Ren'Py - Lisa Total Investigation! [P2 v0.11] [Dragofinder Studio]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    I normally try to be a little lenient when it comes to grammar and spelling issues in a game, but Lisa Total Investigation! just goes too far. Every line of dialogue and exposition has spelling and grammar issues. Get yourself some proof reading or don't publish in a language you can't write in.

    The story is a nonsensical mess as well, and it's not a spelling/grammar issue. Apparently the MC's best friend was murdered by some sort of male-dom cult? We don't know anything about the best friend, we don't know anything about the cult, we don't know why the MC cares, we don't know why he's involved with the investigation, we just don't know anything. I think I'd be hard-pressed to write an introduction worse than this one.

    Then we proceed into gameplay, which is a sandbox in which you have no choices whatsoever but to navigate around until you can find the single thing you're allowed to do. I'd hope the sandbox eventually opens up and allows you to make some choices, but it's still an inexcusable opening for a game.

    As for the first event, apparently the MC is working on the Carter Project? Who is Carter and what is his project? Why is the MC working on it? What does the MC actually do for his job? Apparently it involves taking pictures of naked women. Is the MC a photographer? Has he ever done this before? What the hell kind of model is going to show up to a nude photoshoot with a guy with no experience or background? What the hell is going on and why won't the game tell me a fucking thing?!

    This game is bad. I usually try to hype up the redeeming features of a game and give it a little credit, but outside of barely adequate renders, this game has less than nothing. The story, characters, spelling, grammar and gameplay are all actively inimical to enjoyment. Do not play this game. I'm mad that I downloaded it and gave it even a fraction of my attention, and my only hope is that this review will allow you to avoid the waste of time I endured.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a bit rough around the edges, but given some polish it would be really good.

    5-star rating as of version [Part 1 v0.92a] is for the development potential of this game.

    Anyway, it covers some more niche fetishes, not sure if I'll dig into all of them, but will give all of them a try to see how they will be delivered by the dev.

    Overall, it is a pretty good start, with respectable amount of content, including not so few sexy bits.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is unexpectedly really very hot!!
    With not bad renders, but clumsy and simple animations and a simple story. However, this is not so critical and despite such a modest size and recent release date, the game can already offer you a decent level of richness and content, it knows why you came to it and gives it to you in full, it’s a fair deal.
    Good luck to the authors!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is FXXKING NUTS! Even thought I'm not a fan of pet training and the other weird stuff, but the cuckold elements thats is presented in this game is just intense!

    The FMC has the crazy and cute type of personality which quite suited for this kind of kinky relationship, she shows the potential to be either submissive or dominant. She is sweet and love mc so much that she's willing to sacrifice for him to the point that she has to endure the physical and mental abuse of the villain; and she's also extremely good at humiliating her husband and playing with his cuckold mentality during the dirty talk on bed.

    The MC Paul is not just a cuck, he's a cuck on steroid, you know, the kind of cuck that wants his love one to be knocked up by his best friend, and this is not even the best part. The best part is that he thinks, or he likes to think he's a stag! Can you fxxking believe that? He's absolutely prefect for a cuckold theme game.

    I can't wait to see the moment when he becomes a willingly denied and chasted cuck husband of the lovely Lisa, as well as the father of her half-black children. What I wish can be included in the future content is that Paul and Lisa family members and other close friends to be introduced, especially Paul's parents, and maybe his other "best friend" or even ex-gf, you know what I mean. LOL
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I give the game 5 out of 5.
    1. Many different fetishes, which are rarely found in other games
    2. Extremely interesting and original images, especially camera angles (the first game in my memory that doesn’t just stupidly show us everything head-on)
    3. The game is hot! The plot moves are hot and it’s very cool)
    4.Heroes have characters and their own specificity
    This is the first version of the game, and it already looks like a full-fledged game. Therefore, I am very lenient towards her.
    The only negative is too fast corruption, and perhaps also the contradiction of some fetishes to each other. I recommend the game to everyone.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    EDIT: ok i changed rating to 5/5 because for some reason despite how dumb this game is the sex scenes are too hot if you like cuckold stuff.


