RPGM - Completed - Lisa and the Succubus Grimoire [Final] [Yumenamakonn]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is very simple and can be solved in under 3 hours without any problems. The H-content consists mostly of rape and a few scenes where Lisa's curiosity (and stupidity) wins out (a hole in the wall... I have to look there). The game is good enough for a quick snack in between.
    Oh, I forgot there is an New Game+ if you follow the tip on the final screen.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I had to read the lust explanation thing, and in the first combat, with high Mp and 0 lust, got easily grabbed and lock raped. Lazy copy pasted art, and game mechanics. I don't know why i downloaded this, im too old to play this kind of crap.
    It's just bad, no point in even downloading it. This game would be decent for a teenager in the eaarly 2000s when internet was becoming a thing. Too late now
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    So many people are shitting on this game it's incredible. This game is 4 stars for me, but just to combat the rampant hatred for it, I'm rating it higher. This game has very good art, and contrary to what others are saying, the battle fuck mechanic is nice, and while it may be annoying to see repeated scenes sometimes, they're still good scenes and skipping through them isn't difficult. Several people complained about the difficulty, but I can't for the life of me tell why. If anything I thought this game was a little too easy, with so many mechanics that can be completely ignored and win anyways.
    I saw someone who complained that the corruption mechanic makes the game hard, but after beating the game, I actually had to use saveedit to increase my corruption scores in order to unlock everything.

    The two things that I will give to the people who critique this game is that the music is boring and the story is limp, but the fact that it's been actually translated by real human beings, alongside the other things it has going for it, this game really doesn't deserve to have less than 4 stars.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Marle 2: Human Boogaloo. Same creator, too.

    Battles are much harder than your average RPGmaker. Every encounter is like a mini-boss in itself, always having a risk of defeat but also being very rewarding in terms of EXP, gold, and drops. Lisa is not particularly strong and can barely take on enemies in a straight fight, so the key is the use of items which do much more damage yet tend to be very limited in amounts. The gameplay loop is to use items to get through an area with minimal battles (but unlikely to be zero due to the many chokepoints around), gather a significant amount of material and gold from the enemies you do battle, and use that to stock up for your next run.

    Similar to Marle, the game is short but there will be erotic scenes going on most of the time. This is due to the fact that almost all normal enemies will use erotic attacks during battle and will most likely succeed. I like it as it builds up the mood and Lisa's fall into depravity better for the times Lisa does lose to the enemy and is forced to surrender to rape. Once again, too much erotic attacks and losses makes Lisa more susceptible to future erotic attacks, but since the bulk of the damage is from items, I don't feel the game reaches the point of being unwinnable. Art style is good especially for lovers of big tits, corruption, and hypnosis, but a pet peeve is that most of the art are in portrait resolution and don't fully fit the screen, causing awkward crops.

    Same conclusion as Marle: Objectively it's pretty average, subjectively I enjoy the slightly non-standard gameplay loop where enemies should be mostly avoided and sometimes killed through expending resources, and also how it intertwines its gameplay and its erotic content.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I have been waiting for this game to be translated for so long and I finally got it, finished it and satified for the most part. I can't give this a 3.5/5 but I just rounded to 4/5.

    • When the game finally got its MTL removed, the story made sense and a lot of the story and lore is put in place
    • The porn is great
    • Lisa is a really cocky protagonist despite the fact her stats don’t warrant it.
    • The game relies more on items to turn the tides to help Lisa’s tricky nature. Her gameplay encourages sneaking around since it's very easy to get outnumbered.
    • There is no gameover. In most areas, you get sent to the entrance of the area. Other times, you just faint in said area.
    • The gallery is available at the beginning
    • The item shop and crafting are in the back of the house and the item shop updates with each new story scene.
    • Sometimes, there are multiple ways to deal with a scenario in game. Sneak attacks have always proven to be better.
    • There are a lot of things to do postgame.
    • A lot of the items you could get from growing in the garden tend to offer unique strategies for combat
    • Once Lisa is corrupted to a certain point, it’s difficult to actually continue the battle. Sometimes, she loses a turn entirely and I don’t think it's fair to take both turns if she decides to not want to attack on the first turn.
    • 10/12 turns isn’t enough to warrant a surrender. Sometimes, the battle just takes a while due to the boss and the game asks you to surrender.
    • Late game enemies are unfair by design. Its difficult to avoid them but they have a higher rate of capturing and fucking Lisa thus you miss out on EXP.
    • Unfortunately a lot of the hentai scenes outside of battle are not only hard to find but are underwhelming
    • People forget the item shop is in the back of the house because of how poorly designed the house is. Later on, the shopkeeper moves closer to the front so he’s easy to find. By post game, he’s outside in the garden
    • You have to unlock the hentai scene by achieving it in battle. However, you are not guarentee to get a particular sex pose. The option postgame to give you the chance to put enemies together to get the cg isn’t great given how vague the game is with how certain enemies together can invoke different poses.
    • Final boss is a complete pushover despite the build up

    So overall, I'm glad I was patient and didn't give up on this game. Hypnosis/mind control is my favorite kink so I tend to wait longer and give games like this a higher score. Excuse my bias.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly a bad game. The art is cute in all, but nothing interesting or exciting about the scenes and story. You can honestly find much better cg rips and images some other gallery if you just want to fap. Again , I just found the game to be really boring and not worth playing in the slightest.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    RPGM games usually play in the same way. The good ones manage to make several additions in terms of content, gameplay changes, crafting, location variety, enemies and gameplay mechanics that transform the experience from a turgid RPGM affair to one that is highly enjoyable. This one does try to do similarly, but it also subtracts a few things and goes far in one direction for the game to get beyond the "average". My biggest complaints here are regarding the interminable fuckfest that happens after a loss and a very small amount of content.

