1.80 star(s) 21 Votes


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
The loli got lewded, I'm calling the cops.

Will there be any hedge trimming, asking for a friend.

Is this game gonna be a bit like that teaching feeling game? will there be headpats?
  • Haha
Reactions: BOBJevent
Aug 26, 2022
For those wanting/not wanting pubes on her.. why not just build in a system where having her hairy/bald/trimmed is some sort of preference thing you get to control if you work with her enough.. She could sell it at first as it's too much work to shave and for what reason? Then, over actions, you get her to shave for you (or trim to different designs) if that's your preference.. or you could even tell her to stop shaving and grow it back out. Then everyone's happy.


Nov 23, 2020
I first want to get the gameplay loop to perfection before adding new character options :) I setup the code in such a way that characters can be switched out relatively easily in the future.
What about body type? Was that a placeholder until you set up the code?
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Reactions: Xakorik


Apr 6, 2020
I've cheated a bit, I'm up to 330 trust and 72 affection, I have enough money for all the weekend activities, but no use, not a single sexual action so far. Way too much effort with no reward, I give up.
Install „Ren`py transparent text box” mod and use quick save and quick load instead of the rollback function.


Nov 23, 2020
Also, since this is mostly a grind game it would be nice if there are some tease renders like her panties from rear view along with a shot of her bare soles. But I've only started playing I haven't seen everything yet. Also, does she have friends from school that can come over for a slumber party? lol And also again, why is she in college? Why not high school?


Jul 28, 2017
what about that refutes anything...?

their face looks entirely childike, especially in the mirror render. it's super creepy.
but maybe i'm wrong and the character design/animations(?) are just creepy. idk wth is up with the mouth and eyes in the bench render
Have you ever seen a 20 year old Asian woman? COuld you tell they were 20? Honestly no you could not.


Mar 30, 2018
This game has a nice concept but it has major usability issues:
  • Rollback - Disabled
  • Skip - Disabled
  • Quick Save - Disabled
  • Quick Load - Disabled
  • Main Menu - Disabled
  • Instant Text - Disabled
Please don't try and make people play your game how you want them to play, it won't work. Unless you remove the option to save entirely, players can always restart the game and load a save.

Also, all action outcomes appear to be randomized so currently players have zero feedback to know whether they did something good or bad. Considering the rather large amount of choices given to the player, this can only result in frustration. This reminds me of another such game I bumped into recently where the randomization made it literally impossible to get past the prologue.

Please keep in mind that most people play games for enjoyment and entertainment.
1.80 star(s) 21 Votes