Ren'Py - Abandoned - Live with MILF [v0.5c] [Red Heart Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    How Long To Beat: 1-3 hours

    The game is abandoned and it ends abruptly.

    There are 5 love interests in the game: the landlord/mom/step-mom, a roommate/sister/step-sister, a teacher, and a pair of twin who run a tech shop.

    Only the main love interest, the landlord/mom/step-mom, has any real content. She has multiple scenes and they are all pretty good. If you like her character model, you'll be happy enough with the content.

    The rest of the characters don't have much going on.

    The progression is linear. The relationships are rushed, but the experience is stream-lined, especially in Story Mode where the sandbox elements have been removed.

    The character models are all attractive. The costuming is nice. The faces, body types and personalities are all distinct. The animations are solid, but the physics and posing feels a bit stiff. Overall, the presentation of the sex is enjoyable and sexy.

    The writing is adequate. The story is insubstantial and sticks to the premise, but the dialogue and narration are direct. It avoids the superfluous writing style of many VN's, so it doesn't feel padded.

    It's worth a play. It lacks a lot of flaws that permeate the genre. It's a short game but at the cost of closure. The attractive characters, especially the sister and the set-up with the twins, are wasted potential.
    Likes: mxlek
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Love the fact that you can choose whether to play with the sandbox or not, but hate the fact that it is yet another "every single woman in the world is hungry for your cock the second you meet them" game.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is an autism simulator.

    Our titular character Thomas seems to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome and sleeps more than a cat. His mother, Gwenyth plays the role of Kathy Bates from Misery. She wastes no time trying to rape her son, 'whether he wants it or not.' The sister is not much better, she is a loser who hasn't had a boyfriend in 6 whole months so she wants some autistic brother action baby! Lastly you have the twin Ruby Rose characters, one is horny one is less horny and the desperate teacher who was nice to the mc and let him study in her classroom.

    Aside from those very brief character bios, that is it, there is no story.

    If you like bad lighting, sentences that sometimes make sense and sleeping to get to the next scene, this might be the game for you!

    In all fairness, models do look good, but with the brightness cranked up to 11 it makes the images kinda flat. It might help also if the characters weren't so ghastly white. Animations are smooth, but there is not really much to them and after seeing the same blowjob 5x I was just clicking continue to move on in hopes things got better, they didn't.

    I don't know what to say, maybe if there was a story, or if the sex scenes were compelling, or sexy at all this could be something special. The dev has talent, it's just not being utilized at all.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The milf is sexy as hell and I think that all you need in these kind of games. Looking at that title, I come here and receive what I expect and that is all I need. I don't really care about story so it not really matter. Good game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    - The titular MILF is incredibly sexy. Top tier as far as these games fo IMO.
    - The option to avoid sandbox and just stick to story mode if you prefer is appreciated.
    - The game doesn't waste time getting to the good stuff. In a lesser game, the MC would spend weeks not making a move before actually making progress. The dev of this game wisely avoided this trope. The premise of the game is that you live with a MILF who's fighting with her husband/partner and she wants you. The MC obviously isn't going to turn her down because she's the hottest woman on the planet.

    - The UI in some of the scenes with animations can be intrusive and distract from the important stuff
    - As much as I love the main milf, some more content with the other girls would be appreciated.
    -The writing in sex scenes could use work. The way it's written can give the impression that the characters aren't enjoying themselves that much
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for Live with MILF v0.5a:

    Summary: This game is worth trying, but don't be fooled by the sandbox tag. The "sandbox mode" is just a kinetic novel with extra clicking.

    Story: 2/5 - There's hardly any story in this game, it's a barebones vanilla incest story. A porn game doesn't need a great story, it just needs a story that's good enough to carry the erotic nature of the game. Still, in this story, every female character in the game seems to get horny when she sees the MC, and that gets old really fast.

    Writing: 1/5 - The translation is terrible, but the writing would be terrible in any language. Even the game's title is awkward and I would assume it's supposed to be "Living With a MILF" or something like that. The English dialogue and narration are so bad that it ruins all erotic elements of the game.

    Renders/Models: 4/5 - Renders are generally well-done. The models are pretty. My only complaint is that the twins fantasy was shattered when I saw the twins look like bull dyke lesbians.

    Animations: 4.5/5 - Animations are good and some of them have speed control and camera angle control, which is really cool.

    Content/Lewd Scenes: 3/5 - The lewd scenes are done well. They would be much better if the writing didn't totally distract from them. The amount of content seems a little weak for a game where the first release was 21 months ago.

