Unity - Completed - Little Life [v1.0] [E-made+]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was fun.
    You care for a mini-girl and if you mess up she dies.
    I enjoy the premise. The graphics are simple but in my opinion, worked well.
    The story was good.
    This game is a gem, I really enjoyed it even with the huge flaw of not having anal.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Little Life is a sort of an awkward middle child kind of game, I'm not quite sure how to explain it. The idea, art style and potential is absolutely there, but the execution is a bit flawed. For those with a more soft heart, just like Postal 2, while the game is clearly more tailored towards snuff/guro fans, the tools given to you are all optional or even full-on Game Over penalties and never a forced mechanic. But what is available is very limited. For torture fans, while I do not like this genre myself, I feel as though this is also limited and quite cumbersome to know any sort of variety are mostly Game Over scenarios. As for the game itself, it's a bit bland if you're trying to actually progress as intended with deviations from said path feeling a bit underwhelming (ie. the "Hate" mechanic for a different Ending). Plus the camera/mouse control can be a bit wonky to mess with.

    Perhaps if this game had a sequel or a Version 2.0 that built off of what worked and what didn't, then we can have a 18+ tamagotchi game that fulfills that lost potential.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This isn't bad and I generally enjoyed it. It's very lopsided on responses though. Either you are a perfect gentlemen and get the good ending or you mess up something and it's all over.

    The final "battle" is basically hopeless. I found circling the girl with the flashlight continuously worked, but any attempt to target individual enemies will fail. Considering how reasonably easy the rest of the game is, that huge difficulty spike was unwarranted. It's a gimmick fight at best. Figure out the gimmick = win, else lose.

    With that said, the "good ending" is pretty fun and has descent pr0n goodness. I think it's worth a play through and is generally fun enough to suck up an evening or two. This won't be something you play for months on end, but grab a beer and enjoy a friday night.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is mostly a multiple choice short story turned into a set of animations.

    You can choose to treat her like a tamagotchi where you basically just bathe and feed her, or like a fleshlight with torture options.

    Besides the fleshlight mode, all sex scenes feature animals, which aren't my thing, but I guess they're the only thing that make sense giver her size.

    The game is pretty repetitive, but short enough to make up for it. It features plenty of animations and the art is good.

    The translation is terrible, so make sure to save every day because it's possible to get game overs due to selecting an improperly translated option.

    I'm giving it extra stars because of the animated art and the unique concept.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    One the one hand, you have a cute little game where you care for a very small woman (taking care of her needs, protecting her from critters, and having chats) for three weeks until her ride home shows up. On the other hand, you have a sadism simulator where you punch a very small woman and use her as onahole until she gets raped by a mouse and you get a game over. I feel like no one will be fully satisfied by this title. The protector crowd doesn't really get any lewd options: not even the options one could reasonably expect such as teasing, cunnilingus, grinding on penis, or having her use a pen to masturbate with. The sadism crowd... probably want sex scenes to not end the run? I don't know really know what they want.

    Edit: The above was written back when we only had an mtl. Now that there's a real translation... it still largely holds true. Little and your interactions with her are still cute, and what she says changes based on how mean you've been to her.

    Overall, I'd give the game a 3.5, rounded down since you can't lewd and protect. Still, if you're only looking to protect there are worse ways to spend 45 minutes.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I absolutely LOVED the game and the only real complain that i have is the MLT, but it doesn't really bother and you can understand what's going on just fine.

    The game could have a bit more interactions with the girl either h or non-h, but the ones that you have are pretty good. I liked it.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Apart from it not being my thing and me finding it mostly grose I feel that the H content is lacking in quality as well as quantity. I didn't find the gameplay very entertaining either. If you're into cardboard cutouts dying in clumsy animations this'll be right up your alley.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Unity introduces a level of creative freedom that's unconstrained from the traditional RPGM/VN formula. On the other hand, because there's so much freedom, it takes herculean effort for every little thing.

    This game has its moments but at the end of the day is quite small and thus can never be above average. Estimated playtime of 1-2 hours.

    Story 2/10

    What's to be said? Tiny girl comes to visit Earth and... something? MTL is very hard to understand. Even then, I can infer that there's no reason story.

    Gameplay 5/10

    At its core, this is a 3D version of those old school flash torture games (you know what I'm talking about).

    Did it execute? Somewhat. The girl is cute. You can pet her. Give her a shower. Clean some dust. Use her as a pin cushion. But it's pretty bare bones. There's no real progression. You get more tools as time goes by due to time going by.

    Showing her takes time. Unskippable time. You just gotta hold the shower nozzle over her for like 20 seconds. Again and again and again.

    I said this in the intro, but each interaction takes a lot of effort to add. So... there's not a lot to do. It's a short game.

    Guro 4/10

    This game is obviously made for guro fans. You get to kill her in like 10 ways and 3-4 of those ways are animated. But again, short on content, so although it's novel, the guro is not that great.

    Overall 4/10

    This game has potential, but it's too short. Either have a real story or don't add some half-assed backstory and make it a pure sandbox.

    Lastly, unskippable time events really affects game quality. Have an option to quickly do eat/shower/pee events. I don't want to wait 20-30 seconds each time for no new animation. Yes, the first time is cute. The 10th time is a drag.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Literally shit and absolute nothingness is not worth your time spent playing it, the only hentai scenes that you then watch are when you do nothing against enemies who are only 5, at least that you are not a sick sadist who enjoys making you suffer or kill the girl and it all ends with a minigame where you have to defend her while running away from pissed off rats and the only thing you can do is to point a little light at their eyes to stop them temporarily, light that does not accurately follow the arrow makes it all more frustrating and then not even having the satisfaction of succeeding because in the end you do not gain anything that repays you for the time lost playing this crap
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 718458

    Great game! The sprite of the girl is nice and animated very well. Game has a lot of endings, player can be a good person, or a bad one. The best option is to save daily and try different options. Playing the game for a few times is also a good idea, to discover all the possibilities.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly wanted to give this a 3/5 for average, but 3 things make it deserving of +1.

    it's a very rare uniquer thing,
    its handled reasonably more realistic then many (how she can die and so on),
    and while the happy+love ending (especially love end) are Bare bones to point they almost feel tacked on instead of the achievment nice bonus they should have been (least true love) it is appreciated and nice to have when it could have just been sex and smut.

    The aimations+looks etc... are quite fine nothing great nothing at all bad 1st time showering was even slightly amazed by.

    2 Tips:
    You don't require to eat/shower/toilet every day so if something to repetitive skip a day here or there (not in a row preferably).

    save before ending the day at least when she mention seeing something in case you lose the mini game.