RPGM - Completed - Little Braver [Final] [Anmitsuya]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Really fun and enjoyable game. Not perfect, but A- or B+ in my p.o.v. Really nice artworks and some (not all) interesting game mechanics. Actually one of the game I replayed and planto do at least another time.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Nothing groundbreaking, plot is linear and the gameplay is pretty simple. These points are not a problem to me because the game is thoughtful with your actions and the amount of free choice (not a lot of handholding) and there isn't any bad design at a glance. The game is not grindy in general and the story, despite being simple, is not so bad you would rather skip it like in a lot of these type of games.
    The endings are solid but they could have some more context about the rest of the world.
    The only bad thing I have to say is that I would have liked more named NPC interaction and, as usual with RPGM, getting some battle cut-ins can be a bit grindy.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolute masterpiece. yes it doesn't have fancy graphics but the gameplay, story, and all the other amazing feature are top tier. Probably the first RPG Maker game I ever played so it has a special place in my heart.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6471677

    After having a fap and coming (heh) back to this game four years later i realized it's actually really well done, panty scene right off the bat, good pacing before you become a total cum dump and loli, who doesn't like loli? Why draw normal woman when you can make small girls and put them in bad situation, that's some real fantasy play. Sadly the other games by this company aren't as good. So great pacing, artwork, censorship is tolerable, and lots of scenes. Also you can break the game buy selling things to this one vendor who buys everything at x5 the normal buy price. Man i love this game.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Overall: I'd give it a 3.5 if I could. It does some things I quite like and other things can be excused by it having been released in 2017, though the parts I disliked are common in this type of game anyway. I played on Hard.

    - The dress-up options are nice. There are a few outfits, panties, and hats/hairpins which you can mix-and-match almost freely (you can't go out without a dress or panties). You can wear what is cutest or try to optimize your stats, and Fran's opening lines during battle can even change based on the hat she's wearing.
    - Hard mode is a decent challenge. I always like it when NPCs go "adventuring is dangerous" and adventuring is actually dangerous. One caveat is that you often want to be above a specific level to fight the bosses, not because they're extra tough, but instead because they're based around you knowing a certain skill.
    - Unlike most games in this style, town isn't full of molesters and rapists and there's usually a second option where games would often give a forced erotic event. Even the perverts Fran meets tend to be more of the panty-buying variety. I always think it's nice when the world you're trying to save is actually worth saving.

    - The counter-attack skill is broken. Not only does it not trigger as often as it claims (due to the variety of enemy attacks and how they're typed), but you still need to get punched in the face first instead of being able to save some HP by cancelling the attack. It doesn't really matter if you're playing on normal, but on hard it means a buff+counter strategy is far less viable than simply going for maximum aggression.
    - The only way for Fran to lose her virginity is through rape. You can have 100+ Lust but Fran will never want to do it with any of her pals/acquaintances. You can be the top earner at the fashion health shop and anal brothel, but Fran will still say the normal brothel is a bridge too far.
    - Speaking of rape, it's super easy for you to need to reload your save if you're going for a virgin run since certain enemies launch straight into rape attacks. They don't need to tear clothes or grapple or have it locked behind turn 3+; just turn 1 and straight into rape. It's annoying, though you can learn to simply avoid certain enemies since the game uses an encounter-based system and you can just dodge their sprites.
    - While Fran doesn't have any mandatory rape scenes, the same can't said for the NPCs. One of the endings is even "Fran is such a good adventurer that her mom gets raped." Seriously, Anmitsuya?

    - If you're doing a virgin run, forced masturbation with a vegetable will ruin it while anal is okay, which just seems... inconsistent. Ghost penis and slimes also don't count, so it really feels like you should be able to use the vibrator and have it also not count.
    - Some skills are anemic, and unlike most rpgm games you can't stack or cancel in-battle buffs. For example: you can't use Atk Down to cancel out the opponent's Atk Up skill, nor can you use Atk Down twice to strengthen and refresh the effect. One layer of attack down is still helpful, but again, this causes the player to lean more towards a fully offensive play-style instead of trying to take things tactically.
    - Another aspect which promotes a fully-offensive play-style is the clothing damage system. Fran's clothes get damaged super easy and you take significantly more damage when naked, so most bosses (on hard, at least) are mainly a dps check.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm rating this 2/5 due to these following reasons:

    The "battle-fuck" makes it more of a chore the longer you play.

    Dialogues whether it is an npc or monster are hyper focused on loli to the point it's becoming weird. I don't mind this type of content, hell, I even enjoyed other games that has loli content but the way they point it out makes it rather disturbing.

