List the porn genres/themes that are unique to their respective countries


Active Member
Apr 30, 2018
For example,
japan - train/bus groping
USA - Bimbo.

EDIT: Don't include anything from Japan as their stuff is usually too well known.
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Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
I doubt anything remains truly unique nowadays but in terms of commercial porn productions Germany has a reputation for watersports and scat, Brazil has quite a lot of hard lesdom including fisting, sweat/feet/armpits, vomit and also some bestiality, Russia has a lot of drunk/drinking/drunk in public and generally "reckless" stuff and Japan of course has A LOT of things we as Westerners consider very weird: tentacles, loli (including sexualisation in non-porn anime), a very active H-Doujin culture, hentai in general and MANY forms of public or hidden-in-public humiliation and shaming including the groping mentioned by OP but also hidden vibrator "torture", enemas, hypnosis/mind control, time stop all with a focus on the woman/girl's fear of being seen by strangers. Thailand had a reputation for IRL "ladyboys" and sex tourism but I haven't seen that featured in porn tbh.

No idea where the "official" strongholds of hard BDSM, furries and online futa/trap culture are geographically. I guess Western Europe has some of the more traditional black leather BDSM but there are plenty of other variations like the Japanese shibari.


Active Member
Apr 30, 2018
I doubt anything remains truly unique nowadays but in terms of commercial porn productions Germany has a reputation for watersports and scat, Brazil has quite a lot of hard lesdom including fisting, sweat/feet/armpits, vomit and also some bestiality, Russia has a lot of drunk/drinking/drunk in public and generally "reckless" stuff and Japan of course has A LOT of things we as Westerners consider very weird: tentacles, loli (including sexualisation in non-porn anime), a very active H-Doujin culture, hentai in general and MANY forms of public or hidden-in-public humiliation and shaming including the groping mentioned by OP but also hidden vibrator "torture", enemas, hypnosis/mind control, time stop all with a focus on the woman/girl's fear of being seen by strangers. Thailand had a reputation for IRL "ladyboys" and sex tourism but I haven't seen that featured in porn tbh.
This is the first time I'm hearing about those things, I guess I'm quite vanilla. I just can't imagine how sweat and armpits can be sexualized. A sweaty/oily body is one thing but sweat in and of itself, no idea. Same with vomit, but whatever floats one's boat.
I've also never heard of drunk porn, albeit I'm sure that was a thing but I didn't know that was a genre.

To add a few more to your list that I think are american, there is balloon porn and food porn. I don't know the correct name but it's where someone is completely covered in food by having it thrown at them. On that note, there is also obese porn which is probably American too where the person either goes at it or simply eats.

I'm going to edit the OP to exclude Japan. It has quite a lot and I think most are familiar with it.