't know how much of it is the fault of the dev or the engine, but his games are often laggy, with poor control schemes, take a while to load images and open menus, don't have a rollback feature during dialogues, and might not even start when you click on the executable. Cherry on top, the dev sometimes decides to either hide the save function in some bizarre way, or like in TF, only allow at very specific moments in the story. I know Japanese devs prefer to use Japanese engines for their games, but this time, just this time, I think the dev would be better of just using something like Renpy for that kind of stuff.

    I didn't finish Teaching Feelings. I expected something mor akin to Love at first Sight, which was a simple story that effectively handled the themes it wanted to convey, and wasn't bogged down by useless mechanics like in TF. Butterfly Affection also had the same kind of mechanics as TF, albeit much more primitive, but in that case I was fine with it as it was a much smaller game more about the mystery about the monster girl you took care of than real character development.

    Here, it's just boring. I wouldn't say it's bad, as the artstyle is really nice, and if you're into slave training simulators, you might find something to your taste. But if you're not, like me, you won't find much of interest that other games don't do better. And don't get fooled by the premice ; there's some lines of dialogue of character development for the girl, but that's it in terms of story.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The tone of this game is grayish and depressing, you take in an abandoned, abused, traumatized ex-slave into your care. There is no trauma dumping, unlike another obvious clone that has gone way too edgy in that department which I will not name. The silence and indifference of the girl speaks louder than any words to portray how hurt she was in her past occupation. As the game progresses, you get to show her love and care that she has never had in her life, slowly healing her past wounds and de-traumatizing her.

    Truth be told, there isn't that much to do in the game. While the art is top tier, mechanically, this game is 3 stars top. However, this game will forever remain my favorite eroge of all time, because it allows me to have my head canon of being a person that another human being can entrust her body and soul to, it never fails to overwhelm my heart with wholesomeness and warmth.

    So if the game doesn't impress you in the way I just described, it will be a painfully average game. If you are looking for that warm, wholesome feeling, this game will teach you very well about it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Behold! You seeing one of the best masterpiece in your life. If you lonely and seek happyness in pixels of your device, if you desire of being loved and love in return you'l just won a jack-pot!
    This game provide comfort and care for your mental illness. Don't miss your chance to fullfit void inside you, try this game now and let this little angel care about you!
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Boring, so boring. Idk why this game was so hyped few years ago, but its really boring for me, even with updates of CGs and voices. Story is ok, but what u can do in game so poor. Btw my girl dies twice before I checked walkthrough and 1 time after. ANd at 4th attempt I finnaly start playing, but cant end, cuz it was boring :\
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story, sad story for female main character, compelling reasons for why things happen, game turns out to be a enjoyable experience, if a bit grindy. Sylvie will be a character i will always remember going from sad/half-dead to a joyous, happy, and helpful.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I played an old build of the game but it was very complete, it's a very beautiful story if you think about this whole style of caring for someone vulnerable with all the love in the world, it's very wholesome, I highly recommend it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    absolutely loved it, played this game for the longest time and enjoyed every second of it, even out of curiosity at some point i checked the 'bad' options which resulted in a bad end because hey it's not about treating them badly it kinda feels like the end result will be that they will either stay submissive but the real reward is getting them to like you by treating them nicely