    Also, the shadow on her face make it looks like she is always depressed or threatened. Other characters are fine but I'm not sure why she looks like that. Sadly, no matter how many times I try to play this, her expressions makes it hard for me to enjoy.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    one of the worst battlefuck games I've ever played. lots of problems with it. some mid fight groping is really basic. but sometimes for example you get "mind controlled" to masturbate or to pee, or to show your ass etc.. first of all, from all these somehow you get an orgasm (yes showing your ass or peeing) but the problem with it is that while you masturbate, the enemy is doing nothing. you just have a cutscene picture of you masturbating, then you finish, and the fight continues as if nothing happened. it breaks immersion.

    H-scenes are extremely boring. and bad. the art is not bad. but it's loli focused.

    if you like loli non-cons, maybe you would like it, but again, it's still pictures, some changes with penetration or more arousal or more semen.

    and lots of monsters.

    all gigaboring. i was about to sleep during this. multiple times. there are maybe 1-2 scenes which could give me a boner where on the rare occasion you encounter people. but even those scenes are really basic.

    like the beginning the corruption is extremely slow. you get your armpit licked and dumb stuff like that, but then you get to a more "barbarian" country, where nearly nothing happens either... while you sleep in an inn, a perverted chick masturbates next to you multiple times instead of groping you. it's just so fking boring. even those scenes are not sexy. later the game it might become more hardcore, especially when you farm lust after losing a lot of times. but that's just garbage game design.

    There are many more decent battlefuck games. play those instead.

    if you are interested in this game, get a gallery unlocker or a complete save file and just watch the garbage scenes without grinding 10s of hours into this low effort game.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing info: How I rate/review and other info is HERE . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.
    Review layout: Lazy/minimal format (others)
    Review type: Game
    Review format: Lewds
    ✅ Plenty of scenes
    ✅ Cute FMC
    ✅ Story pseudo interesting
    ✅ Some fetish variety
    ✅ Gallery room
    ✅ Some unique features for incombat lewds
    ❌ CGi variety nonexistant
    ❌ Pretty meh art
    ❌ Scenes are fairly dull
    Long story short, not going to add too much extra comments. But basically, it’s an RPGm hentai game that has fairly decent storytelling and not too obnoxious gameplay. World travel is list oriented, not too much annoying forced combat, scene hunting is fair enough. Game also does rely on lewd stats in more unique manner. For example, in combat creatures can’t do certain things if you have no experience with specific activities or have no certain items. Which is cool, i love it. But issue with game is that scenes feel very dead and stationary, not much is happening as far as CGi variation goes. I honestly were bored with most scenes even though they could been quite good. In a nutshell hentai game with plenty good ideas, but for hentai element it ends up rather weak. For a game as whole, it was fun enough to go through story and hunt few scenes, but simply not interesting enough for me.
    Total Score: 6/10
    Game status:
    ✅ Finished
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This game really surprised me, the story wasn't bad, the game rewards you for exploring the landscape, there are multiple events and side quests that can be found this way, the game also has a great quests menu that helps when you missed something or forgot something, it's a life quality feature that i miss in those old rpg games, quests generally culminates in a boss battle, battle which the defeat scene is aways a h-scene and they are generally good, with a rather big variety of fetishes, there is a satisfiable ammount of combat h-scenes and a big ammount of event/location h-scenes, the game even has multiple endings depending on how you played the game, and finally, a very good feature was the gallery, that not only can show you tips on how to unlock scenes, but after you beat the game once and start a new game, you can unlock all scenes (optional) in the in game gallery which is great , the only complaints i have is that, after any h-scene or combat scene where the character strips, or even in some cutscenes, your clothes, headgear and panties are set to the default ones, and this game have a good ammount of these equipments by the way, you can equip: headgear, clothes, panties, and 2 accessories, which make rather anoying have to re-equip every time, but besides this, i didn't find any problems with the game
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    :love: Turnbased combat RPG Game, with town exploring, mid battlefuck, H-events.
    It has the corruption system, including the H-counter, virgin status, corruption level. ;)
    And of course you will lose some of the scenes. If you chose to keep the Main Protagonist virginity. For me, she is a cute little loli (I guess?) so i raised her as a virgin. ;)
    There's a clothing system in the game, that's cute. :whistle:
    The gameplay is balanced. which is nice. (y)
    The story is good, with multiple endings. :)
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 37956