    the fact that the last patch was the text fix patch is hilarious. in the beginning, im not exaggerating, on average every sentence has at least 1 grammar mistake(because sometimes 1 sentence has multiple but sometimes it's correct). a lot of the time improper use of tenses, misspellings, bad sentence structure, sometimes the sentence doesn't even make sense. but despite the terrible english, 98% of the time it's understandable. so it's just "annoying" but doesn't make the game unplayable. (in fact some mistakes are so bad that it's actually funny)

    -aside from the bad english the story is hilariously stupid, most of the stuff barely works. this is like a kinetic novel with some gameplay elements like clicking around the house. yet there are instances where she is complaining about stuff which didn't even happen yet and would happen in future.

    it's just bad. it feels like 2 young children pretending to be adults, that's how the couple behaves originally.

    -events/conversations repeat a lot. usually nothing to do in "free roaming". inconsistencies with clothing(she appears in 1 clothing, next appears in a different one, then a different one where she sends a photo from herself. etc). it's just SO BAD.

    -no gallery.

    -the "corruption" of the wife is superfast after some grind, the couple acts like it's their first time having sex and at the same time she is already talking about wanting to fuck her boss(who wasn't even on screen so far) then by next day she is addicted to cum. utterly ridiculous. but after she becomes completely corrupted slut in 2days then sex scenes start...

    -some facial expressions are ridiculously bad and ugly.


    +the models look hot, most poses look fine. and the sex scenes/situations later are erotic despite being utterly dumb so that's somehow enough of a saving grace to warrant a surprising 4/5. lol...
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is not about a story, in fact it is outright stupid even for a porn logic.. so why I'm giving it 5 stars you ask?

    Well this game is fast burn, degenerate wife with a cuckold MC (netorase & pregnancy system) and have tones of scenes even in it's early stages! renders are fuckin awesome and Lisa's body is hot AF! (her face not so much tho).
    My only criticism about the game is facial expressions, sometimes they look super weird.. definitely could be improved in this regard. Still I take it over no expression at all like in other games..

    Tldr: if you are looking for a quick fap, fast burn, cuckold/hotwife/nertorase with feet and pregnancy fetish kind of game? look no further!
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Lisa Total Investigation! [Part 1 v0.91a]

    I don´t understand all the good reviews here. It´s a pretty poor game that lacks in any department.
    The Story has basically no buildup, but Scenes that are copy and pasted with few differences.
    It´s about corrupting your Wife/GF(?) to be a whore and you ending up selling her.
    There´s no pacing to that story and she develops from the Girl that gets mad when you slap her Butt, to a Whore who is in to petplay in no time.
    The writing is bad and definitely needs proofreading. I don´t see a reason why this needs to be a Sandbox game, when you can´t do much anyway.
    Renders are pretty much the only things I would consider to be ok, but the Wife isn´t that attractive, and a lot of the scenes feel too repetitive.
    There´s nothing in this game that I find interesting or well done, and I don´t see a reason why I should keep playing this game, because of the problems I mentioned.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game.
    I almost never like sandbox type of game in renpy.
    There are one or two game that I think interesting to play and worth to be followed.
    But, this one is the one I really really enjoyed to play.
    The story is pretty solid and I love how the dev create the characters, not too absurd and pretty realistic. Because this type of game (swinging, hotwifing etc.) often has characters that are weird and don't make any sense at all.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the game and would like to see more of it. The pet route and pregnancy content is a great mix. I hope the development goes well. The female protagonist tag is kind of odd and the footjob content is a bit to forced for my taste. The repetition from gameday to gameday could be less, I don’t see a reason for the different room’s to explore – since there is not much to do. However, the excellent raiting is for the potential of this fine game and well crafted cg's.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Overall it looks it has good light, that is definitely the best thing this has to offer. The female lead should motivate you to play the game, but she looks like a middle aged polish porn actress that nobody would rate higher than a 4, but since she has a good body you give her a 6. Sadly there are no good bodies in DAZ cause they are mannequins, and with these 2 important factors alone I don't feel like playing the game at all.
    Still some more factors detract me from playing like the engrish, this definitely needs proofreading cause they speak a very weird English in Scotland Yard.
    And with all the previous stuff, after a long introduction to the setup of the story, in pretty much the first conversation with the wife the guy is already hinting that he is gonna "sell" her fiancee that gets mad for slapping her ass, spends the full time of the introduction watching tv, and is also ugly..
    After that breve introduction, its already night and you go to bed and all the rooms in the house are empty, nobody bothered to actually put the wife in bed sleeping, cause well, there is no need to waste time with this ind of thing, buildup and immersing the reader into the world, that is retarded.
    In this specific part the sandbox navigation is pointless cause there is nothing to do nor nothing to see.
    In the next scene in the morning the wife is bending over the counter or something in an empty kitchen, doing nothing, you are presented with the option of kissing her, and in the next render she changes her clothes completely, and once again "immersion" comes to my mind, right after being thrown out of the story once again.