    Gameplay: 1/5 - This game has a kinetic novel mode and a sandbox mode. The kinetic novel mode is what you would expect, but the sandbox mode is another perfect example of a useless sandbox. In sandbox mode, the game is still 100% linear, so the sandbox is superfluous. The puzzles aren't really puzzles, they are just there to waste time. How much development time could've been spent adding real content instead of creating and debugging the navigation, phone, quest log, puzzles, etc. that add no value to the game?
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game so far, I can see the progress in developer skills from update to update. Keep going, and let your fantasy fly as high as possible.
    Great renders, great characters, I hope you will progress the main character to more alpha style so he could fuck the girls more aggressively. Bro I hope the story will lead us to threesome with both main girls at least) As I said let your fantasy fly
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Quality is an A+ .
    Story is simple but hits straight the point.
    Not so many fetishstuff unti now
    The Content is fast and comes even faster.
    Pretty nice u can even decide for Sandbox or Storymode urself without any Mods or something.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    The dialogue is very very very badly translated, and people talk in these awkward half sentences. It's a shame because this game's got great art.

    My construcritive criticism is to find someone who's fluent in english to help you re-write the dialogue, because this is just really really bad!

    Seriously, why does this have 3 and half stars? It's a visual NOVEL, dialogue is important.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Update my review v0.4b (first version with the Story Mode) (My old is in the spoiler)

    I appreciate it very much that there is now a Story Mode beside the Sandbox. You can choose the Story mode when you start a new game or, if you like to click a lot - start the Sandbox mode :)

    My review now is just about the Story Mode.
    It is a very good start with this in my opinion but it is just a kinetic novel now. You got no choices but the phone and the messages. I hope that there will be more features in the phone like Gallery - maybe a Video call?

    I love the renders and ALL the woman in game. My taste is more the sister but the mom is a real cougar and very hot.
    Its one of a few games i know where the cock is a "normal" size and don´t go all the way to the tits :)

    But here are the critics:
    The story is somewhat confusing and the dirty talk is not that good.
    I don´t want to go into to much detail here but there is room for improvement :)
    The relations still needs some work to get the right vibe. But it is very much better then before!

    You can experience soon that the dev is not a native english speaker because some sentence are grammatical not correct.

    But overall the dev did great with the Story Mode and hope he gains experience to get this to a great novel to enjoy :)

    Thank you dev for your decision to implement the Story Mode! I wish you good luck and all the best for the future! I can´t wait that the story proceeds :)

    If the dev wants some details, just ask.

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  11. 2.00 star(s)

    Before I Forget

    Another beautiful game ruined by the story and gameplay.


    The main character reminds me of the Cody character from AFH, just way too shy and timid for my liking. The relationship between the Mom/Landlady was too rushed for my liking but I'm sure people who don't care for story or character building didn't give a crap, as long as there's a sex scene, right? The Mom/Landlady just wasn't a good character, it's hard to get turned on by a chick who's a bitch just because she's hot. It's one thing if the Dad was a horses arse and deserved to be fucked over and it's another when the Mom just wants you to be her conquest. Probably what turned me off with this game the most is the fact that the whole relationship leading up to the sex scene was one-sided. It was the Mom that initiated the whole thing, while the main character was the one that's conflicted. Of course, that didn't last long after he get his dick wet. I also want to point out that while he's being Mr. Morality towards the Mom he didn't seem to mind the idea of him and his Sister/roommate hooking up. It was a mess.


    Click, Click, Boom!!!

    Great, it's really one of the best qualities of the game.

    It's the OTHER best quality of the game.


    It probably should be played without the Incest patch, because it was brutal. "Sister" this and "Sister" that. The Mom called the "Sister"... "Sister" a couple of times and her husband "Dad". But it was more issues present, I just highlighted these instances.

    Overall, great looking game. But the Dev could use some help in the other aspects. The Sandbox was tiresome, maybe add instant home/room button or even a sub menu so the players can get to where they need to go much faster versus Click, Click, Boom!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with very hot girls! Sandbox is very light with no bullshit grind and useless stats (similar to Echoes of Lust). I hope it will have more content than this right now, but it's very nice so far.
  13. 2.00 star(s)



    not great.
    mini games that are just dull. carrying boxes was bad enough but the actual use of typing in a bunch of numbers and letters into pc's is not only a sure sign of a lack of imagination but a little anal retentive. since when is being a tech support entertaining? sure we can skip, which i did, but it's hardly good game content.

    the renders are great and probably the projects only redeeming quality, as the writing is just machine translate. with a plot trying far too hard to capture support beyond sense (all the females want to seduce you in no time and for no real reason ), this gives me more a sense of unplanned impatience for drawing money than a well thought out project worthy of support.

    it's just not entertaining
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing render, story is good enough. hot girls especially the milf. i love the milf is changing her hairstyle midway story, not a lot of game is like that. the setting is great too. only the navigation is kinda confuse me sometime, but it doesnt make me stuck so no problem.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I like this game...a lot! It seams very polished and professionally made. The art is very nice the animations are are very smooth and it's rather big for a 0.4 version. The only reason I'm only giving it 4 stars instead of 5 is cause the story seams really rushed and, silly. Other than that, loving it!
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Interior designs of the places look detailed and well-made.
    + Sex scenes have a lot of different angles with properly made animations.

