This game pretty good as far as RPGM games go. It's difficult the first few times you attempt at it. Between trying to figure out what stats are good for what and in what order you should get them and learning how to do the combat system, you may have to restart your character a few times.
Combat: The combat system is decent. It's brutal, so taking the time to plan out your attack strategies, where to stealth, or when to run is very important. The NPCs love to dodge, so having a closed corridor or trapping them with the help of companion NPCs is almost vital, and it should be done if possible. Make sure you have a companion NPC whenever possible when doing anything that is not stealth based.
Quests: The quests on average are decent, but they weren't so straight forward all the time. Make sure you take the time to read them, because once you've accepted the quests, you can't review the quest (one of the major flaws I find with this game.)
Translations: The base translations that come with the game are ok. Better than MTL, but you can tell that the person doesn't speak English on a native level. However, the community translations are phenomenal. Very minimal problems, and they push out new translations after every patch and for files that the creator hasn't translated yet. That being said, you do need to make sure you use the search function in the thread to find it as it's not pinned to the OG post.
Design and Visuals: The visuals are good, but I wish there was a little more contrast. The map designs are interesting, and they aren't overly complex. The randomization on each overworld tile is pretty simple, and it keeps the game from being overly monotonous when searching for resources (especially in the rain forests).
Bugs: The 4.6.1 is buggy as hell, and it crashes all the time when interacting with stuff. As a result, make sure to save frequently. There is a download link for 4.6.2 that resolves most of the issues, but like the community translations, it's not on the OG post. A thread search pulls it up pretty quickly.
Overall Game Play: It's grindy. Very grindy. What is an RPG game without grind though? Get used to dying a lot when starting out, and even later on if you mess up. As I mentioned, the Combat system is brutal. Taking the time to plan out your gameplay will prevent you from accidentally putting trait points in areas you do not need. For example, if you are going to be a prostitute/sex demon, you do not need many points into Scoutcraft (I'd still put a few in just for the lighting and speed bonuses and the ability to stealth when needed.)
Being pregnant in this game absolutely sucks. During one of the phases, the constant vomiting will wear out your ears, and it drains both your STA and SAT (stamina and food stats). The next phases include the baby moving in you, which damages your health and STA with increasing frequency. Not to mention birthing, which consumes a ton of STA. Also if you do decide to get pregnant, have tons of food or stamina recovery potions by the fifth phase (baby delivery). Otherwise, exhaustion followed by food deprivation will kill you.
Getting captured in this game early on will inevitably lead to your death, during which you have very small windows in which you are able to open up the menu. If you miss them, you are forced to watch repeated rape and abusive cut scenes, and there is nothing you can do. The second major flaw I find with this game is you can't open the menu during sex, while being raped, or during cut scenes. This means if you get caught in a loop of being raped and being forced into cut scenes, it's faster to restart the game if it's apparent you are going to die. Getting out of jail or mercenary imprisonments are incredibly difficult, and you are likely going to die.
Final ratings:
3/5 Overall Game Play
4/5 Combat
3.5/5 Quests
4/5 Translations
5/5 Visuals/Designs
2/5 Play-ability (4.6.1) 4/5 (4.6.2)
Final rating: 3/5 (4.6.1) and 4/5 (4.6.2)
Final Comments: Honestly, if active quests had notes appear in the note menu, it'd make this game so much better. A few times I've come back and completely forgotten what I was working towards or where I needed to go. Being able to open the menu during sex/rape/cut scenes would also be great.
I quite enjoy the many different routes you can take. It's fun to play the game and to see what things are easier and harder based off the path you've chosen.
I also like that the quests aren't all linear. You can leave one area and do quests elsewhere, and you aren't locked out of areas because of quests.