    Later there is a nightmare of wardrobe search and that pretty much killed the game for me. Its very very green, it needs 2 years

    In conclusion, and this is of course my personal opinion:
    Another one of those "this is your wife/girlfriend, and now lets cut to the chase and see how much of a whore she is". There is little to no storytelling of buildup, the thing is done with the bare minimum. The wife should be introduced in a way that make her look good and gets your interest, and to that point there is nothing, and for me, there is not NTR if the required writing work is not done, "this is your wife" is not enough writing for me.
    And well, the game breaking bugs and all the above is enough to rate the game so poorly, doing otherwise would be lying.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game. I like it. Unfortunately still with some bugs, but very well done for the first release and a new developer. Dev take your time and still revise all the options and decisions in the game, there is still a lot to do here. I like storyline and renders. Animations could be a little better, there is still room for improvement here.
    My Rating:
    Storyline: 5/5 so far
    Rendering: 5/5
    Animations: 4/5
    Model: 5/5
    Game mechanics: 4/5 so far (bugs)

    Overall I give the game 4.7 stars (5) so far. Dragofinder good luck with the game
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great corruption game!

    Downside: I ran into bugs. Ultimately, I did get around them by reloading and trying a few different options, but that was the frustrating part.

    Still, the progression was original and the game isn't grindy.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is great overall. There is still room for improvement but the bar is set very high, the game has very fresh ideas in terms of the scenes, especially when the BF inserts a guy "thing" into his wife while they are sleeping, etc.
    The story is great so far and a lot of scenes take me by surprise TBH.

    Improvement points:
    - bugs
    - animations

    What a like already:
    - story(keep it that way especially with lot of surprises and non linear stuff)
    - renders, especially lightning
    - sandbox
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I didnt get any bug on my playthrough so I gues i'm on the right build. Love the content so far! Yet I would have liked to have more (less?) options like not sharing my wife with some character or not become a dog. The deal with your friend is gold and same with the feet belong to his friend !
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Just got around to playing it (0.9) and loving it! Ok, the text is a bit rough and could use an editor going through it. And the premise isn't exactly earth-shattering, or the most believable thing ever. The gameplay isn't rocket-science and the 'choices' aren't things most players will struggle with, there more for the (very important) enjoyment of clicking someone down a dark path, or 'choose your kink'.
    But it still held me completely engaged from the moment I loaded it up.
    The art was good enough to be hot.
    The dialog got progressively and deliciously vulgar, dirty, and leading toward the depraved.
    The corruption had enough novelty to not be just recycled situations, and to make you want to see more of it.
    The characters were very good-natured about what was happening in a very relaxing way, without the drama and gnashing of teeth that sometimes happens.
    The humiliation scenes were weirdly able to strike a great balance between humiliation / objectification and tender / sexy.. I can't quite describe it.. Characters were demeaned but not in a way where you'd feel you wanted to go in and hurt whomever was demeaning them..

    Just... I like it. And I so can't wait to see more!