Ren'Py - Life's Payback [v1.7.1] [Vinkawa]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is amazing. 0 bugs, great sex scenes, good looking characters.

    While the writing isn't great, it checks out.

    If you like corruption games, play it, trust me, you will love it.
    If not, get out of here, you will hate it :).
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Animations and splendid character Models with fluid animations. Story was nothing to write home about but solid enough to not impede the overall gameplay. Sandbox works well enough, instructions to progress storylines worked well.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is simple yet very good at setting the mood of the game and setting up the scenes. The scenes themselves are amazing, they're well animated (way better than most other koikatsu games) and put you in pretty hot scenarios. There's a good spread of different characters. Only thing i would add (outside of more Lucie scenes) are random scene encounters that pop up throughout the game without having to actively engage with characters for them to start, it would just add more spice to the game.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    v0.7 v1.5 Updated Review
    TLDR: Good animations and plenty of scenes make this worth a try IF you enjoy coercive sex/rape. A hearty amount of more loving and consensual content has been added, with the hard rape scenes mostly removed or softened.

    + There is an almost too large harem of hot chicks for the MC to violate.
    + There's a reasonable variety of sex positions and animations, though the developer shows a strong bias toward doggystyle.
    + Careful attention has been given to girl facial expressions which are highly enjoyable.
    + I share the dev's blatant love of absurdly stacked girls, but there is reasonable variety in female form. the game would benefit from some smaller/slimmer girls for the sake of variety.
    + Fairly evil Player Character who has become a more gentle rapist than in previous versions. He mostly uses manipulation, blackmail, and drugs to fuck girls, rather than directly physically overpowering an awake and aware victim as in previous versions.
    + The writing/plot is "Dick In A Box" porn level. It serves to (barely) coherently string together the images appearing on screen and not more. Thankfully no teenage fanfiction trash to skip past.

    - During sex many girls now have a comically long tongue dangling out of their mouth. This looks ugly, and often makes her expression convey pleasure and enjoyment where the context suggests she is unconscious/drugged/unconsenting. Perhaps this is the developer's way of making rape seem more consensual, or he really loves huge tongues. It is not to my taste (pun intended).
    - Some sex scenes have enjoyable reactions from the girl being violated, although in many scenes the girl is unconsious/drugged. Generally the girl's verbal and physical reactions to getting violated are weak and uninteresting. This would be immensely improved with dialogue like: Threats, begging, bargaining to stop, denial, trying to call for help, or some attempt at fighting back. The only girl that significantly resists the player is Laura, and the fight seems to be Laura's erotic warmup before sex rather than an attempt at not being fucked. Anna's resistance is just that she says "No" today and then "Yes" tomorrow.
    - Only the scene where Elise forces Mathilde to kneel struck me as a girl having a vaguely reasonable reaction to the events unfolding. This scene has unforunately been removed as of v1.5.
    - The money grind is light early game, but quickly becomes tedious with the $1K and $2K requirements later. This adds nothing to the game but pointless delay. Smacking the "Work" button is what we do in real life, not why we come to a porn game. Mostly fixed, working advances the story with Catherine so in addition to money it also serves to unlock sex content.
    - Giving the player the option to replay a scene is good. Forcing the player to repeat the exact same scene to build "influence" and progress is boring stalling. Either make the third, fourth, and fifth time fucking a girl a bit different or make them optional. Fixed in 1.5.
    - When Anna is bent over the table in the kitchen her character interaction area is at the bottom of the screen which tends to inadvertently pull up the navigation when moused over. This problem also exists at the school hallway in the morning.

    Conclusion: This is the game equivalent of going to Cinnabon. There are lots of big, juicy women with their tongues hanging out of their faces enjoying themselves probably more than they should. There might be something you'll like... though if anyone saw you they'd think you are disgusting for enjoying that shit.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    I've been seeing this game pop up every few weeks now and the cute girls and bouncing hypnotic ass in the previews finally managed to lure me in. The girls and animations look pretty great, don't they?

    Unfortunately, they're basically the only thing Life's Payback has going for it. It's a sandbox game that consists of constant, relentless repetition of events just to unlock the next scene. Then you repeat that scene or a previous one to unlock the next scene. You might occasionally need a giant stack of cash, acquired by clicking the work button, to buy a peripheral in order to progress. There's no time crunch, just grind until you unlock everything. Spicy.

    So gameplay is borked, how about story? Each of the girls has a "corruption" arc consisting of the thinnest veneer of blackmail eventually collapsing in to straight up forceful rape. Each story is generally nonsensical, has a one-dimensional girl who experiences no growth or change and doesn't particularly add anything to the main character's life. None of the girls even try to do anything about the fact that they're getting blackmailed and raped on the regular. It's pretty pathetic.