    This is one of the most well fleshed out h game I've played. Many amazing minor details. Lots of contents, although somewhat repetitive. Quite challenging on hard mode, money is difficult to come by, so there's real incentives to whore yourself out (although you can't do it until you build up your lust level first). Scenes are hot. Strongly recommend.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very easy on normal difficulty even without grinding.
    Many clothing options and pretty straightforward quests/directions.
    Standard turn based, repetitive but pretty quick game play.
    Good amount of CG and content in general.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a very comfy game, 12+ hours of content on hard, great difficulty curve (on hard), story is bland, mediocre artwork, endings are pretty much the same and selectable. This game is definitely worth playing even though it doesn't excel in any areas.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    The Loli Lover

    Not much to say, I may give a review someday, but the game generally delivered on everything it coulda promised lol. Heck even the grinding was easy, I watched youtube and just ran up and down for 1 hour farming and easily had 5-10k gold and was level 20.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Just getting this out of the way, the combat system is nice thanks to the strip mechanics, defeat CGs, and lack of any real penalty for losing but that's pretty much all this game has going for it. Writing/Design wise it's not that good there are a lot of things that just give off the feeling of "why?", such as the decision to not just have the MC start out at the capital instead of the rather forced developments that transpire at the start, not having her already known as her grandfather's apprentice by her grandfather's longtime friend/admirer, not allowing the player to freely act sexually until after being raped at least once regardless of how perverted or horny the MC is, the plot, and the 3 main character's awful personalities/mary-sue statuses (MC is super obnoxious and arrogant, Female Knight is an obnoxious perverted lesbian man hater, and the Princess is the only characters that's legitimately just a full on creepy pervert in a disturbing way(due to how she conducts herself not due to what she likes))

    In terms of content amount it's pretty empty, to the point where you can feel it due to how far out of your way you need to go in order to find and unlock the rest of the game's content after completing the tutorial missions. There are 5 quick C-Rank missions which are essentially just tutorials, 5 long B-Rank missions which are essentially just busy work to pad the runtime, and 2 short A-Rank missions that serve as the story, and a couple of side missions/tasks for the sake of world building, some of them you have to go really out of your way to find and complete in order to unlock the guild missions/progress, others just give trivial rewards. One of the A-Rank missions is the resolution to the main plot line and the other is a post game battle only there to further boost our obnoxious mary sue protagonist's status/ego further for the sake of all but one of the endings, the exception being the full on pervert ending where she befriends the orcs and role-plays being a captive once a month, the battle is way harder than everything else so far and takes a long journey with strong enemies some of which can use curse(makes it so you have to leave, go the church, and then start all over again cause you're effectively unable to beat anything)

    In terms of how fun/good the game is, the story is incoherent/inconsistent, the quests aren't particularly entertaining, the background characters and most enemies including the true final boss from the post game are nice decently fleshed out cardboard cut outs that make the game feel like it's worth playing, but the main characters; MC, Female Knight, Princess, King, Queen, Knight Commander, and Crazy Alchemist/Sorcerer all lack substance, their personalities boil down to sadistic arrogant female marysues that only act nice when trying to deflect criticism or to garner sympathy/admiration and pathetic male losers who should just disappear.

    Final verdict 2/5, it's fun for what feels like 10 minutes; during the period after she officially starts working but before she gets a promotion maybe a bit longer than that, but not really worth pretty much anyone's time after that, after that point your pretty much already done with the game what's left is just a wild goose chase to figure out how to continue and a couple of boring overly drawn out missions that only serve to ruin the game by unnecessarily padding the run time and due to how crappy the main story is.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is another vh child, very similar to Melty's quest (but not that great to be honest). And that is wonderful.
    Some new lands to explore with another girl - a what a cute little one it is ! -, of course it's a yes !

    I've completed few endings, and yes this game is definetely worth the try. Great art, a few outfits and a lot of places. I'd buy it. Thanks for the translation <3

    Note: if you like virgins girls and defloration, well there are a lot of ways to make her lose her flower, and there is a special scene for each ! That is something that we don't see often, so yup... cool ^-^
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I maybe too soft in my rating but THAT what i love the most in some rpg games like that, and it's not so easy to found some of this, beginning with some girl who didn't know how the world she walk in work, and step by step, becoming corrupted/open minded, and we can feel the creator who make this invest lot of this time and effort in that, for the graphic, what i said before excuse the simplistic design (and i'm aware i'm not a great judge for this,people have they own art design) and you become attached to the characteryou have.. i know i'm over the rainbooow, but when u see all those shitty 3D game it's a real fresh air , we definitely need more of these and japan got a lot!
    So thanks for the traductor and i hope more of them will focused on those games and not just linear ones... i can understand it's more easy but c'mon do you love H-games or what? :p anyway it's not noticed who is the translator but damn good work buddy :)
    (sorry for my english i'm a frenchy guy ^^')