    Bad Points & Suggestions
    - The game is not originally written in English, DEV uses translation, and the help of someone for fixing dialogues, but sadly it's not enough, most of the dialogues and scenes still feel like Engrish, distant and weird.
    - We have barely any real story and development, everything happens soo fast almost makes no sense.
    - Walkthrough or better tips feature could be great, especially for the sandbox mode, currently, it's not working as intended and can make you search for even basic locations like searching cabinet for minutes or a cafe. And this bad point is actually tied to traveling around as well.
    - There is no time skip button, so every time you need to skip time you need to go to your room with travel buttons and take a nap in your room...
    - Clicking the hints part over and over again is annoying, there should be an option to make it visible always, especially if you are going to use the ''skip this action'' feature you literally need to click that option over and over again and that makes things soo annoying.
    - Especially in sandbox mode, everything feels too slow, detailed, and painfully realistic. I mean we are even waiting for the laptop to get set up or restore! And you can't even skip with the skip feature... WHY?!
    - On paper characters and sex scenes looks hot, but they lack immersiveness and emotions, they feel quite robotic.

    For The End
    The game feels like have some potential, but when it comes to executing that potential, better English and less robotic characters and sex scenes should be the number one priority, and that might change this game's quality to a pretty good level.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    A chat simulator with pale characters and medicore story, you have to wait for npcs to reply to text wth dots and everything. It's sooo slow. The writing is not very good either which makes you want to delete the game.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    This game sits very weirdly with me.

    It's a very well made game with lots of different interactive elements that sees you moving boxes to reconfiguring computer BIOS'. It's very considerate towards players who don't want to go through these chores by allowing a skip button. Even the sex scenes offer players control with options for different camera angles and speeds. The characters - in my opinion - are hot as hell. Even though the 'MILF' doesn't really look like an older woman, she is still incredibly attractive along with the rest of the supporting cast. Even the environments and different locations that you can visit are well made, allowing players to take notice of the little details. It's very polished and it's evident that the developer put a lot of time and effort into creating this game.

    The game still has quite a few shortcomings. One of the first thing that english speaking players will notice is that the english is EXTREMELY broken, despite it being the only language available. The plot does not do it any favors with the pacing being very awkward and overall content very shallow. For a sandbox game, aside from being able to move around the environment, and different areas on the map, there are no intertwining stories and everything seems to move at a linear motion with no user freedom on what order to pursue each love interest.

    I feel like this game first and foremost needs a proofreader and a change in narrative, everything else is already set in place. I understand that it's very early in its development but that also means that there is lots of room for improvement. Good luck dev.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, well...

    Another mom/son game.
    Ok, first things first.

    The game is overall good. Polished and advances pretty quick.
    So you will have you fap moment with that release.
    Though, i am not a huge fan of sandboxing, its ok and you even get a hint. So not much guessing.
    Problem arise though, as the translation is not as good.
    Like in the office when mom sits in her "cabinet".

    This game lets the mom take the initiative instead of the son. So that is somewhat new to me.

    Mom looks stunning and i kind of wished on a personal level, she would wear high heel sleep on instead of sandals or pumps.
    The animations are great, at least to me and the overall vibe feels good.
    The tasks are not too complicated. So you can progress quickly with the story.

    So far i am giving it 4 stars.
    The only gripe i have is, why we need to see the dude? I usually find it more immersive not see the male at all. But that is for me. It may be ok for you.

    I can not find many issues to complain about. Except for the translation. But these are things that can be fixed over time.

    So i am curious were the story will venture and what hot 'dates' the son has with his mom.
    I could imagine some scenarios.

    So far, the game is a go.
    If you like mom sex, this is a game for you.
    Son's dick is not too large, though it is on the larger side.
    Son seems pretty mature for his age as he questions things a lot. He seems more mature than mom in some respect.

    These are my thoughts, other have different opinions.
    Anyway, i like it. So far.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    SIMPLE STORY. mc looks young and naive. but honestly, who cares about him so much if renders are good^_^
    mommy is nice,I love brunets =D sisteris hot too, but there is no content with her.
    Check 0.3 update as you can see a good sex scene!