    I feel a little betrayed by the massive amount of rape in the game honestly. I suppose I was anticipating a little bit of blackmail and light non-con to kick start each girl's corruption arc before, ya know, actual corruption taking place and the girl getting down with the business. Instead there's a little bit of blackmail and light non-con to kick start each girl's corruption arc before the main character face fucks or anally plows each girl under false pretenses while she politely asks him to stop. Or bawls, depends on the girl. I'm aware that the game has the rape tag, but it just felt like false advertising given the generally happy-go-lucky vibe of the sample images, music, and artwork. So as a word of warning for potential players checking the reviews: this game is very rapey player beware.

    Overall, I regret playing Life's Payback. Progression is tedious, the stories are worthless, the characters are thin, and my idea of corruption includes dub-con at most as opposed to violent rape. As much as I liked the art, I won't be coming back.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Updated Review v1.7.1

    Seeing that the game had gotten a significant overhaul/reworking, I felt like giving it another shot to see if my opinion changed. Given that I'm rating it up a bit, I'd say it has. Normally I don't go for games like this (revenge/corruption) since I lean more into the sunshine and rainbows side of things, but originally the previews caught my interest and I said why not. After playing, do I feel like this is a game for me? Not at all. But I think this is probably a banger to the right people.

    Life's Payback is unabashedly a maledom corruption game. The MC, though not as deranged as the first iteration, is still very much an irredeemable asshole. Literally every girl you manipulate and end up doing some sort of blackmail and/or forcing yourself on them at some point in their stories. All the dirty talk is degrading. Even when moments of romance start to creep up, quickly is it shut down by the MC being who he is. While he has more reason to "get revenge" on some girls this time around, very few if any justify how he handles things. But that is the game, and despite me not being into it, I can't really fault it for that.

    Really it is more of a fuckfest than anything regardless. The girls have enough story to set up scenes and such, but sex comes pretty quick as the MC manipulates his way into it with ease. You gotta suspend disbelief a lot here, but I think the dev is just kind of having fun with with how off the rails it starts to get. I'm not sure I've ever been so caught off guard by a lewd game with how bizarre Lucie's story goes.

    The game plays as sandbox, but this is an area that really benefited from the rework. Almost all of the grind has been removed, leaving you with the simple map to progress things and repeat scenes at your leisure in any order you want. No real downside to it, keeps it simple. It is appreciated that there's a built in guide telling you exactly how to progress all the girls.

    The one area where this game truly stands out is in its sex scenes. There's a couple Koikatsu games that come to mind when you look at who has the best animations, but I don't think I've played one that does scenes quite like this. The facial expressions, though the ahegao is a little goofy to me, still are pretty crazy in how quality they are. Even the character models themselves stand out among a crowd. To be that unique in a sea of visual novels scenes is a pretty huge positive.

    Outside of me not being into the theme of the game, I think one of my more objective complaints is that a lot of the sex scenes feel very similar to the next. I had this complaint before and some scenes have been better about it, but there isn't enough angles. Literally every girl has a moment where the MC like drugs them in some way and "sodomizes" them. It's pretty much always the same one angle (give or take the camera position a bit) and then a final aftermath shot. Always the same position too. All it needed is just a couple different shots as you rail them from behind. I wanna see the penetration sometimes, and you rarely do.

    TLDR - With how active the dev is and even talking to them a bit myself, this is a game with some passion going into it. A more come for the porn and only stay for the porn experience for me, but there's a clear target audience that I can definitely see enjoying this. It's a heavy corruption game filled with a lot of well-animated sex scenes for when you're horny and want to turn your brain off. If that sounds appealing to you, this does the job.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v0.6

    Overview: Show the world who's boss.

    Story: You're a guy who goes to school but has a huge chip on his shoulder because his mom was a drunk and his sister was a jerk to him. This is the pretext he uses to justify being an out of control sex predator. Every girl you find is just your next victim. This includes your mom and sister of course, but also your teacher, her daughter, a gamer classmate, a random catgirl, another classmate who gets annoyed at you for staring at her ass in the gym, and a nun. Generally you try to blackmail them, although all of the women are so weak willed that this doesn't take much effort. Other times you just flat out rape them, but they don't seem to mind too much. The only one that really resents the constant harassment is your Teacher's daughter, so you have to tie her up before you rape her.

    Gameplay: This is a sandbox, but the progression system is easy to follow and the amount of clicking is pretty manageable so as far as sandbox games go it's alright. Your control key will get a workout however. The stat targets are usually only like 3 or 4 steps at a time so they go reasonably quick. There is also a money grind but that's pretty manageable too. One thing I like is that it doesn't have a bunch of bullshit padding like "wait three days" for the next event. There's also no ever decreasing stats to maintain or any other such busywork.

