Ren'Py - LockDown Dom [v0.8.1.0a] [Down Bad Smut Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Really like the art style in this game. Gives the game its own unique look.

    Appreciate the dev giving a few options on how to play the paths. I'm hoping this will bring more people in and success for the dev for these concessions.

    As for the girls at least on the dom path with ball busting off -

    Linda - Love a thick milf. Hoping on her path we'll warm her icy heart and be the man in her life. :whistle:

    Jessica - Always love tough goth girls. Respect the dev for making Darian required for her path. Keeps the game different from others. Hope this eventually leads to stuffing Jessica if you know what i mean. :sneaky:

    Addison (Female version) - Love petite girls with cute butts. I assume this will lead to her trying to appease you in any way because of her lack of confidence. Maybe this will lead to some scenes trying to improve her confidence in sex scenes by urging her to take the lead in some instances. you know waking you up with a surprise bj and stuff like that. :giggle:

    Ruby - Though she doesn't have content yet. Shes the one i'm looking forward to the most depending on her path. I really like fit/athletic/muscular girls. Her being an amazonian is just icing on the cake. Attitude that i'm seeing is gentle giant. So maybe some rough play because of her size but overall being the shoulder to lean on or someone to confide in in this house full of estrogen. Hoping we'll get a scene where we see her wearing girly clothes like dresses and stuff like that. :love:

    Even though it's short is has the making of being an enjoyable game depending on your preferences. Looking forward to seeing more.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    What there is great so far, really interested in seeing where this goes. Love these sort of games that take progress day by day.

    It's got alot of options to accommodate peoples preferences and it's refreshing having a game lets you choose to be domineering or submissive

    If I had to rank them it would

    1.Linda- I just want to make her smile...
    2.Ruby- could be number one but honestly need to see what the dynamic with her is
    3. Similarly could be number one depending on how the petplay goes but competition is stiff
    4. Jessica- Honestly not the biggest fan of the NTR thing but it seems devs are planning to have it handles a couple ways from winning her from the bf to become polyamourous. Also not a fan of the thick black upper lip
    5. The gender is selectable which is nice, I personally keep them as a bro cause it's nice having a fellow submissive dude in the house but not really interested in them sex wise.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't dislike the drawing, it's a small demo that's fine, I mean it could be better but it can be promising, maybe if they add animations (even if they aren't super fluid) it could improve a lot, we'll have to see if the game advances enough to try it again
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The story so far has no depth, the characters are not interesting, they have no feelings or quite weak personality. The "demo" is too short and doesn't show anything important about the game or gameplay.
    Also the mismatch of real life and drawn images for rooms in the demo is annoying and shows the lack of passion for making a good game. At the moment I don't expect too much to come from this and can just hope for the developer to prove me wrong.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    mista tea

    They say that first impressions are the most important and this really proves that saying right. I don't think it's possible to have a worst first release than this.
    And to get this our of the way now this isn't a demo, it's barely a proof of concept. Everything shown in the five minutes of dialogue that exists so far really should have just made into character cards if the devs wanted to drum up attention. Everything they would've needed to do so is in the developer notes already.
    The reason this feels like such a let down though is the writing. Visual Novels live and die on the strength of their story, and even looking past the little issues like missing punctuation and typos, this feels like someone didn't really stop and review their own work before sticking it in renpy, Introducing seven characters in such rapid succession doesn't give anyone, not even the protag, time to establish themselves leaving them all feeling generic as hell. I get it, having character personalities be defined by the fetish they represent is the standard for porn games but three of the five sexable characters personalities being "unreasonably abusive" makes it so that the only memorable thing about them is their art. This really needed at least one more scene showing just the protag and one other person interacting for more than a few sentances to give them more of a lasting/distinct impression.
    There's literally nothing there in this build so I feel like I'm being overly pestimistic but I really want the devs to feel like they're putting more thought into thought in their future releases.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This isn't really a "game" yet, but for a demo it shows a lot of promise. Really hot girls, writing that doesn't make me want to rip my brain out of my head, it checks all the boxes I'd want a game to check at this stage of development. Here's hoping it keeps up.