RPGM - Completed - Lime and the Curious Leaf [v2.01] [Team Niimii]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The game's translation is terrible, some of the worst that can exist as it tries to actually translate punctuation. Many words are nothing more than gibberish with no meaning. The H content requirements becomes heavily unclear due to the MTL. You have a virgin stone to protect you from etch (h scnes), but the translation is so bad, it can't explain how to deactivate the stone, or if it is story based. Half way through the story with maxxed out "lewdness" due to "virgin stone stopping lewdness increase", the only H content is minor touch scenes where the MC is fully clothed. The game has potential, but with current MTL state, unless you have a hard on for word puzzles, this is not a good game.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Massive disappointment.
    Never mind the bad (and i mean really bad) translation. That can be fixed.
    It takes forever to actually get H content (that's more than a boob grab, at least). Why do i have to spend hours walking around doing fetch quests before i get to actually experience the h content i've downloaded this game for? This ain't Death Stranding, ffs!
    And the scenes are kinda lackluster, especially during the battles with monsters (which was what attracted me the most).
    And the combat system is just awful. You need to spam your spells to have a chance at defeating an enemy (good luck when you're still lv1, btw) which depletes your mana pool aand forces you to go rest, not to mention leveling up takes ages. And you have to level up if you want to beat the mandatory bosses.
    It could have been so much better...
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I'll admit I can't provide much of a thorough review, as I dropped the game within 15 minutes. If you enjoy reading War & Peace for the sex scenes, you'll probably enjoy playing this game for the H-scenes. Sorry, let me rephase. If you enjoy reading War & Peace in its native Russian, while not being able to read Russian yourself, for the sex scenes, you'll probably enjoy playing this game for the H-scenes.

    Pro-tip: DO NOT say yes to seeing the opening scene. After Ctrl-shifting the text for about 10 minutes I just decided to close the game and restart -- bimbo scantily dressed heroine finds some pokemon pet and a magical leaf and sets off on a quest to help her equally scantily dressed friend save the world, while 2 shy dorks like them yet are too afraid to confess their feelings before the evil shadowy guy arrives in town and probably wants to cuck them both and make the women his fucktoys. See how a novice can get the gist of an H-game across in about 15 seconds?

    The art looks interesting. Lots of swollen belly pregnancy with embryo fertilization cut-scenes, cross-sectional vaginal views, goblin sex, human sex, tentacle sex.

    I just can't bear to waste another minute battling a caterpillar, sorry "potato", that isn't even beatable at level 1 unless you just spam magic spells, return all the way back to town to rest and recover MP, repeat etc, and for what? An endless wall of text? This isn't Final Fantasy here, nobody gives a shit about the insanely complex backstory and driving motives of how bimbo's great great great grandfather had a dream and 1000 years of peace will be lost if blah blah blah. The translation is sooooo bad that even reading the "Qcexy divf status error Qcexy dof" tutorial and all the subsequent "plot" won't give you much help in understanding what the fuck the developer believes is the releplaying story of the century that he's created.