    Conclusion: Despite the MC being completely irredeemable I thought this game was well constructed enough to merit a full 5 stars. The story elements are extremely bare bones, but the fappability factor is very high and although it starts a bit slow the game ramps up quickly. I also like that you can do multiple actions in one time period and there's rarely any times when you don't have something worth doing. I completely finished all of the current content and never had to skip days or even really time periods. Sure the night time slot is mostly useless, but that's par for the course for sandbox games. I really appreciate a game with a good amount of porn that doesn't waste too much of my time.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty ok game. The girls look good and the writing is serviceable. Graphically, it's pretty average. There are animations so that's a plus. However, the gameplay is absolutely atrocious. This is one of those grindy sandbox games where you need to keep doing the same events over and over and over to generate enough points to unlock the next scene which has you grind even more points over and over again to unlock the next and etc etc. This is extremely boring and repetitive and needs a major overhaul. Even worse, you need to grind money as well so you do the same thing over and over and over each day to get enough money to buy something from the store that let's you proceed to the next event and so on. This is so boring and it's a real damn shame because everything else is set up to be a pretty nice game. Fix the grindy sandbox aspect and the game would be way, way better.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're into male domination corruption type stuff this is an obvious play. This game is really hot. Good scenes, lots of them already, and even seems like it might have room for a character arc with our psychopath MC at some point.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    [v 0.6]

    Great game, really enjoyed playing it. It fits my kink about male domination and corruption. Definitely will keep an eye for new updates.

    + MC always act like true predator and takes what he wants.
    + Short dialogs. Explain everything in just a few sentences.
    + Groping scenes. Wow! So many games are missing them.
    + Hot animated sex scenes, with emotions on girl's faces.
    + Family dinner and visiting your teacher's home is GOLD! Surprisingly, scenes like these, where multiple characters are interacting in a unique degrading way are rare in corruption games.
    + That "purr" sound catgirl makes when sleeping with MC.

    - HUGE tits. I know, they are shown on screenshots, so I cant complain about them. But they are twice bigger than what I consider sexy.
    - Mouth animation in bj scenes. It stretches like a worm and looks super unnatural.
    - Grind. I have to repeat same action 4 times or more to get a new scene. Its fine when I repeat a sex scene, but something like playing a videogame or teaching could have more variation in text.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    This barebones grindy corruption sandbox sticks to a very simple formula. The corruption stuff and kinks/lewds are fine, possibly even good. Some of the later stuff is nice quality. I played on android and some of the loops that might have been good have big stuttering issues. The UI is kind of a pain, and it lacks basic options like to hide the UI or reduce text box opacity. There is no attempt at a story, simply a premise to establish the MC's blackmail/leverage, which essentially comes down to "the MC is really smart." The characters likewise don't really have any personality or anything to them.

    I'd give this a 4 stars if the UI was improved up, map navigation was less annoying, and the technical issues with certain loops were cleaned up. Sometimes no story is better than a bad story that gets in the way, but as it is there's not much reason to care about the corruption aspect or the characters or anything. A mindless game like this can only be so good.

    Really missing a forced/rape tag.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    best thing about this is the frequent updates. the animations aren't bad too. Male domination content is always a plus and this game has a strong focus on it. Not much of a story to speak of but that means scenes are more frequent. The designs of the girls are varying and there's ahegao so the game is just good fun. If I wasn't a lazy broke ass I'd donate.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The game isn't a game is it just porn, wouldn't be a problem if the porn was good but it isn't and if it didn't try to mask itself as a game. The animations are custom but i don't think all are made by the person because quality varies a lot, some are worse then koikatsu’s default ones. I don't even know what updates this game can have because there is no story, only things to add are more scenes and that is it. Giving 2 stars because some of the still images are good quality. (Also why the main menu of the game has a loud laugh?)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Really sexy looking 3d art.
    Cute girls.
    The game is really not pretending it is anything but porn, as it jumps right into it.
    I laughed a few times from the jokes.
    Expect blackmail, whether that is good or bad is up to you.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    An interesting take on a revenge-like plot game.

    Reviewing as of v0.8.4

    • A good range of girls to choose from, some girls have more scenes than others but I'm sure that'll change as updates go along.
    • Different sizes, ranging from big-tittied milfs to flat students
    • Plot is definitely an interesting take on revenge
    • Around 2 hours to complete
    • The day and night cycle has been improved from earlier builds which is appreciated
    • The grind from earlier builds have mostly been removed. Still somewhat of a grind for some but way more managable now

    • Skip a lot of time to get to a certain part of the day for one scene then rinse and repeat
    • Seems way too easy to corrupt people right now, which there was a tiny bit more of a slow burn for some characters
    • Your stats don't really seem to matter except for a couple of scenes
    • The map is kind of clunky and annoying to navigate sometimes


    I recommend this game 100%. There's definitely a lot of potential here and I can't wait to see how the game develops. I've played since around v0.4.6 and there's been a great amount of improvements so I'll be keeping my eye on future updates.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing game.

