Unity - Completed - LOLLIPOP! [Final] [The Boys]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    pretty boring, i duno why people still make candy crush games. mindlessly just click at it, everyone has played enough candy crush on their phones. the artists has great art but thats pretty much it. i got so bored playing it i almost fell asleep, if the dev put more effort into creating a more unique game, the artist's talent wouldnt have gone to waste
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Candy Crush but with tits in place of the little fun the original game has. Dassit :I

    In fact, I don't think there are levels with a move limit, I only played through abit of it before being bored out of it. The art is alright I guess. The "animations" are just your average tweening with generic hentai sound effects on top ... There's a star rating at the end of every level but I haven't managed to get below a 3-star, which doesn't seem to be possible either.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: Final

    Overview: Candy Crush with boobs

    Story: N/A

    Gameplay: It's Candy Crush.

    Art: Hand drawn backgrounds and a gallery. Seems ok.

    Bugs: This is where the game loses all of its stars. The game is prone to freezing up and massively stalling. I can't get through level 36 without the game freezing. It burns all of your CPU when running. It's way way larger than it has any right to be given the amount of content.

    Conclusion: Skip. This is buggy no-effort shovelware. There are much better games on this site.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I dunno... It's an alright game, and I was enjoying it, but a lot of people are reporting freezes. It's just not very playable like this. Even if you like puzzle games, I can't recommend it in this state.