Image quality is very high in the game.
There are a number of issues with game play mechanics.
There are events if you go back to them right after doing them they will end up in a loop you can't get out of. Example would be the overhearing events in the restaurant.
another issue is a distance between when you can save vs when you make a choice. Take the camping trip. The author gives you a chance to save well before the choice. The problem with that is if you want to replay with a different choice you have to go through all the scenes over again. It would be vastly better if the ability to save was right before making the choice.
The change in deviance or exhibition hasn't increased at all with a number of scenes that clearly should have forced it up at least a point or 2 beyond the 25. Exhibition is stuck at 2. The only thing that is increased is fitness.
Another issues is with the way the game is advertised verses the way it plays. The game advertises it is mostly her choice but in stead you have a far more rapey game than it being her choice. Bar - Rape, camp trip, Paul/Conner - rape.
That's were I chose to stop the game isn't what it was advertised to be and I won't be playing it further. The problem is you really aren't left any way to move forward with her corruption unless you take those routs.
This also cause a great number of plot holes because clearly she has more alternatives than just letting it happen or not. So while the dialog wasn't the worst I've read it falls apart with the story making any sense be the authors rape fetish.
There are also issues with lack of build up in what is supposed to be a corruption game. Given the first trip she basically could be considered a full on slut from the start if you take all the options.
You will also spend a lot of time swapping out fits going different place to find and trigger events. The hints are pretty shit. Basically you end up doing 3 or 4 laps around town each day one for each out fit. Some event indicators don't show up unless you are in the correct out fit. It's nice when before hand you are told you need to be in the blouse or whatever. But it would be far simpler if it was progression based. Or the event indicators were there 100% of the time and it told you to change outfits and to which one.
I'm being nice not listing everything.
My real rating for this game is a 1 for the image quality. Everything else got washed away by the direction the story went. The only way this story could be fixed is if the rapiness is removed to fix the plot-holes it is going to leave.
10/30/2023 Update
While some issues have gotten fixed. The over all story line in my opinion has taken a turn for the worse. It seems less like player choice is the direction of who she ends up with and more like the author took more direction from some stupid vote or another.
As of this point I'll be reducing it by one star from 3 to 2.
I have serious doubt this can be turned around.
It would take a massive amount of work to provide true alternatives to the current change in story line to create equal paths. The alternative would require effectively scrapping a lot of recently added content I seriously doubt that will happen.
I'll keep an ear out and occasionally look in but for now I've lost interest in playing it.
There are a number of issues with game play mechanics.
There are events if you go back to them right after doing them they will end up in a loop you can't get out of. Example would be the overhearing events in the restaurant.
another issue is a distance between when you can save vs when you make a choice. Take the camping trip. The author gives you a chance to save well before the choice. The problem with that is if you want to replay with a different choice you have to go through all the scenes over again. It would be vastly better if the ability to save was right before making the choice.
The change in deviance or exhibition hasn't increased at all with a number of scenes that clearly should have forced it up at least a point or 2 beyond the 25. Exhibition is stuck at 2. The only thing that is increased is fitness.
Another issues is with the way the game is advertised verses the way it plays. The game advertises it is mostly her choice but in stead you have a far more rapey game than it being her choice. Bar - Rape, camp trip, Paul/Conner - rape.
That's were I chose to stop the game isn't what it was advertised to be and I won't be playing it further. The problem is you really aren't left any way to move forward with her corruption unless you take those routs.
This also cause a great number of plot holes because clearly she has more alternatives than just letting it happen or not. So while the dialog wasn't the worst I've read it falls apart with the story making any sense be the authors rape fetish.
There are also issues with lack of build up in what is supposed to be a corruption game. Given the first trip she basically could be considered a full on slut from the start if you take all the options.
You will also spend a lot of time swapping out fits going different place to find and trigger events. The hints are pretty shit. Basically you end up doing 3 or 4 laps around town each day one for each out fit. Some event indicators don't show up unless you are in the correct out fit. It's nice when before hand you are told you need to be in the blouse or whatever. But it would be far simpler if it was progression based. Or the event indicators were there 100% of the time and it told you to change outfits and to which one.
I'm being nice not listing everything.
My real rating for this game is a 1 for the image quality. Everything else got washed away by the direction the story went. The only way this story could be fixed is if the rapiness is removed to fix the plot-holes it is going to leave.
10/30/2023 Update
While some issues have gotten fixed. The over all story line in my opinion has taken a turn for the worse. It seems less like player choice is the direction of who she ends up with and more like the author took more direction from some stupid vote or another.
As of this point I'll be reducing it by one star from 3 to 2.
I have serious doubt this can be turned around.
It would take a massive amount of work to provide true alternatives to the current change in story line to create equal paths. The alternative would require effectively scrapping a lot of recently added content I seriously doubt that will happen.
I'll keep an ear out and occasionally look in but for now I've lost interest in playing it.