    -Dev is listening to feed back, when it's actually constructive and not just vitriolic.
    -the body models are varied but all fit with each other
    -the expression's are *chefs kiss*. the sister character in particular has the best "fucked stupid" face I've seen
    -the grind is balanced. focusing a character gets you to the next stage pretty fast to be frank, but is still a satisfying effort

    if I had any gripe, since I try to at least include something critical in any discussion for the sake of balance it would be the removal of the school blowjob from the spoiled student but it's honestly so minor I still give this 5/5
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    For some reason (virgins angry about the dev not giving exactly what they wanted) this game is getting a lot of fake reviews. DO NOT listen to them. This game is awesome, it has a lot of variety, very good animations, incredible characters assets and its just amazing the speed the dev has with the updates. The story is straightfoward as it can be, you are an asshole turning women into your sex slaves with blackmail and money, if you are into that the it is definitly the game for you, like it is for me. For the people making those fake reviews... you really have nothing better to do with your lifes?
  18. 2.00 star(s)

    Paul Kagame Superfan

    Boring, uninspired sandbox. Characters has almost zero personality, you barely have interactions with them, besides the sex scenes themselfs. We given very vague and surface-level reasons to hate girls, and sent to farm points and collect scenes. I love all things maledom, but got no joy from this one, you don't get to care enough about this characters. Scenes themselves decently made, but that's pretty much it. Don't waste your time.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    A rather uninspiring and poorly-made game.

    Story 1/5:
    The world is in a financial crisis, so our dad(who allegedly left the family a long time ago) forces us to move back with our mother so she can be eligible for government aid. Even though our MC was mistreated by his mother during his childhood, he agrees and decides to use this opportunity to seek revenge.
    Also, since only families whose children have good grades can get any money from the government, we end up enrolling in school.
    Yep, you read that correctly. The world's in a financial crisis, and the government decided to use this opportunity to launch the most moronic eugenics program you could possibly think of.
    I don't think the dev knows what a financial crisis is, but ultimately, the story doesn't actually matter. After the intro, we go straight into farming influence points and money so we can eventually fuck all the girls, and the state of the world never develops further than what was established in the prologue.

    Gameplay 1/5
    Utterly boring and boils down to mindless clicking. Click on your PC to gain 50$. Click on a specific character at a specific time in a specific place to gain one influence point. Repeat until you've accumulated enough points or money to unlock the next scene. Given that a single item can cost up to 1000$, and some girl's scenes require 20 points - you're in for a ride. The gameplay exists solely to waste your time. There's no challenge or enjoyment in it.

    Art 2/5:
    Default, low-poly backgrounds you've already seen 1000 times.
    Bad shading.
    In many scenes, characters have no shadows.
    Constant clipping, especially hair.
    Good character models(none are made by the dev, but they are good nonetheless.)
    I'm sorry, but it's not 2019 anymore, and such poor art quality has gotten pretty hard to even look at.

    Animations 2/5 :
    Now, the dev seems to think that taking animation scene data from Koikatsu cord and other places without crediting the ACTUAL authors makes him the best KK user the world's ever seen. Well, he's obviously far from it, but even the animations have several issues:
    -Most of them don't loop correctly. You'd think a dev that boasts this hard about "his" animations would at least be capable of performing the absolute basic task of making a clean loop out of them, but nope. He isn't. In most of the animations, there's an awkward pause lasting about half a second where nothing moves at all. Given that most of these animations are only 2-3 seconds long, this pause becomes a very noticeable and glaring issue. It disrupts the flow and kinda ruins most scenes.
    -Inconsistent quality. The uncredited animations are of good enough quality. Nothing extraordinary, but definitely better than the default stock loops. However, the dev actually made a few animations himself. And holy fuck is he bad at it. The quality of said animations is abysmal, worse even than the default ones. I actually couldn't stop laughing when I got to the Mathilde BJ scene. It's not just bad, it's comically bad. The animations like the BJ from the mother or HJ from the teacher are not much better.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game and sandbox done right 5/5

    -You will not miss anything if you focused on one route
    -Animation is amazing (bj lips are kinda stretched, please no)
    -Dancing scenes are always perfect
    -Mom and characters in general are hot af

    -bad, nothing