    So Lisa's Macguffin plays like most RPGM games. There are unique things about it - for example, you're better off sneaking around instead of engaging enemies because they will utterly plow you if you give them a chance. This weakness in the heroine is mitigated by the reliance on items - which is unique for an RPGM game. You can craft tonnes of knick-knacks and crafty doo-dads that help you defeat enemies in a jiffy, but the crafting materials are rare so the smart play is to avoid enemies and use these items carefully. However, when you create a game where the obvious choice is to avoid enemies, you can't just create tanky damage-sponge bosses because that's what Lisa ends up facing. It means all your skulking was for naught and you were better off trying to fight through enemies anyway? What an awkward design choice. This is further exacerbated by the fact that if you lose, you are fucked for 10-15 turns before being given the option to surrender. I tried long-pressing surrender but it just wouldn't work. And it's a chore to go through the same scenes again and again.

    Nonetheless, there are other interesting mechanics. I've already touched upon crafting which I always enjoy but you also have the ability to find and plant seeds which then grow into some relevant items. The game does give you money but you really don't have much use for it considering treasure chests and fights grant you materials in abundance and the merchant doesn't seem to have anything worth buying anyway.

    The H-Content is all right. The biggest draw is that the artwork is nice (at least it strikes my fancy) and is completely uncensored so it makes for fantastic scenes. The biggest drawback is that there are only 12-ish scenes. And all of them are limited to battle-fuck scenarios. This isn't even a classic GOR game. Thankfully, there is no Game Over and you just end up back at base. The game does try to add scenes outside of battle but they're disappointing in more ways than one. They aren't backed up by decent narration and they reuse the same scenes from battle fuck scenarios. Which is a massive let-down. Plus, I'm never a fan of translucent characters in scenes.

    All in all, the game is all right. Would I recommend it? Probably not Only play it if the character art strikes your fancy because the scenes, although too few in number, are well made.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This is one of the worst H rpgmaker maker games I have ever played. The game is super grindy it doesnt matter what difficulty it's on. Level design is shit and the creator just put hoards of enemies walking around. The battle fuck feature in this game is garbage and you can literally be stuck in battle forever rewatching the same repeated CGs over and over again unlike you hold a certain key or change the settings, and even with the 'Shorten already seen scenes' setting on, the battle fuck mechanic still makes fights excrutiatingly long. The only good thing about this game is the art, that's it. Download the full save or go on sadpanda and view the gallery and move on. This game is not worth your time
    Likes: dadze
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Risa and the Succubus Grimoire is a game that gets so close to being perfect but never hits the mark. The sex scenes are pretty random, the gameplay is really grindy, the story has no focus, and the music is always hit or miss. Sometimes you can judge a game by its title and in this case, a forgettable title matched a forgettable game. I have no idea why others rated this highly. The developer clearly lacked a coherent vision on what he wanted this game to be.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a near-perfect game for me. If you love corruption but in a more balanced way where the heroine just fucks more men more often and becomes increasingly amicable to sex, then you'll enjoy it too. Maybe some people will find it too vanilla but, the kink I enjoy here is that the heroine increasingly wants to have sex, and this provides that simple fetish in spades.

    Combat is overall well-balanced and surprisingly challenging. Since losing is more of a reward than a loss and you can keep going, it doesn't feel too bad when RNG screws you over in a fight. Just chalk it up to Risa being horny and take is as an opportunity to enjoy yourself. This is overall one of the few games with combat scenes where it doesn't feel like you need to hold back a ton just to see sexy things happen. Eventually, Risa's gonna get her tits groped, she's gonna enjoy some dicks, and then she'll lose and get to enjoy even more. I recommend playing hard mode for the best experience.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent length for an RPG, good status tracking, some fun gameplay ideas and a nice rate of progress.

    The game could have used more polish overall: the fun ideas end up unnecessary, the fighting and maps are a little rough around the edges (e.g. too easy to get debuffed and stonewalled), and the writing is lacking. Some fun surprises to be found still.

    A solid midrange game that had more potential.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Translation: Like all mtl games it's not very easy to understand. It's definitely not the worst mtl game I've ever played in the sense that I kind of have a general idea what's going on in the game and could complete it normally.

    Gameplay: Its basically like the previous game Marle and the Tentacles Labyrinth. You go in and fight enemies who rape you mid battle and after if you lose. The more you get raped the worst you become at resisting them. Getting raped drains your limited 100mp, which can be an annoying mechanic. They have tried to remedy this but making damage items more available, but that just means you have to grind for those items...which is still annoying. Worst case scenario use a save editor if you dont want the grind.

    H-scenes: The battle scenes are the only scenes more or less. They're okay ish. It's pretty much what you would expect with a battle rape game. There are no normal scenes which is pretty disappointing (like the previous game). There is corruption, which show up as passive sex skills but act as kind of a detriment at the same time.

    Overall: it's ok. It's fine and throughly average. Good if you want to kill 2-3 hours but not very satisfying